A young woman lives a life filled with bad choices. She marries and has a child with an abusive thief at a young age who quickly ends up in prison. Left alone she takes up with his mate (another thief) who seems to give her some happiness but who also ends up in the nick. She then takes up with a series of seedy types who offer nothing but momentary pleasure. Her son goes missing and she briefly comes to grips with what is most important to her. Written by Fred Cabral ftcabral@hotmail.com
Sacked by the bus company Stan and Jack get jobs as drivers ferrying punters to and from a holiday camp and arrange for the rest of the family to come and stay. Blakey is there as the chief security guard and manages to get caught in accidental compromising situations with the camp's nurse. The Butlers head for one disaster after another as Jack and Stan,still chasing women half their age,take two girls for a bus trip on the sands only for the bus to sink in as the tide approaches. Olive gets into bed with someone else's husband when she makes it back to the wrong chalet in the dark and 'little' Arthur sprays the chalet with ink,requiring a re-painting job. The holiday over Arthur's sidecar combination manages to come apart on the way out as it did on the way in. Written by don @ minifie-1