A young boy named Nicholas is about to become the next Santa Claus, but must first avoid a crisis that's threatening the magic of Christmas before he can succeed in his new role.
Police officer’s at a station must solve a murder case.
Bizarre black comedy about 15th-century Paris lawyer Richard Courtois (Firth) who decides to ply his trade in the country, only to find things stranger than he can imagine. His first case turns out to be defending a pig that's accused of murdering a child. And the pig is owned by beautiful gypsy Samira (Annabi), so the idealistic lawyer can fall in love (or lust). There's religion and superstition, there's power struggles, there's ignorance versus knowledge--things sound very modern indeed.
Midshipman Horatio Hornblower joins the British fleet just as the French Revolution is about to change European history. But he has worries closer to home as he incurs the wrath of a shipmate named Simpson, a bully who everyone else avoids and placates. Events lead to a duel, but one of Hornblower's mates takes his place and is killed. At war with France, Hornblower and Simpson are assigned different ships, but are reunited when Simpson's ship is sunk. Events lead to another duel with different results. Written by Ron Kerrigan mvg@whidbey.com
A year has passed by since the Pevensie children stepped through the wardrobe. In Narnia, centuries have passed since the defeat of the White Witch. Now the foursome are sent back to Narnia to find that everything was destroyed and the Narnia they once knew is gone forever. They come to aid the young Prince Caspian, who is leading a group of Old Narnians to wage war against his malicious uncle Miraz, who rules Narnia with an iron fist. Will they succeed? When will Aslan return? Written by Blazer346