The mid-life crisis of a husband and father who, on his 40th birthday, decides to revisit his punk-rock past by throwing an extravagant party in the presidential suite of the Drake Hotel - where he encounters his beautiful ex-girlfriend and former bandmates who have since moved on to bigger and better things.
Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the whole gang are back in a heartwarming story. A new girl with red hair moves in across the street, and Charlie Brown falls in love. Now he tries to impress the red haired girl to make her feel like he's a winner, but Charlie Brown just can't do anything right. At the same time, Snoopy is writing a love story about his continuing battles with The Red Baron. Then Charlie Brown has accomplished something never done before. He gets a perfect score on his standardized test, but there has been a mistake. Should he tell the truth and risk losing all of his newfound popularity? Can Charlie Brown get the girl to love him or will he go back to being a nothing? Written by Adam Nunez