A devoted husband will stop at nothing to save his marriage when it's destroyed by a time-traveling rival.
Fresh out of business school, Zachery Cranston seems to have all the tools necessary to succeed in the world of finance. But he is ambitious to a fault and finds himself lured by a dramatic new idea for a fund that may not be so legal.
Jim and his daughter Veronica, a young high-school music teacher, attempt to unravel their complicated histories and intertwined secrets. After a hoax goes very wrong, Jim's daughter is falsely convicted of abusing her position of authority over 17-year-old Clive. Veronica is nevertheless convinced she deserves to be punished, but for much earlier crimes. Confused and frustrated by Veronica’s intransigence, Jim's anguish begins to impinge on his job as a food inspector. He wields great power over small family-owned restaurants; a power he doesn't hesitate to use.
After hearing a young boy's cry for help, a sister and brother venture into a vast field of tall grass in Kansas but soon discover there may be no way out ... and that something evil lurks within.