The series follows Sookie Stackhouse, a barmaid living in Louisiana who can read people's minds, and how her life is turned upside down when the Vampire Bill, walks into her place of employment two years after vampires 'came out of the coffin' on national television. Written by Tommy Stewart
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Forbidden Science is a Cinemax "After Dark" series that premiered on January 9, 2009, it is about a world in which people fulfill erotic desires with androids. It is a combination of film noir and sexploitation. Forbidden Science was a 13-episode series which follows the lives of the "4Ever Innovations" staff.
Forbidden Science is a Cinemax "After Dark" series that premiered on January 9, 2009, it is about a world in which people fulfill erotic desires with androids. It is a combination of film noir and sexploitation. Forbidden Science was a 13-episode series which follows the lives of the "4Ever Innovations" staff.
Truly amazing, fantastical, funny, and odd, and sometimes scary, sad, and endearing stories are portrayed. Many famous actors, actresses, and directors make guest appearances.
Forces of evil, chaos, and destruction await. Not even protectors like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Hawkgirl or the Martian Manhunter may have a chance alone. But together as the Justice League, they are a metahuman force (and a hope) to be reckoned with. Written by RSchaff-2nd
The vampire brothers Damon and Stefan Salvatore, eternal adolescents, having been leading normal lives, hiding their bloodthirsty condition, for centuries, moving on before their non-aging is noticed. They are back in the Virginia town where they became vampires. Stefan is noble, denying himself blood to avoid killing, and tries to control his evil brother Damon, who promised to Stefan an eternity of misery. Stefan falls in love with schoolgirl Elena, who has an uncanny resemblance to the Salvatore brothers old love, Katherine; and whose best friend Bonnie is a witch. Written by KGF Vissers