One sleepy Saturday morning a 30-year-old construction worker Erik gets some earth shattering news: his ex-girlfriend Moonika who he hasn't even seen for the past six months is about to go into labor. She however is not ready for motherhood and if Erik doesn't want the kid either, the little girl will be put up for adoption. Take it or leave it!
Sensitive and restless Johannes is accepted to an elite school in Tallinn and expects life to go uphill. Instead, he becomes the victim of mental abuse by his classmates. In search of recognition, he goes to his old Lasnamäe friends, who spend their time doing drugs, hanging around, and partying, rather than focusing on schoolwork. At home, Johannes must deal with his mother’s deteriorating mental health. As the tension grows, he finds himself at zero point, where he must completely reset his life to build it up from scratch.
Wind is blasting through your speeding car but the heat still burns your lips. The radio is pounding local pop hits from the 90s. Vodka gets poured down as if to quench a thirst. You let your head fall back and stare at the sky from under your cap, thinking: what the hell should I do with this life? And suddenly, the lyrics hit you – yes, you really need those loving arms around you.