Phillip Fry is a 25-year-old pizza delivery boy whose life is going nowhere. When he accidentally freezes himself on December 31, 1999, he wakes up 1,000 years in the future and has a chance to make a fresh start. He goes to work for the Planet Express Corporation, a futuristic delivery service that transports packages to all five quadrants of the universe. His companions include the delivery ship's captain, Leela, a beautiful one-eyed female alien who kicks some serious butt, and Bender, a robot with very human flaws. Written by Ronos
Forces of evil, chaos, and destruction await. Not even protectors like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Hawkgirl or the Martian Manhunter may have a chance alone. But together as the Justice League, they are a metahuman force (and a hope) to be reckoned with. Written by RSchaff-2nd
In the distant past, a Japanese samurai embarks on a mission to defeat the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku. Before he can complete his task, though, he is catapulted thousands of years into the future. He finds himself in a world where Aku now enjoys complete power over every living thing. Dubbing himself Jack, he sets out on a new quest--to right the wrongs that have been done by his enemy and to find a way back to his own time so he can destroy the evil for good. Written by Alan Back ajback@yahoo.com
Late night sketch-comedy show based on the humor of MAD magazine. Material includes impersonations, fake commercials, mock movie trailers, and even Spy vs. Spy segments. Competes against Saturday Night Live in it's time slot, but aimed at a younger adult audience. Written by Eric
Orphaned schoolboy Peter Parker lost even his uncle, leaving him with old, semi-helpless aunt May. Trough a messed-up experiment with spider DNA, he acquires super-powers. But he only uses them when masked in a flashy costume as Spider-man, a mysterious dashing hero who defeats all crooks. As Peter, his life is far humbler, moonlighting as photographer for the Bugle. Written by KGF Vissers
A continuation of the Justice League animated series finds the original members of the team joined in their battle against crime and evil by dozens of other heroes from the DC comics universe.
In New York City, there is a mass breakout of supervillains from various S.H.I.E.L.D prisons by a mysterious mastermind. Against this threat that no single hero could have withstood, Iron Man, Giant Man, the Wasp, Thor and the Hulk work together to defeat the menace. Inspired by this victory, Iron Man convinces the others to form a permanent team, The Avengers, for the cause of justice. Together, these superheroes face new challenges, members, friends and foes as they assemble for them as one. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)
A beast named Bunsen, who is the first beast in his human school, and Mikey Monroe, his human friend, try to navigate through school life when a girl named Amanda wants Bunsen gone so that his kind will suffer from extinction.
Set at the Tierra Chula Resident Hotel, Tarantula centers on Echo Johnson, a respected but uncertified tattoo artist. Echo’s poetic ramblings tell tales of misadventures with the other residents as they partake in party crashing, dumpster diving and other socially dubious acts of mischief.
After Turbo the Snail's improbable win at the Indianapolis 500, the superfast racer finds his life forever changed after he returns from his victory tour. Namely, Tito, his human companion, has built Starlite City, a massive miniature city with an elaborate adjoining race track for Turbo and his fellow snails to live and race in. However, Turbo finds his new life no less hectic as he and his friends face new rivals of all varieties eager to take the champion on. Regardless of the danger, Turbo and his colleagues of the Fast Action Stunt Team are ready for the challenge.
After Turbo the Snail's improbable win at the Indianapolis 500, the superfast racer finds his life forever changed after he returns from his victory tour. Namely, Tito, his human companion, has built Starlite City, a massive miniature city with an elaborate adjoining race track for Turbo and his fellow snails to live and race in. However, Turbo finds his new life no less hectic as he and his friends face new rivals of all varieties eager to take the champion on. Regardless of the danger, Turbo and his colleagues of the Fast Action Stunt Team are ready for the challenge.
In a tale of bravery and heroism, fearless frogs go to war against the sinister scorpions and spiders that have teamed up to conquer the amphibians.
After Turbo the Snail's improbable win at the Indianapolis 500, the superfast racer finds his life forever changed after he returns from his victory tour. Namely, Tito, his human companion, has built Starlite City, a massive miniature city with an elaborate adjoining race track for Turbo and his fellow snails to live and race in. However, Turbo finds his new life no less hectic as he and his friends face new rivals of all varieties eager to take the champion on. Regardless of the danger, Turbo and his colleagues of the Fast Action Stunt Team are ready for the challenge.
The world may know them as Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Batgirl, but not-so-typical teenagers Diana, Kara and Barbara, alongside their Super Hero friends have much more to deal with than just protecting Metropolis from some of the most sinister school-aged Super-Villains. After all, being teens is tough enough, what with school, friends, family and the chaos that comes with managing a social life. But add super powers and a secret identity to the mix, and things can get a lot more complicated.
In a tale of bravery and heroism, fearless frogs go to war against the sinister scorpions and spiders that have teamed up to conquer the amphibians.
Beans, a Gen Z kid, is sent to a newly gentrified and urban hell, where he works as Devil's social media manager as the two navigate their personal lives while forming an unlikely friendship and making hell the best place to live in the universe.
The escapades of a trio of stoner anti-establishment characters and their cat who wake up from a 50-year nap after smoking a magical strain of weed in 1969, and must adjust to life with a new family in present-day San Francisco.
With great power at stake, a group of rebel mages and thieves goes head-to-head against a sinister force possessing a dangerous artifact.
In a tale of bravery and heroism, fearless frogs go to war against the sinister scorpions and spiders that have teamed up to conquer the amphibians.