Albert and Rose Poe bought their dream house seven years ago in Greenfield, NC. They had no idea of the unspeakable horrors that took place in the house before they moved in. If they had known, then their children, Addi and Jade would still be alive. Instead the Poes now find themselves imprisoned in the house they thought was their safe place, and battling their two daughters for survival.
In February, 2006, young Luke Abbate accepted a ride home from a fellow student following his high-school team practice. In a severe case of irresponsible and reckless teen-age driving, and over the objections of Luke and the other young passengers, the driver lost control of the car at nearly 90 miles-per-hour, spinning off a narrow road and landing in an embankment some seventy feet below. Luke suffered irreparable brain damage, and died in the hospital two days later - just four days before his sixteenth birthday. Written by anonymous