This film is about what happens when an over populated world with lack of resources and a changing climate all collide with each other. An intersection of humanity that many are calling the greatest challenge mankind will ever face. If an "Inconvenient Truth" was about what causes climate change, this film is about what are the effects of climate change on our civilization. Written by jc
Released during her 2008 bid for the U.S. presidency, this provocative documentary examines the political foibles of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton through interviews with more than 30 journalists and politicians. Delving into the senator's involvement with the futures market, her Senate race and her Senate record, the film includes appearances by Dick Morris, Newt Gingrich, Ann Coulter, Robert Novak, Bay Buchanan and more.
The film begins with the idea that 25 percent of the people in the world who are incarcerated are incarcerated in the U.S. Although the U.S. has just 5% of the world's population. "13th" charts the explosive growth in America's prison population; in 1970, there were about 200,000 prisoners; today, the prison population is more than 2 million. The documentary touches on chattel slavery; D. W. Griffith's film "The Birth of a Nation"; Emmett Till; the civil rights movement; the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Richard M. Nixon; and Ronald Reagan's declaration of the war on drugs and much more. Written by Ulf Kjell Gür
Two versions of the American dream now stand in sharp contrast. One views the money you earned as yours and best allocated by you; the other believes that an elite in Washington knows best how to allocate your wealth. One champions the traditional American dream, which has played out millions of times through generations of Americans, of improving one's lot in life and even daring to dream and build big. The other holds that there is no end to the "good" the government can do by taking and spending other peoples' money in an ever-burgeoning list of programs. The documentary film I Want Your Money exposes the high cost in lost freedom and in lost opportunity to support a Leviathan-like bureaucratic state. Written by Ray Griggs