Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 09
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 16
Season 18
Season 19
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM, Jack Bauer is arrested but escapes handcuffed from the secret service. He hijacks a car with the waitress Lauren, goes to a construction and talks to Nina and Tony. Sherry calls Maureen and promises the story of the assassination attempt and conspiracy in the government if she postpones the news about Keith. Teri is sexually abused by one of the kidnappers to protect Kim and she steals his cellular. Tony and Nina press Jamey and she tries to commit suicide. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
All Episodes - S01
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between midnight and 1:00 AM, the spy Victor Rovner sends a message from Kuala Lumpur to USA. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, the Federal Agent Jack Bauer has returned to his family and is having trouble at home with his teenage daughter Kimberly, who blames her mother Teri for putting Jack out of the house. Teri and Jack decide to have a serious conversation with Kim, and they discover that the girl has run away home. While trying to solve his domestic problem, Jack is called to his Counter Terrorist Unit by his colleague Nina Myers for a meeting with their chief Richard Walsh, who discloses a menace against the life of Senator David Palmer, who is running for president, and they need to find the shooter. Later, Walsh has a private conversation with Jack and tells that there is a conspiracy in the agency against David Palmer, and assigns Jack to find the conspirators. When an airplane explodes over the Mojave Desert, Jack has one ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM, Richard Walsh meets his inside informer Scott Baylor in the Dunlop Plaza, who delivers a key card with data of the CTU conspirator. However, they are ambushed, there is a shoot-out, Scott is killed and Walsh calls Jack Bauer to come to help him. In Mojave Desert, Mandy hides the ID of David Palmer's photographer in the sand with a beacon and is rescued by her contractor; later her partner picks the ID up in a motorcycle. Meanwhile, Kim and her friend Janet are abducted while Teri and Alan seek their daughters. Jack helps Walsh, who gives the key card to him after being shot, dying soon after. Jack is very surprised with the identity of the rogue of his agency. David Palmer contacts a friend and sneaks out from his suite. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
With analyzing the key card jack realizes that Nina Myers is the one who is betraying from inside of CTU.On the other hand Palmer has gone to meet one of his men and talk to him about the phone call that he had.Kim and her friend has noticed that they are being kidnapped so they try to getaway but in the end a car hits Janet and the men took Kim away.Ira Gains get mad when he hears that Brigette wants more money to reveal the transponder,but Mandy makes a deal with him so they kill Brigett after getting the transponder.Jack talks to Nina and they get sure that she is not the one breaking from inside... Written by Ali Sadidi Heris
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM, Janet is left injured on the road, but later they decide to return and execute her. Nina is absolutely upset with Jack Bauer, but she seems to understand his reasons and together with Jamey they try to disclose the scheme and the conspirator in the CTU. However, District Director George Mason is called by Tony Almeida and shuts down the agency. Jack escapes of the lock-down to follow a lead in the key card and Nina and Jamie cover him in spite of being pressed by Mason. The secret service tells the assassination threat to David Palmer, and he tells his wife that a reporter called him telling that Keith had murdered the boy that raped Nicole, and his therapist George Ferragano would have told the truth to the journalist. Jack chases and captures a criminal and he tells that Kim has been kidnapped. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 4:00 AM and 5:00 AM, Janet arrives in the hospital as Jane Doe and immediately goes to an emergency surgery. Teri and Alan arrives in despair, trying to find which daughter is in surgery. In the Campaign Headquarter of Senator David Palmer, he schedules a meeting with Maureen Kingsley on the third floor. The reporter confirms that Keith's therapist George Ferragano had told that Keith had killed the man that raped his sister, and she confirmed that Keith had gone to a hospital using a fake name. Meanwhile, Jack Bauer forces a situation in the precinct to release Greg Penticoff and get information about Kim. Nina is not able to trace the phone call of Gaines to Penticoff, and they find a body that Gaines left in the trunk of a car. Janet has problems in her surgery. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM, David Palmer decides to tell the family side of the story to the press, explaining that it was actually an accident, and he tries to convince Sherry and Keith to support him. However, Sherry suggests David to find some dirty in the past of Maureen and blackmail her to bury the truth and preserve their family. Kim gets out from Kevin, dominates him and calls Jamey asking for help. However, the agents do not arrive but Gaines's men instead. Meanwhile Gaines forces Jack Bauer to switch the key card. When Milo notes the replacement of card, he tells Nina and she presses Jack; he points his gun and forces Nina to leave CTU with him. Rick helps Kim to escape, but when she sees that her mother was also abducted, she decides to return to her imprisonment. Gaines orders Jack to shoot Nina. Tony retrieves the images in Jack's office and does not understand why he dressed Nina with a bulletproof vest. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM, Martin Beckin arrives in the conference press of David Palmer. Meanwhile, Nina calls Tony and explains that CTU is infiltrated and they find that Jamey is a spy and the conspirators are using CTU surveillance cameras to monitor the interior of the facility. Jack is forced to bring a wallet with a weapon inside the press conference and deliver it to Martin. Tony calls Aaron Pierce from the secret service and tells that Jack is compromised. Gaines orders to execute Teri and Kim. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM, Jack Bauer is arrested but escapes handcuffed from the secret service. He hijacks a car with the waitress Lauren, goes to a construction and talks to Nina and Tony. Sherry calls Maureen and promises the story of the assassination attempt and conspiracy in the government if she postpones the news about Keith. Teri is sexually abused by one of the kidnappers to protect Kim and she steals his cellular. Tony and Nina press Jamey and she tries to commit suicide. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Jack is on the run after escaping custody. Nina receives a phone call from Teri and tries to trace the call. Palmer still wants to go ahead with the press conference despite objections. Alberta Green temporarily takes over as Director of CTU. Written by Derfel85
Jack takes Ted Cofell hostage after finding his name on the key-card and tries to get whatever info he has about the conspiracy which only amounts to the name of another conspirator, a one Kevin Carroll. Palmer starts to piece together his connection to Jack. Gaines receives orders to kill Teri and Kim from his boss Andre Drazen. Written by Derfel85
Kevin Carroll (the man who pretended to be York) leads Jack to Gaines' compound where he is quickly discovered. Nina and Tony try work around Director's Green's strict new protocols to help Jack. Palmer discovers that Carl Webb, one of his financiers is handling the Keith situation his own way. Written by Derfel85
Jack has a final confrontation with Gaines as a CTU chopper heads to the compound. Nina and Tony talk to Jamey's mother in order to learn why she was helping the assassins. Carl Webb threatens Palmer to keep quiet about the murder once and for all. CTU learns that more assassins are on their way to LA. Written by Derfel85
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM, Jack is questioned by Regional Director Ryan Chappelle first and then by Alberta Green, before being sent to the Justice Department. Nina goes to the clinic to protect Teri and Kim that are having medical attention; she sees a suspect and asks Alberta permission to take the women to a safe-house. Tony discloses that three backup shooters have arrived to Los Angeles and suggests that Senator David Palmer should leave the city. Tony is seduced by Alberta with a promotion to blame Jack, but he defends Jack's attitudes to Chappelle. Kevin and Gaines's men are executed by a killer following Drazen's order. David Palmer asks for information about Jack Bauer and surprisingly he arrives in CTU requesting a meeting with the suspect. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM, Senator David Palmer calls Alan Opticam from Pentagon to break the protocol of an internal investigation in CTU conducted by Regional Director Ryan Chappelle and have a meeting with Jack Bauer. After clarifying the misunderstand about the incident in the power plant with Jack, the Senator discovers that the attempt is not related to the election process or racism, but just a revenge against the Operation Nightfall, which was ordered by him. They call Robert Ellis in New Orleans and explain that someone close to Victor Drazen seems to have connected David Palmer to Jack Bauer and wants revenge on the day of the second anniversary of Nightfall. Ellis sends a couple of missing files and they disclose that Drazen's wife and daughter were in the bunker that was exploded. Palmer forces Chappelle to reinstate Jack Bauer to his position in a provisional status for the rest of the day. Meanwhile Elizabeth is ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
After handing out photos of all the assassins, Jack and Mason discover that one of Palmer's campaign staff is in a romantic relationship with Alexis Drazen. Teri and Kim are attacked in the safehouse. Keith confronts Carl Webb about the cover-up. Written by Derfel85
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM, Elizabeth Nash accepts to meets with Alexis to plant a bug in his wallet. However, she has an unexpected reaction jeopardizing the operation. Kim calls CTY from Pine Canyon and does not tell Tony where she is; then she calls Rick and takes a cab to his house. Teri gets a lift on the road with a stranger to a hospital, but when she sees a restaurant, she asks the driver to pull over since she has some recollection of the place. When the maitre arrives, he recalls her. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM, Alexis receives a phone call and Jack discovers that the criminal has scheduled a payoff in twenty minutes. Jack poses as Alexis, but his backup is Teddy Hanlin, the former partner of one corrupt agent that Jack sent to prison that has a deep resentment against Jack and jeopardizes the mission. Mason hides from Jack that his family is missing. Teri still has amnesia caused by the deep emotional trauma, and Dr. Phil Parslow drives her home under her request. Kim is trapped in Rick's house by Dan's brother Frank. David Palmer tests his wife with a fake tape in the safe and decides to call the press for a conference. Agent Williams, who is protecting the Bauer's house, is murdered by a terrorist while Dr. Parslow and Teri are arriving. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Jack and Mason search for location of the address found in Victor Drazen's confidential file. Palmer finally lets the press know about Keith's past. One of Drazen's goons closes in on Teri; Kim is arrested after the police raid Rick's house. Written by Derfel85
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM, George Mason returns to interrogate Alexis while Jack decides to stay for further investigation of the location. Jack finds a secret military prison and the surprising identity of the new arrival prisoner. Meanwhile Tony brings Teri with him to CTU. David Palmer finds how ambitious Sherry is and that his marriage is over. Kim is arrested in jail in the precinct. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM, Jack Bauer, Mark DeSalvo and his men try unsuccessfully to escape with Victor Drazen from the facility under raid of Andre's team. They are all killed but Jack is spared for a possible negotiation. However, Chappelle orders a full assault of CTU squad. Senator David Palmer wins all the eleven primaries and celebrates with his staff. Teri arrives in the CTU and the false Mason lies to her. Meanwhile Kim is identified and released, but while going to CTU with Krugman, they are attacked by Drazen's men. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 9:00 PM and 10:00 AM, Jack proposes his trade for Alexis, and Victor and Andre contact Mason, who claims that does not have authority to negotiate. Chappelle considers Jack expendable and leaves him on his own. However Nina calls David Palmer and the senator presses the ambitious Mason, promising a position in Washington after the election. Mason swaps Alexis, but Drazen's men find the tracker. Pattty flirts with David Palmer during the celebration and following orders of Sherry. Teri does not know that Kim has been recaptured by Drazen's men. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM, Jack Bauer is contacted by Victor and Andre and they ask him to meet Senator David Palmer to release their assets of US$ 200 millions and then kill Palmer after. Meanwhile Palmer lures Patty, who believes that has seduced him, and fires her. Sherry justifies her actions telling that it would serve to higher purposes. When Jack meets Palmer, he notes that the cell phone is a bomb and saves the senator again. Jack asks Palmer to say to the press that he is dead, trying to buy time and rescue Kim. Kim manages to escape from Drazen and his men jumping in the water. In CTU, the traitor calls Victor and Andre and tells that David Palmer is alive. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the day of the California Presidential Primary, between 11:00 PM and 12:00 PM, Jack Bauer drives to the docks to trade himself for Kim. However, Nina leaks to Victor and Andre that Kim is safe and sound, and Victor orders her to tell Jack that they have killed Kim. Instead of being dazzled and confused, Jack is driven by his anger, breaks in the hideout and after a long shootout, he kills Andre, Victor and their men. David Palmer breaks definitely his relationship with the arrogant Sherry. Nina tries to escape from CTU destroying all the evidences, and Teri sees her speaking in German. Nina executes Teri and is captured alive by Jack. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil