As a mother becomes suspicious that her daughter may be infected by a parasitic creature, she is thrust into a nightmare as the people she trusts most push her into a chasm of drug addiction, self-destruction, and devastating sacrifice.
With her son being held captive by a criminal gang, police-officer Amanda Doyle, together with her ex-husband and three unlikely allies, takes part in a desperate plot to hold a wealthy banker and his family to ransom. But this is no ordinary family
Young real estate agent Clara Morales encouraged risky loans to her clients during the housing boom. She must now rescue her father’s home from foreclosure - a consequence of the loan she advised him to take.
A working class Irish family is caught up in a zombie invasion of Dublin, Ireland. When their son, Billy, becomes a zombie the family chooses to take care of him in the home much to the chagrin of the neighbors and the local crime boss. Meanwhile, they've invited an American documentarian to film their situation and the film crew is caught up in the mayhem. Will the family prove that blood is thicker than water or will their love lead to their eventual doom? One thing is clear, for the zombies in Ireland, the famine is definitely over. Written by Anonymous
Malcolm is a brilliant, callous businessman who is a vicious, overbearing father. Mark is the sales manager at Chamberlain Auto, the dealership that promises to do "Whatever It Takes" to put you in a new car. But on a scorching hot Saturday in the middle of the Phoenix summer, Mark has a chance to get his own dealership - and out from under the thumb of his father. Mark has to sell thirty-five cars by the end of the day. The question: Will Mark do whatever it takes - including betraying his sales team and himself - to get what he wants? Written by
A group of young people went on a abandoned hostel in Sligo, Ireland. After they play a really creepy game, all of them disappear.
A desperate ex-con is forced to gather his old crew for one last job to pay off his sister's debt to a dangerous local criminal.
The Last of Robin Hood is the true story of Beverly Aadland, a teen starlet who became the last girlfriend of legendary swashbuckler Errol Flynn. In 1957, Beverly was working at Warner Brothers studios with a fake birth certificate saying she was 18 -- she was in fact, only 15 -- when she encountered the former matinée idol. After a bumpy start, the two undertook a relationship that was ultimately embraced by Beverly's Hollywood mother Florence, who became a willing third wheel. The affair took them from L.A. to New York to Africa, then to Cuba where Flynn pitched in with the rebels to make a pro-Castro propaganda movie starring Beverly. It all came crashing to an end in Vancouver, however, when Flynn died in Beverly's arms, causing an avalanche of publicity; Florence finally achieved the attention she sought in the form of tabloid notoriety but the chaos drove Beverly to the edge of sanity. The Last of Robin Hood is a poignant yet darkly comic coming-of-age tale about the desire for ... Written by Anonymous