In foggy London Dr Jekyll experiments on newly deceased women determined to discover an elixir for immortal life. Success enables his spectacular transformation into the beautiful but psychotic Sister Hyde who stalks the dark alleys of Whitechapel for young, innocent, female victims, ensuring continuation of the bloodstained research. With each transformation Sister Hyde becomes the more dominant personality, determined to eventually suppress the frail, ineffectual Dr Jekyll forever.
Caveman Tumak is banished from his savage tribe. He finds a brief home among a group of gentle seacoast dwelling cave people until he is banished from them as well. Missing him, one of their women, Loana leaves with him, deciding to face the harsh prehistoric world with its monsters and volcanos as a couple. Written by Jim Cobb
El Chuncho's bandits rob arms from a train, intending to sell the weapons to Elias' revolutionaries. They are helped by one of the passengers, Bill Tate, and allow him to join them, unaware he is an assassin working for the Mexican government. Written by TOM SELDON
James Bond continues on his fourth mission, with his aim to recover two stolen warheads. They have been taken by the evil SPECTRE organization. The world is held hostage and Bond heads to Nassau. Here, he meets the beautiful Domino and is forced into a thrilling confrontation with SPECTRE agent Emilio Largo, on board his boat, the Disco Volante. Will 007 prevent the killing of millions of innocent victims? Written by simon_hrdng
James Bond 007 is on the search for a Russian decoding machine, known as Lektor. Bond needs to find this machine, before the evil SPECTRE organization discovers it first. Whilst being romantically linked with Russian girl, Tatiana Romanova, Bond sneaks his way around Istanbul, whilst each SPECTRE agent tries to pick him off, including the over powering Donald 'Red' Grant and ex-KGB agent Rosa Klebb who knows all the tricks in the books and even possesses an incredible poison tipped shoe! Written by simon_hrdng
Just before bounty hunter Charile triggers his gun to destroy the last two Critter-eggs, he gets a message that it would be illegal to extinguish the race from the galaxy. He's sent a transporter where he puts the eggs - unfortunately the transporter takes him with it and then gets lost in space. After 53 deep-frozen years, he's found by a private wreckage collector team under the unscrupulous Rick. On behalf of the mighty company Terracor they bring him to an empty space station - but Rick is curious and opens the box... so Charlie has work again, to keep the Critters from eating everybody. Written by Tom Zoerner
It is Los Angeles, 1991. Jack Deth has become accustomed to life with his new wife, Lena, in the six years since they singed Whistler. Hap Ashby, a former pitcher for the California Angels, had gotten his life out of the gutter and made quite a fortune investing, which he uses to finance his collection of fire trucks, among other things. But life is about to become a little more difficult for Jack and the gang. Whistler's brother, E.D. Wardo, has gome back in time and has started a trancer farm under the organization known as GreenWorld. GreenWorld strives to 'clean up the world', but in reality they are kidnapping homeless people and mental patients to become 'tranced'. And they're after Hap, the ancestor of a future Council Member. Jack's quite ready to singe a few trancers, but he isn't expecting his dead wife to show up. Through the power of technology, Alice has been saved from death and sent back to 1991 to help Jack and stop Wardo. The tension mounts as Lena becomes more ... Written by Michael Silva