HD Tiptoes



IMDb: 4.7

Two brothers - a dwarf (Rolfe) and one of typical size (Steve). When Steve's girlfriend Carol becomes pregnant, the pair are fearful that the baby will inherit the dwarfism gene. Matters are complicated still further when she finds herself falling in love with Rolfe. Written by Earl Baker

Country: USA , France
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Snow White: The Fairest of Them All

Snow White: The Fairest of Them All

Snow White: The Fairest of Them All

IMDb: 5.8
93 min

Born from a drop of blood in a flutter of apple blossoms, and framed in ebony, a young girl named Snow White becomes the blessing of a loving peasant couple, John and Josephine. But with her birth comes a curse and the end of her mother's life. Left alone with an infant daughter, John braves a brutal winter in search of food for his starving angel. Salvation comes unexpectedly when the father's tears melt the frozen tomb of a bewitched creature, the Green-Eyed One. In thanks, the insinuating beast grants John three wishes: nourishment for Snow White, a kingdom in which to raise his family and a queen by his side. But John's cause for celebration is short-lived. For the Green-Eyed One has devious plans for the well-being of his own family. Owing his loathsome spellcasting daughter, Elspeth, a long-awaited wish, he encourages her desires for appointment to the throne. A kingdom to rule is hers for the waiting, the new King John is hers for the belittling and a luscious little ... Written by John Nickolaus

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HD Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive

IMDb: 8.0
147 min

After hiring a hit man to kill her lover, Camilla; Diane dreams of a different Hollywood experience. One where she is a wonderfully talented and versatile actress, Betty, who almost instantly is in demand by the best Casting Directors in the business. And one where her lover becomes an amnesiac, Rita, after a brutal accident that saves her from the hit on her life. Betty and Rita meet and as they fall in love, they also try to undercover Rita's real identity. But when Betty and Rita's search begins to intermingle with the reality of Diane and Camilla's nightmarish relationship, the walls of the dream begin to collapse ("It's strange to be calling yourself" says Betty). Written by Kevin S

Country: France , USA
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