An ex-marine enforcer must battle his conscience and code of honor when he is forced to do things for the mob.
Alejandro Toledo comes out of his retirement from crime to help a community reclaim land stolen from them by a beautiful but ruthless businesswoman and her clan.
Dumped by his extremely rich 80-year-old wife for a younger boy-toy after twenty-five years of prosperous marriage, pampered, yet penniless gold-digger Maximo is forced to take matters into his own hands, perhaps for the very first time in his once luxurious life. As a result, the ageing gigolo will have no other choice but to seek shelter with his estranged widowed sister Sara and his 10-year-old nephew Hugo, completely unprepared though for a rude awakening coupled with a big slice of real life on the side. But once a seducer, always a seducer and as spoiled Maximo struggles to squeeze out one decent idea that would throw him back into the arms of yet another fabulously wealthy widow, a new opportunity will appear; one that includes a profitable first-rate tutorship in how to be the perfect Casanova. Written by Nick Riganas