Jennifer and Meg Swift are two sisters who are very close despite living far apart. Jennifer is in Salt Lake City, running a successful restaurant she started with her late husband and raising her teenaged son Simon, Meg stayed in their hometown of Hazelwood, helping their parents run the local bakery.
When Joan’s son’s wedding planner unexpectedly quits, she must coordinate his Christmas Eve wedding with the help of Beau, the bride’s uncle. As they work alongside each other they discover their fates and pasts are intertwined.
Uninspired and newly single painter Sara is down on her luck and wants nothing more than to get away from her problems. When she decides to take a trip to visit her mom, she becomes involved in the efforts to save a local church which is in danger of closing down.
When Lisa (Wagner) takes a last-minute Christmas trip to her hometown of Evergreen, she finds that the historic general store has been closed. Using her skills as a professional retail designer, Lisa decides to keep local tradition alive and help the good people of Evergreen bring the store back to life. As Lisa charms a local contractor named Kevin (Deklin) into working with her, the pair find themselves facing one surprise after another as they restore the store to its former glory. When the staff at the Kringle Kitchen temporarily accept the store’s beloved ‘Mailbox to Santa’ for safekeeping, the townspeople find and rally around a mysterious 25-year-old letter that never made it to the North Pole. As old traditions are made new again, Lisa finds herself falling for Kevin, the traditions, and the town of Evergreen.
Set 50 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, Forced Alliance is an alternate take of the Star Wars Universe. As the New Republic tries to rebuild, new threats arise and for 3 students of different beliefs it has become a dangerous place to be. Only through trust and fragile friendship can the 3 young Jedi hope to survive and discover if there is more to the Force than what they've been taught. This project is a television spec teaser.
After several nasty dating surprises, instantaneous HR executive Sarah compiles a 'complete' list of potential partner requirements. After handsome pediatrician and perfect gentleman Erik meets all criteria and charms her family, wedding plans are soon in the making. Yet one impish voice nags at her, that of LA "barista" Fred, who swears by surprising his customers and usually succeeds. Fred's reproach her drawings show talent but no ambition inspires her to try a fresh style, and she enters him for a national competition, while Erik smoothly keeps doing everything 'too' right. Written by KGF Vissers
After being attacked, an introverted young man must follow clues left by his dead parents in order to figure out who is after him - and who he really is.