A sheltered young princess is sent to live with relatives in America, where she befriends a pony held captive by a shady carnival owner.
After a routine drug deal turns bad, Heather is arrested and taken to a mental institution. Inside the asylum, Heather's mind plays tricks on her, and she becomes convinced that a plot is under way to murder her.
A constantly picked-on aquarium fish escapes her yacht home, unaware of the dangers that await her in the open ocean. With the help of other misfit sea creatures, she learns not only how to brave the perils of the deep, but how to be true to herself. Written by fndjasz
During a zombie apocalypse ,a group of survivors hide on Alcatraz Island to escape from rising zombie hordes. When their refuge is overrun, and upon hearing that a scientist may have discovered a cure, they leave the island to seek him out. Written by G.N.
When a family visits Grandma's house on Christmas Eve, they leave their dog at home alone. And when burglars try to take the presents from under the tree, the dog must use every trick it knows to stop them. Written by Anonymous