SD Lu Over the Wall

Lu Over the Wall

Lu Over the Wall

IMDb: 7.0
112 min

The story takes place in a harbor town where a gloomy middle school student named Kai meets a mermaid named Lu.

Country: Japan
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HD Kimi no Na wa

Kimi no Na wa

Kimi no Na wa

IMDb: 8.5
106 min | 112 min (dubbed)

Mitsuha is the daughter of the mayor of a small mountain town. She's a straightforward high school girl who lives with her sister and her grandmother and has no qualms about letting it be known that she's uninterested in Shinto rituals or helping her father's electoral campaign. Instead she dreams of leaving the boring town and trying her luck in Tokyo. Taki is a high school boy in Tokyo who works part-time in an Italian restaurant and aspires to become an architect or an artist. Every night he has a strange dream where he becomes...a high school girl in a small mountain town. Written by Happy_Evil_Dude

Country: Japan
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SD I Hate Tokyo

I Hate Tokyo

I Hate Tokyo

IMDb: 6.9

Based on a manga itself, Tokyo Loser is about Natsumi (Kie Kitano) who moves to Tokyo from the countryside to enter an arts' university and become a recognized manga artist. In Tokyo, Natsumi meets Ryosuke (Sosuke Ikematsu) and they are soon a couple except the relationship is cut short owing to the latter's lack of money. Natsumi has to get a job as she struggles with her slipping dreams. Written by aghaemi

Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy,
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