When retired physician Daniel Green (Bill Cobbs, Night at the Museum) lifts a 5-ton farm tractor off a boy trapped beneath, the enigma of his supernatural strength piques the curiosity of two med students passing through town. Visiting the old doctor at his isolated farmhouse, they soon learn his bizarre secret: he has uncovered the key to eternal youth. But sometimes the lust for immortality has deadly consequences. The night takes a twisted turn as the young men discover Dr. Green's "miracle" has come with a horrifying price - and a fate far worse than growing old.
The Human Stain is the story of Coleman Silk (Hopkins), a classics professor with a terrible secret that is about to shatter his life in a small New England town. When his affair with a young troubled janitor (Kidman) is uncovered, the secret Silk had harbored for over fifty years from his wife, his children and colleague, writer Nathan Zuckerman, fast explodes in a conflagration of devastating consequences. It is Zuckerman who stumbles upon Silk's secret and sets out to reconstruct the unknown biography of this eminent, upright man, esteemed as an educator for nearly all his life, and to understand how this ingeniously contrived life came unraveled. Written by lakeshoreentertainment.com
WE'LL NEVER HAVE PARIS is a hilarious, clumsy and at once human account of screwing up on a transcontinental level in a noble effort to win back 'the one.' A romantic comedy. Written by Anonymous