An aspiring actress gets caught up in L.A.'s underworld.
The world falls into chaos after a rogue scientist unleashes a virus that turns the living and the dead into flesh eating monsters. A Special Forces Team is sent into a growing danger zone to recover the cure from the scientist, but as they enter the hot zone they seek refuge in a nearby nightclub, fighting off the undead to stay alive, and to complete their mission.
Pediatrician by day, single mom by night, SARAH invites her estranged husband, PETE, back to their suburban home for the Holidays on one condition: he must reconcile with their daughters before she agrees to finalize a trial separation with divorce.
Seven disgusting kids but nevertheless of interesting personality are being made of the green mud coming out of garbage can. Once alive their master gives them rules to obey although they think that life is funnier without following stupid regulations like no television or no candy. Naturally this will cause some conflicts. Written by Volker Boehm