When a solar storm wipes out the air traffic control system, Air Force One and a passenger jet liner are locked on a collision course in the skies above the midwest.
Amid the threat of nuclear proliferation, global warming and terrorism, the earth's creator tries to reconnect with mankind by returning to the planet and hosting his own variety show.
Mortimer Clark, a forensic pathologist finds himself autopsying yet another teenage girl's body ravaged and torn by a large canine. The girls all have been slain on the full moon. A werewolf though? That's ridiculous.Lauren Redd, a sixteen year old girl is being forced to spend the weekend with her grandmother. Here she steps into an elaborate trap laid out by a manipulative killer. But when Lauren's finally cornered, the tables turn and the prey becomes the predator. The Redd family will go to any length to hide the family secret and protect their daughter but Mortimer is following a trail that will ultimately lead to the truth. Written by David
A modern adaptation of the classic novel of the captain of a high tech submarine and his obsessive quest to destroy the enormousprehistoric whale that maimed him.
A huge iceberg calves that holds a megalodon (mega shark) and a giant octopus frozen inside it. Deployment of a LFAS (low frequency automatic sonar) unit causes it to shatter. The two behemoths thaw and return to life. The shark terrorizes the California coast while the octopus creates havoc things near Japan. A group of three oceanographers put together a plan to draw the beasts into a trap with pheromones. Written by G. Wiz