Tasha, who aspires to make it big in life, catches the eye of two womanising brothers, who promise to make her a star. Yet her hidden intentions may prove deadly for the duo.
The story of the film follows Karan Khanna, a politician of Indian origin in the United Kingdom, who is accused of killing his wife. He tells his lawyer that a spirit committed the murder and should be tried.
After witnessing the apocalypse from a research bunker in the Scottish highlands, Jack survives with only the station's AI mainframe computer ( J.I.M. ) to keep him company. When the food supplies run out 8 years later, Jack & JIM set out across the post apocalyptic wastelands to deliver an important message. Mayhem ensues as they encounter Ice Pirates, Cannibals , Cyber-Punks and Zombie Nuns.
Based on the memoir by Indian policy analyst Sanjaya Baru, The Accidental Prime Minister explores Manmohan Singh's tenure as the Prime Minister of India, and the kind of control he had over his cabinet and the country.
Danny's father, a pioneering research scientist, has disappeared. Suspecting foul-play, Danny goes undercover at the research centre where he worked. He soon discovers that there is something sinister at work. It becomes a race against time to save himself, his father and the entire planet! What stands in his way? Gangsters, toxic hobos, shady agents, clown killers, badly dressed desperado chavs, a renegade swat team, street thugs, mad scientists, a news reporter out for blood, a town full of hatred and monster with a taste for dismemberment. Welcome to Haven Port City - It's wrong on so many levels.
Every parent wants the best for their kids, and Shahzad is no exception. Ever since his wife died he's been trying to keep his two kids Salma and Hassan on track. Salma is growing up quickly, and Shahzad wants to make sure she's set up with the right guy to settle down with It's a promise he made his wife, and part of what he considers his duty as a dad. But what does Salma want? Unbeknown to Shahzad, she's caught up in a whirlwind romance with charismatic charmer Imi. Salma knows Imi is not what her dad is expecting, but can she find a way to make everyone happy? A hard-hitting drama with a devastating finale, Murdered by My Father is a story about the power and the limits of love in communities where 'honour' means everything.
Abhiram(Ram Charan) is a handsome looking NRI, who is born and brought up in London. Even though he lives abroad, Abhiram loves Indian culture and family values. One fine day, he comes to know about his dad's past which is related back to a huge family based in India.In order to fulfill his dad's dream, Abhiram lands in India. There he finds out that his roots are based in the joint family of Balaraju(Prakash Raju). Rest of the story is as to how Abhiram manages to successfully enter the family, and wins the love of everyone. Written by sjew
Phantom is a political thriller that unfolds across various countries around the world. The plot revolves around protagonist Daniyal, whose journey to seek justice takes him from India to Europe, America and the volatile Middle East. However, he finds out that in a mission like this, there is always a price to pay, in this case, a very personal price.
A young British Asian, Mo is a fast-rising police officer who goes under cover infiltrating Shadwell's resurgent hooligan element, who are fired up by Shadwells's takeover by a Russian oligarch and their unlikely adventure into European competition. Mo quickly becomes embroiled in the local schism between the BNP and EDL and plans to build a new mosque in the shadow of the Shadwell ground creates an explosive environment in which football and political violence form a perfect storm of social unrest. In the midst of this, Mo is faced with the essential existential question of of who he really is and where he really belongs. It's 20 years on and clever Trevor is now chief super, but what happens to the rest of the gang? Written by ianregan01