HD Anne of the Thousand Days

Anne of the Thousand Days

Anne of the Thousand Days

IMDb: 7.6
145 min

Henry VIII of England discards one wife Katharine of Aragon, who has failed to produce a male heir, in favor of a young and beautiful woman, Anne Boleyn, whose one-thousand-day reign as Queen of England ends with the loss of her head on the block. Henry weds Ann and soon she gives him a child. The girl, Elizabeth, is a bitter disappointment to Henry, who desperately wants an heir. Anne promises Henry a son "next time," but Henry is doubtful. Shortly thereafter, rumors begin that the King's eye has already wandered. One Jane Seymour is at court for a moment. The Queen has her sent away, but, if Anne will bring Jane back to court, the King promises to sign the Act of Succession to insure that Elizabeth will be Queen. Written by alfiehitchie

Country: UK
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SD Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great

IMDb: 5.8
136 min (TCM print) | 135 min (Turner Library Print)

An epic film that follows the life of Alexander the Great, the macedonian king that conquered all ancient greek tribes and led macedonian army against the vast Persian Empire. Alexander conquered most of the then known world and created a greek empire that spanned all the way from the Balkans to India. Written by Chris Makrozahopoulos

Country: USA , Spain
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HD The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings

IMDb: 6.2
132 min

A young Hobbit named Frodo (Guard) is thrown on an amazing adventure, when he is appointed the job of destroying the one ring which was created by the dark lord Sauron. He is assigned with warriors including Gandalf (Squire), Aragorn (Hurt) and Boromir (Cox). It's not going to be an easy journey for the Fellowship of the Ring, on the ultimate quest to rid Middle-Earth of all evil. Written by Film_Fan

Country: USA
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HD Where Eagles Dare

Where Eagles Dare

Where Eagles Dare

IMDb: 7.7
158 min

During WW2 a British aircraft is shot down and crashes in Nazi held territory. The Germans capture the only survivor, an American General, and take him to the nearest SS headquarters. Unknown to the Germans the General has full knowledge of the D-Day operation. The British decide that the General must not be allowed to divulge any details of the Normandy landing at all cost and order Major John Smith to lead a crack commando team to rescue him. Amongst the team is an American Ranger, Lieutenant Schaffer, who is puzzled by his inclusion in an all British operation. When one of the team dies after the parachute drop, Schaffer suspects that Smith's mission has a much more secret objective. Written by Dave Jenkins

Country: UK , USA
Genre: Action, Adventure, War,
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