Reunited at an exotic destination wedding, five girlfriends decide to rent a boat to spend a day together along the paradise-like coast. Their friendship is put to the ultimate test when they find themselves stranded in open water fighting for their lives against sharks and mother nature as they desperately try to survive.
Tony Towers is a successful nightclub manager in 1985, a local celebrity and engaged to a much younger woman, Sue. But when he embarks upon the 3:17 to Nottingham for a Christmas family reunion, things get a little strange. Tony discovers that by moving up and down this fateful train, he can transport himself forward and backward to various stages of his life. Not only that, but the actions he takes in one carriage directly affect his life in the next. The question is, can Tony change his life – and the lives of the people he loves – for the better, or will he just make things worse?
Darren, Lou, Jo and Mas live a meager existence on the fringes of poverty. Indebted to the criminal kingpin of their social housing development, they routinely fear for their lives. On the other side of town, the already wealthy Marcus and his disabled brother Clive receive a windfall in the form of a winning lottery ticket. When their worlds collide following a botched robbery, the would-be criminals get more than they bargained for, and will be tested to their limits in a desperate attempt to survive a predator of monstrous proportions.