SD Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero

Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero

Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero

IMDb: 4.5
91 min , 99 min (Uncut Edition Blu-ray)

A group of friends head to a deserted Caribbean island for a surprise overnight bachelor party only to discover that the island isn't deserted. It's actually the home to a secret medical facility. Not only that, there's something wrong with the water surrounding the island...

Country: USA
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SD Margarita with a Straw

Margarita with a Straw

Margarita with a Straw

IMDb: 7.3
100 min

In this inspirational love story, a Delhi university student and aspiring writer afflicted with cerebral palsy leaves India for New York University, where she falls for a fiery young activist.

Country: India
Genre: Drama,
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SD The Chosen One

The Chosen One

The Chosen One

IMDb: 4.5

Paul is an ordinary man who is at the end of his rope. He hates his job, his beautiful wife has left him, and his mother and gay, Buddhist-monk brother constantly remind him of his shortcomings. Although Paul doesn't know it yet, his life is about to change in a big way. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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SD Kiss of the Damned

Kiss of the Damned

Kiss of the Damned

IMDb: 5.6

In the countryside near to New York, Djuna lives alone with her housemaid Irene in a manor that belongs to her friend Xenia. When she meets the screenwriter Paolo at a video rental store, they immediately fall in love with each other. However, Djuna discloses to Paolo that she is a vampire and while making love, she turns him into one. Paolo moves to her house and they happily live together. Out of the blue, her wicked and troublemaker sister Mimi appears to stay for a week with them, turning their lives upside-down. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Romance,
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HD Hotel Salvation

Hotel Salvation

Hotel Salvation

IMDb: 7.6
102 min

An ominous dream convinces 77-year-old Dayanand Kumar that his end could be near. He takes the news to his son Rajiv, knowing he wants to breathe his last in the holy city of Varanasi and end the cycle of rebirth, by attaining salvation. Being the dutiful son he is, Rajiv is left with no choice but to drop everything and make the journey with his stubborn father. Daya and Rajiv check into Mukti Bhawan (Hotel Salvation) in Varanasi, a guesthouse devoted to people who want to die there. But as the days go by, Rajiv struggles to juggle his responsibilities back home, while Daya starts to bloom in the hotel. Rajiv gives his father a shot at salvation but as family bonds are tested, he finds himself torn, and not knowing what he must do to keep his life together.

Country: India
Genre: ,
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SD Dave Chappelle's Block Party

Dave Chappelle's Block Party

Dave Chappelle's Block Party

IMDb: 8.8
103 min , 100 min

The American comedian/actor delivers a story about the alternative Hip Hop scene. A small town Ohio man’s moves to Brooklyn, New York, to throw an unprecedented block party.

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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CAM Willie Dynamite

Willie Dynamite

Willie Dynamite

IMDb: 6.3
102 min

A social worker tries to get a pimp to change his ways.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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SD Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables

IMDb: 6.5

A retelling of L.M. Montgomery's story of Anne Shirley, an orphan who is accidentally sent to a couple looking to adopt a boy instead

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo

Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo

Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo

IMDb: 5.5
105 min

Race car driver, Jim Douglas goes to Monte Carlo to enter his car, Herbie, in the Monte Carlo rally. When they get there, Herbie falls for another driver's car and Jim falls for the driver Diane, who thinks he's weird. But what they don't know is that a pair of thieves who stole a very valuable diamond, hid it in Herbie's gas tank. And the thieves try to get it back. Written by

Country: USA
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SD You Wish!

You Wish!

You Wish!

IMDb: 6.3
84 min

Alex is a high school student who always feels like he is overshadowed by his little brother Stevie; he can't get the girl of his dreams; he and his two best friends, Abby and James, are outsiders at school; and he is constantly benched on his football team. Then Stevie receives a lucky coin from a strange old man, a coin which he gives to Alex, telling him to make a wish. The next day, Alex gets everything he ever wished for - Stevie is gone (in fact, he is the star of his own TV show, and his family don't even know him); Alex dates the most popular girl at school; he is one of the most popular kids himself; and he is the star of the football team. At first he enjoys his new life, only to later find out that everything that was great in his original life now is gone. Written by The Norwegian Rocker

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HD Wadjda



IMDb: 7.6
98 min

WADJDA is a 10-year-old girl living in a suburb of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. Although she lives in a conservative world, Wadjda is fun loving, entrepreneurial and always pushing the boundaries of what she can get away with. After a fight with her friend Abdullah, a neighborhood boy she shouldn't be playing with, Wadjda sees a beautiful green bicycle for sale. She wants the bicycle desperately so that she can beat Abdullah in a race. But Wadjda's mother won't allow it, fearing repercussions from a society that sees bicycles as dangerous to a girl's virtue. So Wadjda decides to try and raise the money herself. At first, Wadjda's mother is too preoccupied with convincing her husband not to take a second wife to realize what's going on. And soon enough Wadjda's plans are thwarted when she is caught running various schemes at school. Just as she is losing hope of raising enough money, she hears of a cash prize for a Koran recitation competition at her school. She devotes herself... Written by Razor Film Produktion GmbH

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Taare Zameen Par

Taare Zameen Par

Taare Zameen Par

IMDb: 6.1
165 min

Ishaan Awasthi is an eight-year-old whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to appreciate. Colours, fish, dogs, and kites don't seem important to the adults, who are much more interested in things like homework, marks, and neatness. Ishaan cannot seem to get anything right in class; he is then sent to boarding school, where his life changes forever.

Country: India
Genre: ,
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HD Dream a Little Dream

Dream a Little Dream

Dream a Little Dream

IMDb: 5.9
114 min

The lives of a crusty old scientist and a bratty, teen Michael-Jackson-wannabe are about to intersect in a paranormal way. Coleman Ettinger seeks to break down the door of reality through studied dreaming; Bobby Keller wants Lainie Diamond, the girlfriend of his high school friend Joel, a handsome school jock. As Coleman persuades his wife Gena to join his experiments, an accident knocks their bodies out of existence, along with Bobby's consciousness. Coleman's consciousness winds up in Bobby's body while Gena's ends up buried and asleep inside Lainie's. Only when sleeping can Coleman contact Bobby and elicit his help in putting things back, except that Bobby smugly prefers limbo over his aggravated life as a modern teenager. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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SD Betty and Coretta

Betty and Coretta

Betty and Coretta

IMDb: 7.4
88 min

The widows of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and how they carry on as single mothers after the assassination of their husbands.

Country: USA , Canada
Genre: ,
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SD Interstellar Wars

Interstellar Wars

Interstellar Wars

IMDb: 1.7
83 min

From a giant portal behind the dark side of the moon aliens starts an attack on earth. From a secret underground base scientists try to find a way to fight the aliens. Time is of the essence as people are dying and soon the aliens have full control.

Country: USA
Genre: Sci-Fi,
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SD Guarding Tess

Guarding Tess

Guarding Tess

IMDb: 6.2
96 min

Doug is a Secret Service Agent who has just completed his stint in charge protecting Tess Carlisle, widow of a former U.S. President, and close personal friend of the President. He finds that she has requested that he not be rotated but instead return to be her permanent detail. Doug is crushed. He wants off her detail. She is very difficult to guard and makes her detail crazy with her whims and demands. Doug returns with no idea of how to continue dealing with her. Written by John Vogel

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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SD House of Sand and Fog

House of Sand and Fog

House of Sand and Fog

IMDb: 7.6
126 min

An emotionally broken woman, Kathy, suddenly finds herself homeless after her house is wrongly repossessed and auctioned. Seeking respite from his marriage, Lester, a sympathetic sheriff's deputy comes to the aid of Kathy and becomes intimately involved in her situation. Soon, Behrani, a proud emigrant Iranian and his family move into the house only to find their new lives burdened by harassment from Lester and Kathy as they attempt to reclaim her former home. The once prosperous colonel denies Kathy's pleas for he knows his recent purchase promises a profitable return and a better future for his adolescent son and his wife. But latent consequences lie beneath Behrani's well intentioned plan as Kathy's emotions spiral out of control and her actions spark a tragic chain of events that will leave no resident unscathed in the House of Sand and Fog. Written by Tiler Faisal

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Jewel of the Nile

The Jewel of the Nile

The Jewel of the Nile

IMDb: 6.1
106 min

This is the sequel to "Romancing the Stone" where Jack and Joan have their yacht and easy life, but are gradually getting bored with each other and this way of life. Joan accepts an invitation to go to some middle eastern country as a guest of the sheik, but there she is abducted and finds her- self involved with the "jewel". Jack decides to rescue her with his new partner Ralph. They all go from one adventure to another... What is the story of this "jewel"? Written by Sami Al-Taher

Country: USA
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HD Grabbers



IMDb: 6.3
94 min

Police officer Lisa Nolan comes to Aran Island, Ireland, to take charge during a colleague's two-week holiday. Simultaneously, blood-thirsty, sea-dwelling aliens arrive at the quiet island to propagate. As dead whales wash up on shore and people start mysteriously disappearing, officers and a few locals slowly discover their peril along with one sure defense - high blood alcohol levels, which the aliens can't stomach. As a storm approaches, enabling hungry hatchlings access to the locals, an open bar kicks off a desperate bid for survival as inebriated police and friends stagger to remain cognizant long enough to thwart the alien invasion. Written by statmanjeff

Country: UK , Ireland
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HD The Slipper and the Rose: The Story of Cinderella

The Slipper and the Rose: The Story of Cinderella

The Slipper and the Rose: The Story of Cinderella

IMDb: 7.1
146 min

In the tiny kingdom of Euphrania, the King and his court are most anxious to get Prince Edward wed. But Edward wants to marry for love. Meanwhile, young Cinderella finds life drastically altered with her father's death as she's forced to be a servant in her own house. But a cheery fairy godmother helps her with her impossible tasks, and even gets her to take an evening out at the King's bride-finding ball. But when the magic wears off, and the prince with shoe-in-hand searches for Cinderella and finds her, what is going to happen to Euphrania without the needed marriage alliance to prevent war? Written by Kathy Li

Country: UK
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HD Zoombies



IMDb: 3.4
87 min

When a strange virus quickly spreads through a safari park and turns all the zoo animals undead, those left in the park must stop the creatures before they escape and zombify the whole city.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Horror, Sci-Fi,
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HD Lucifer



IMDb: 8.6
175 min

In God's own country, the supreme leader of the ruling party dies, leaving a huge vacuum, not only in the electoral and leadership sphere of the party but also that of the state. In the inevitable succession squabble and the power struggle that ensues, the thin line that separates good and bad becomes irrecoverably blurred and out of this seemingly endless mayhem, emerge forces that are hitherto unheard of.

Country: India
Genre: ,
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HD Robot Overlords

Robot Overlords

Robot Overlords

IMDb: 4.6
90 min

Alien robots come to Earth and assert their control over humanity. They claim that they only want to observe humanity. They enforce a strict no one allowed outside rule. They implant humans with a device that alerts sentries to anyone who goes outside and if they refuse to comply they are destroyed. They also employ humans to be their proctors. One of these men is Robin Smythe. He tries to get Kate Flynn to be his wife but she still mourns her husband whom Smythe says died. But her son Sean, doesn't believe it. He sends messages out asking anyone who knows anything about his father to tell him. One day he and three young people are fooling around when they discover that they turned off their implant. That's when they go outside and someone answers Sean's message and tells him where his father is. So he goes out to find him But Smythe pursues him and brings his mother as leverage. And when the robots corner Sean he somehow manages to control them. So the Robots are curious why he can ... Written by

Country: UK , Canada
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SD Teacher's Pet

Teacher's Pet

Teacher's Pet

IMDb: 5.8

Leonard is a 4th grader; his mother, Mrs. Mary Lou Helperman, is his teacher, and has been nominated for a teaching award. They plan a trip to Florida for the finals, but need to leave their dog, Spot, behind. Unknown to Mrs. Helperman, Spot has been masquerading as a boy, Scott, who is her star pupil. Spot wants nothing more than to be a real boy, and sees a way to this when mad scientist Ivan Krank appears on the Barry Anger show. Krank thinks he can turn animals into humans. Conveniently, his lab is right down the street from where the Helpermans are staying, so Spot, as Scott (and the rest of his family) convinces Mary Lou to take him along. Spot becomes a man, but discovers it's not everything he ever dreamed of after all. Written by Jon Reeves

Country: USA
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SD Hustlers Convention

Hustlers Convention

Hustlers Convention

IMDb: 7.0
96 min

The story of Sport and Spoon - two young hustlers who attend the eponymous convention, only to get tangled up in a financial disagreement that leads to a shootout, police chase and finishes with Sport on death row, weighing up what it all means. Taking its title from the album, the film blends archive photos with interviews and uses unique animated sequences set to the album. It portrays Hustlers Convention in its wider social context and Jalal's personal story as one of rap's undisputed pioneers.

Genre: ,
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HD Blacula



IMDb: 5.6
93 min

Blacula is the story of Manuwalde, an African Prince. This movie presents a modern version of the classic Dracula story in a very chilling and inventive way. In 1780, after visiting Count Dracula, Manuwalde is turned into a vampire and locked in a coffin.. The scene shifts to 1972, when two antique collectors transport the coffin to Los Angeles. The two men open the coffin and unleash Blacula on the city of Los Angeles. Blacula soon finds Tina, who is his wife, Luva, reincarnated, and gains her love. Tina's friend, Dr. Gordon, discovers Blacula is a vampire and hunts him down. Written by Clint Poskozim

Country: USA
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SD Badla



IMDb: 8.4
118 min

A dynamic young entrepreneur finds herself locked in a hotel room with the corpse of her dead lover. She hires a prestigious lawyer to defend her and they work together to figure out what actually happened.

Country: India
Genre: ,
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HD Saint Maud

Saint Maud

Saint Maud

IMDb: 6.4

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery,
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HD The Worthy

The Worthy

The Worthy

IMDb: 5.4
99 min

A visually spectacular dystopian take on an Arab world torn apart by social disorder.

Genre: Thriller,
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HD Jilla



IMDb: 6.1
185 min

Sivan (Mohanlal) is a well-respected don in the area of Madurai. After his driver was killed in an altercation with a few enemies, including a rowdy cop, he takes the driver's son Shakthi (Vijay) as his own. Shakthi grows up with a vengeful hatred towards the Police uniform and any other Khaki clothing. Even towards his eventual lover (Kajal), initially hating, but then seeing her good side, But it is when his Father desires him to wear the uniform, that turn the tables on the illegal work of Sivan. How Shakthi deals with his Father, and an unknown assailant forms the crux of the story. Written by Sam Abraham

Country: India
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HD El Norte

El Norte

El Norte

IMDb: 7.7
141 min

Brother and sister Enrique and Rosa flee persecution at home in Guatemala and journey north, through Mexico and on to the United States, with the dream of starting a new life.

Country: UK , USA
Genre: ,
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SD Allan Quatermain And The Lost City Of Gold

Allan Quatermain And The Lost City Of Gold

Allan Quatermain And The Lost City Of Gold

IMDb: 4.4
99 min

After his brother Robeson disappears without a trace while exploring Africa in search of a legendary 'white tribe', Alan Quatermain decides to follow in his footsteps to learn what became of him. Soon after arriving, he discovers the los City of Gold, controlled by the evil lord Agon, and mined by his legions of white slaves. Is this where Robeson met his end? Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
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