After his first love breaks his heart, a young American singer reluctantly leaves his home in San Diego, California and embarks on an epic road trip through Baja with his uncle in order to reconnect with his Mexican roots and find himself.
Blake Redding is trapped in this dark room wanting to protect his love so the only thing he will do is escape like no failed student has done before.
A Russian gangster engages a former boxer to take down his associate’s son-in-law via a salacious video tape.
Terry the Tomboy centers around a confident, bacon-loving and shower-deficient tomboy whose summer goal is to win the county fair pie-eating contest. After meeting her new neighbor Brett (Charlie Depew, The Amazing Spiderman), she isn’t so interested in pie anymore and realizes the worst thing has happened — she’s a tomboy who has fallen in love.
In this inspiring tale based on true events, 17-year-old Ali Jahani is a newcomer to a small California town, where he stands out as different in an unwelcoming community. Living with his embittered uncle, the boy faces a mountain of adversity everywhere he turns. Rejected by everyone but determined to fit in, he joins the school's floundering wrestling team. With a chance to change how others see him, Ali must step up and learn to be a hero. Written by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
While fulfilling her community service hours at a horse rescue ranch, Emma forms an unlikely bond with an abused show horse who won't let anyone ride him. Gaining new skills and confidence, Emma hatches a plan to redeem herself and ultimately save the ranch she's grown to love. Written by Anna Elizabeth James
The Department of Emotional Integrity (DEI) documents all relationship activity. A 'relationship score' is given to keep people accountable for their choices. The score is public for all to see, and affects various aspects of daily life. Two couples, teenagers and early 30s, face different but intersecting challenges in their relationships within the rules of the DEI.
"The Thinning" takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where population control is dictated by a high-school aptitude test. When two students (Logan Paul and Peyton List) discover the test is smoke and mirrors hiding a larger conspiracy, they must fight the system to expose it and take it down. Written by Legendary Digital Media
Felix (Cameron Dallas) is a legendary prankster who always charms his way out of trouble. However, after his third strike at school, the principal has had enough and expels him. Never defeated, Felix resorts to his infamous ways and devises a plan with his brother (Marcus Johns), best friend (Matt Shively), new friend (Lia Marie Johnson) and classmate (Andrea Russett) to hide it from his parents.