A lonely, middle-aged man hires a male prostitute to recreate a road trip from his past.
Myron Yoder's Indiana family always was proud of eldest son Seth, a sports prodigy, but most attention goes to younger Justin, whose spina bifida condition means a wheelchair and constant, frantic care. During make-up chores for endangering grumpy neighbor Vic Sauder's sports car, Justin discovers a sport he finally hopes to excel in, soap box cart racing, and gets highly experienced Vic and pa to help and coach him. That proves promising and dangerous, but also puts unbearable stress on the family cohesion as Seth now feels cruelly shoved aside. Written by KGF Vissers
An English librarian called Evelyn Carnahan becomes interested in starting an archaeological dig at the ancient city of Hamunaptra. She gains the help of Rick O'Connell, after saving him from his death. What Evelyn, her brother Jonathan and Rick are unaware of is that another group of explorers are interested in the same dig. Unfortunately for everyone, this group ends up unleashing a curse which been laid on the dead High Priest Imhotep. Now 'The Mummy' is awake and it's going to take a lot more than guns to send him back to where he came from. Written by Film_Fan