A genius grad student organizes an all-night treasure hunt in which five rival teams composed of colorful oddballs furiously match wits with one another while trying to locate and decipher various cryptic clues planted ingeniously around Los Angeles.
A mentally ill man in a small Texas town goes on a killing rampage and is fatally wounded by police. When doctors use an experimental serum to bring him back to life, the killer develops superhuman strength and the town sheriff must pursue him.
Though Eddie's fired right at Christmastime, his boss sends him and his family on a South Pacific vacation, hoping Eddie won't sue him after being bitten by a lab monkey. When the Tuttle family winds up trapped on a tropical island, however, Eddie manages to provide for everyone and prove himself a real man.
Bob McGraw is in his 12th year of college, goofing his way through life. Bob the slacker, Irwin the alcoholic geek, Gonzer the human food disposal and Max the ne'er do well are the four losers forced and bribed to represent their university in an intercollegiate raft race., They make some friends like the lovely Heather Merriweather, but mostly enemies, among others a whole team of marines, and preppy IVY-leaguers determined to win. Written by Lars Skogan si2_ls92362@debet.nhh.no
The crew of Babylon 5 discover a mysterious artifact of unknown origin. The artifact influences the minds of people aboard the station and endangers the lives of everyone aboard. Takes place during season 4 of the Babylon 5 TV series. Written by Darin Adler darin@spies.com
Dr. Weitzman works with patients in a sanitarium. Convinced that all that his "group" needs is a some fresh air and some time away from the sanitarium, he pursuades the administration to allow him to take them to a ballgame. Unfortunately, he accidentally stumbles across a crime in progress and ends up in hospital. The group are stranded in New York City, forced to cope with a place which is often more bizarre than their sanitarium. Written by Murray Chapman muzzle@cs.uq.oz.au
Freelance reporter Jennifer and her two friends, Karen and Vicki, accept an invitation for cheap room and board in a large farmhouse offered by a friendly, but shady, museum owner named Ernest Keller since all the motels in and around town are booked for a holiday parade fair Jennifer is covering. But unknown to the women, some unseen "thing" has been living in the basement of the house for over 20 years and is looked after by Keller and his shy sister Virginia, in which the "thing" soon gets out and begins harassing and killing the women one by one in various violent, but seemingly accidental, means. Written by matt-282
After having found a magic locket which shows the kingdom of Atlantica, Melody decides to run away from home and find the truth behind it. Ariel eventually discovers that her daughter has run away after being told by Sebastian. Ariel must turn back into a mermaid to go into the sea once more to find her missing daughter. However, the crazy sister of Ursula, named Morgana intends to take control over the entire ocean. Ariel and her friends must stop Morgana from accomplishing the mission that Ursula failed and save Melody from her evil clutches. Written by Eric ggg
Faber College has one frat house so disreputable it will take anyone. It has a second one full of white, anglo-saxon, rich young men who are so sanctimonious no one can stand them except Dean Wormer. The dean enlists the help of the second frat to get the boys of Delta House off campus. The dean's plan comes into play just before the homecoming parade to end all parades for all time. Written by John Vogel jlvogel@comcast.net
After a successful mission in which his partner, Warp Darkmatter, fell in battle, Buzz Lightyear vows never to put another partner at risk and works solo. This vow, however is challenged by Star Command who assigns young Mira Nova to be Warp's replacement over Buzz's objections. In addition, the LGMs suggest he tries a new robot for an assistant while a lowly janitor, Booster, has his dreams of joining the Space Rangers. Together, this group of disparate heroes find they must work together to save the galaxy when Emporer Zurg hatches his grandest scheme for conquest yet. Written by Kenneth Chisholm kchishol@home.com