A lawyer is given the mission of revitalising a bankrupt zoo that has no animals. When he and a group of zookeepers come up with the idea to dress like animals and his fake polar bear goes viral, the zoo becomes a hit, before his law firm’s real intentions are revealed.
New high-school transfer student Na-Mi comes from a small town in Jeolla Province to her new school in the capital city of Seoul. When she is nervous, her small town dialect comes out and she starts to shake. On her first day at her new school she is bullied by others. Coming to her help is a group of girls. The girls are Choon-Hwa - known for her strong sense of loyalty and excellent fighting skills, heavyset Jang-Mi - who badly wishes to have plastic surgery to get double eye-lids, Jin-Hee - excellent when it comes to spewing profanity, Geum-Ok - interested in literature, Bok-Hee - dreams of one day becoming Ms. Korea and Su-Ji - always arrogant. Na-Mi quickly becomes part of their group. When the group confronts rival girls known as Sonyeo Sidae ("Girls Generation"), Na-Mi spews curse words she picked up from her grandmother. Because of Na-Mi the girls are able to avoid a crisis. These seven girls then form their own group named "Sunny". They also vow to stay together forever. The ... Written by Stanislav S, Sochi, Russia
Based on the true story of Kim Ho-Joong, who first appeared on Korean TV show STARKING on July 18, 2009. During the program, Kim Ho-Joong surprised people with his vocal abilities and also made people cry because of his background story. He grew up as a troubled kid who joined gangs, but because of his grandmother he began to sing in earnest. Written by anonymous