Birth of the Baby: Part 1

Birth of the Baby: Part 1

Archie is a nervous wreck because he wants to back out of the annual minstrel show at the lodge, which he has successfully avoided for several years. Lodge brothers Barney Hefner and Ed Bradley blackmail him by asserting that if Archie doesn't go on with the show, he will be kicked out of the lodge and lose all the benefits therein. Meanwhile, Mike and Gloria try to have a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant to take their minds off the fact that she is a week overdue. When Gloria admits that she is having contractions, which she didn't want to admit because she didn't want to spoil the evening, Mike panics and tries to get her to the hospital. Trying to call the lodge to tell her mother and father that she is in labor, she becomes stuck in the phone booth. Meanwhile, Archie and Edith get the message and have to leave the lodge to get to the hospital. Barney and Ed think that it is just one more excuse to get out of going onstage, and they take the cold cream, forcing Archie to have ... Written by Jerry Roberts

  • Duration:
  • IMDb: 7.5



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HD The Very Moving Day

The Very Moving Day


The Very Moving Day - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.3

As Mike and Gloria prepare for their move out of the Bunker house, Gloria has some good news as she shares with her parents that she is going to have a baby. However, when she tells Mike, he is not as enthusiastic due to his feelings about bringing up a child in a world full of problems and it eventually leads to a fight between the two. Mike then storms out of the house and Gloria is so distraught that she even considers taking a drastic step to save her marriage. Written by Brian Washington

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Alone at Last

Alone at Last


Alone at Last - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.7

The day has come that Mike and Gloria are moving into their new home and Archie is practically pushing them out the door. Archie is being so obnoxious that Mike finally reaches a boiling point until he declares his independence and calls Archie a fathead. He and Gloria spend the night in their new home without electricity, plumbing or heat. Archie is overjoyed that the meathead is suffering but Edith's motherly instinct force her to intercede, she walks out and intends to suffer right along with the kids. Archie is all to happy to take care of himself but while making a mess in the kitchen, he runs across Gloria's bowl from when she was a baby and it melts his heart. He goes next door with a half-hearted apology and tells Mike and Gloria that they can stay at his house until the heat gets turned on. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Archie the Donor

Archie the Donor


Archie the Donor - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.6

Archie is up for a promotion to the dispatcher at the loading dock against Black Elmo, and decides to darken his hair to look different. He'll do anything to get the position and in doing so he signs an organ donor card without even reading it. Fearful that he won't get into Heaven if he donates his organs (because he fears that the recipients will use them for sinful purposes) he goes back to the office and asks the boss to tear up the donor card, claiming that he isn't a well man. His boss, Mr. Sanders, agrees and decides that the dispatcher job needs a healthy man who is going to be around for a long time, so he gives the job to Black Elmo instead. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Archie the Hero

Archie the Hero


Archie the Hero - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.5

Archie comes home all excited because he has been deemed a hero. It seems that while driving Munson's cab the woman in the backseat passed out, and he administered mouth-to-mouth and brought her around again. Later, the woman, named Beverly, comes by the house to thank him. While talking to Edith, Beverly reveals something startling - she is really a man, a female impersonator. When Archie comes back and attempts conversation, Beverly takes the wig off and reveals the truth. Archie is humiliated and doesn't want any press, despite the fact that a reporter is looking for him. The reporter catches up with him at Kelcy's and starts asking questions but Archie wants to forget the whole thing. The reporter goes into the men's room where he catches Beverly and returns demanding the truth from Archie. Beverly saves him by telling the reporter that it was a truck driver who administered CPR. Archie is grateful and tells her that for a dame, she's one hell of a guy. Written by Jerry Roberts

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Mike's Pains

Mike's Pains


Mike's Pains - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.3

Gloria enters her fourth month of pregnancy and Mike begins to have some doubts about wanting to be in the delivery room for the birth. Gloria becomes angry that he wants to back out of the delivery but he wasn't resistant to the conception, and stops talking to him for a time. Later, Edith invites Sybil Gooley over to the Stivic's so she can use an old family trick to test whether Gloria is going to have a boy or a girl (she predicts boy). Sybil and Edith discuss the birth of their children and how they wish their husbands had been there for the blessed moment. This changes Mike's mind and he decides that he wants to be present for the birth. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Chain Letter

Chain Letter


Chain Letter - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.9

Edith is busy mailing a series of chain letters thinking that good luck will befall her if she sends them and bad luck with pursue her if she doesn't. Archie thinks she crazy and then receives one himself, which he promptly throws in the wastebasket. Irene warns him about the dangers of throwing the letter away but Archie scoffs her suggestion. Almost immediately bad things begin to happen, the worst of which takes place at Kelcy's when Archie accidentally drinks beer from a glass that was previously used by Bert Munson - who has hepatitis. In a panic, Archie goes to the emergency room and not only runs afoul of a smart-Alec black doctor but a nurse without a sense of humor. Written by Jerry Roberts

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Mike Faces Life

Mike Faces Life


Mike Faces Life - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

When Gloria gets her paycheck in the mail, it is good news and bad news. The good news is that the check is more than she expected. The bad news is that the check also comes enclosed with a pink slip. Determined to find out why she has been fired, she and Mike pay a visit to the boss Mr. Crenshaw. Mike becomes angry and demands to know why Gloria was let go. Crenshaw secretly records the parts of their conversation that makes Mike look like he is threatening him, but turns it off to confesses that he fired Gloria because she is pregnant, stating that she looks like Alfred Hitchcock in drag. The smug little man assures Mike that he and Gloria can sue him but that they have no evidence. Gloria organizes a protest outside the store that is interrupted by the cops - one of whom is pregnant and joins the protest. The store, with its back to the wall, gives Gloria her job back. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Edith Breaks Out

Edith Breaks Out


Edith Breaks Out - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.9

Archie comes home to an empty house, no Edith, no dinner and no beer in the fridge. Edith comes home and starts preparing dinner, telling Archie that she has been volunteering at a nursing home. She feels a sense of pride that she is doing something fulfilling but Archie is angry that it is taking her away from the home. She insists that the volunteer work is important but Archie determines to put her in her place. Edith won't be put in her place and an argument breaks out with Archie trying to control her and Edith standing her ground. He tries to leave but she leaves first. Later, when she comes back, Archie takes her out to dinner and surprises him by telling him that she isn't volunteering at the home anymore because they have offered to pay her for her services. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Grandpa Blues

Grandpa Blues


Grandpa Blues - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Archie's company physical is fast approaching, and he needs to remain calm for an entire weekend for the blood pressure test. Of course, a variety of situations arise that test Archie's ability to keep an even temper.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gloria Suspects Mike

Gloria Suspects Mike


Gloria Suspects Mike - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.2

Gloria, now in her seventh month, is feeling unattractive. Added to that is the fact that Mike is tutoring an attractive young woman in Economics and suspects that something else might be going on. That night, when Mike goes to tutor the woman, they both become mutually attracted to one another leading to a kiss. Meanwhile, Archie gets an idea to trap Mike in a confession. Knowing that he can't hold his wine, Archie decides to try and liquor him up as a truth drug. They both get drunk and right before Mike confesses, Archie passes out, missing the part where he confesses that he simply got up and left the woman's apartment. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD The Little Atheist

The Little Atheist


The Little Atheist - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.8

If it's a major holiday and Archie and Mike are sitting at the table, it's sure to mean one thing: verbal fireworks. This time, the holiday is Thanksgiving and the topic is the religion of the Stivics' unborn baby. Archie wants to raise his grandchild as a Christian; Mike suggests that the child will make the decision when he or she is old enough to. Written by Brian Rathjen

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Archie's Civil Rights

Archie's Civil Rights


Archie's Civil Rights - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.9

Archie comes home with a wounded wrist and the news that he was mugged. He tells Edith and Gloria that, while driving his cab, a young man pulled a switch blade on him and demanded money. Archie fought him off with a small teargas sprayer that he got from a magazine. A police officer comes around and begins asking questions, and shocks Archie when he informs him that it is illegal for him to possess a teargas sprayer and gives him a summons to appear in court. Later, in court Archie tries to explain his case to the judge (who is black) and is informed that using the sprayer could cost him up to seven years in prison. He is also surprised to learn that the mugger was caught but set free because the cop didn't read him his rights in English. Also, the cop is at fault because he searched the Bunker house for the sprayer without a warrant. The case is dismissed. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gloria Is Nervous

Gloria Is Nervous


Gloria Is Nervous - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.3

Gloria is an emotional wreck due to the fact that she is nine days overdue. Mike tries unsuccessfully to make her feel better, but it all for nothing, she'd rather make war than love. She accuses him of being ignorant of her needs, especially when he decides to go to a basketball game rather than stay home for the baby shower. During the shower, Gloria makes it known that she currently has a distaste for Michael when suddenly he bursts through the door in a panic. While at the basketball game, he heard Gloria's doctor paged over the loudspeaker and assumed that she had gone into labor. Gloria realizes that he does care and they make up. He admits that he can never understand what she is going through, but out of sympathy he had six pickles with ice cream at the game. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Birth of the Baby: Part 1

Birth of the Baby: Part 1


Birth of the Baby: Part 1 - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.5

Archie is a nervous wreck because he wants to back out of the annual minstrel show at the lodge, which he has successfully avoided for several years. Lodge brothers Barney Hefner and Ed Bradley blackmail him by asserting that if Archie doesn't go on with the show, he will be kicked out of the lodge and lose all the benefits therein. Meanwhile, Mike and Gloria try to have a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant to take their minds off the fact that she is a week overdue. When Gloria admits that she is having contractions, which she didn't want to admit because she didn't want to spoil the evening, Mike panics and tries to get her to the hospital. Trying to call the lodge to tell her mother and father that she is in labor, she becomes stuck in the phone booth. Meanwhile, Archie and Edith get the message and have to leave the lodge to get to the hospital. Barney and Ed think that it is just one more excuse to get out of going onstage, and they take the cold cream, forcing Archie to have ... Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Birth of the Baby: Part 2

Birth of the Baby: Part 2


Birth of the Baby: Part 2 - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.9

Archie is forced to show up at the hospital for the birth of his grandchild in black face, When his lodge brothers refused to give him their cold cream because he left, He and Edith are surprised to discover that Mike and Gloria haven't arrived - first they that Gloria was stuck in a phone booth at the restaurant and then they found themselves stuck in traffic. All is well, they get to the hospital, Gloria has the baby and Archie manages to borrow cold cream from a terrified elderly woman. The lodge brothers show up and tell him that they understand and that it would be heartless to throw him out of the lodge at the birth of his first grandchild, whom Mike and Gloria name Joseph Michael Stivic. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD New Year's Wedding

New Year's Wedding


New Year's Wedding - EPS 16

IMDb: 6.8
30 min

In the wake of the birth of little Joey, Gloria and Michael are at odds with one another over communication issues. Gloria is upset because Michael keeps making big and little decisions without consulting her despite the fact that their marriage is suppose to be an equal partnership. The crux of their argument is over plans for their friends who are getting married before the year ends. Problems with the arrangements cause them to lose their original location and so it is suggested that they have it in the Stivic's living room. Mike comes to understand why Gloria is upset when she re-writes the speech he was suppose to make as best man. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Archie the Babysitter

Archie the Babysitter


Archie the Babysitter - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

It is finally time for Mike and Gloria to have a break from little Joey for the evening and they hire a babysitter named Sharyl to watch him. Archie checks in but is none too thrilled by her choice of studies - Aboriginal sexuality - nor her hippie boyfriend whom she takes to smooching with on the couch. Archie throws them both out and takes little Joey over to his house just as the guys are converging for their poker night. He becomes irritated by the chatter and the noise from his buddies until they come together to try and help little Joey get to sleep. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Archie Finds a Friend

Archie Finds a Friend


Archie Finds a Friend - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.9

Archie befriends an elderly Jewish watchmaker named Bernie Bernstein who has come up with an invention that he thinks could make the both of them millionaires, a remote control for the doorbell. All he needs from Archie is $1000 to get started, which Archie just happens to have. Edith objects, and the more Archie tries to shut her up, the louder her objections become, especially when the remote either doesn't work or rings every doorbell in the neighborhood. Eventually it comes to light that Mr. Bernstein is a very sick man, and eventually dies right there on their couch. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Mike's Move

Mike's Move


Mike's Move - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.5

Mike is up for a big promotion at work that would send he and Gloria to Minnesota. Archie and Edith aren't too happy. Edith is disappointed but is willing to let them live their own lives, but Archie behaves like a child and makes all kinds of rude comments about their decision. The only stumbling block between Mike and the job is that he the other candidate is a black man, and the university must hire him because they don't want any problems. The other candidate does get the job and Mike is upset. He tells the Dean that he is fine, but upon leaving, he slams the door and breaks the glass. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Archie's Weighty Problem

Archie's Weighty Problem


Archie's Weighty Problem - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.7

Archie begins behaving like an angry child when Edith puts him on the diet at the orders of his doctors to lose 25 pounds. Fed up with Edith's attempts to lower sodium and cholesterol, he storms out of the house and begins taking his meals at Kelcy's. But even Kelcy gets irritated with his constant temper tantrums. Finally, he gets some useful advice from Justin Quigley while the old man is out jogging. He shows Archie pictures of his family, all of whom died young because they didn't take care of themselves and warns Archie that he'd better do the same if he wants to dance at Joey's wedding someday. Written by Jerry Roberts

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Love by Appointment

Love by Appointment


Love by Appointment - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.2

Mike is upset that all of Gloria's time is spent taking care of Joey while his needs are being ignored. Gloria becomes angry and tells him that at 5 o'clock, his job ends, but that she doesn't get to punch out. They have an argument and Mike runs next door to play cards with Archie. Edith comes over to talk to Gloria and lets to know that some friction between new parents is normal with all the changes that come about, especially in the bedroom. Archie is not quite as successful in talking to Mike, but then Gloria comes over and the two share a passionate kiss. Written by Jerry Roberts

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Joey's Baptism

Joey's Baptism


Joey's Baptism - EPS 22

IMDb: 7.9

Archie fears for Joey's mortal soul because he hasn't been baptized and Mike and Gloria don't want to put religion into his life. So, Archie gets the idea that while he is baptizing, that he will sneak down to the church and have it done before he gets back. Edith is completely against it, locking Archie's hat and coat in the closet and refusing to give up the key. While her back is turned, he grabs a hat and sweater out of the box that is going to the poor, grabs Joey out of his pram and runs to the church. The minister refuses to perform the baptism without the parent's consent, so Archie sneaks into the sanctuary and does it himself. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gloria and Mike's House Guests

Gloria and Mike's House Guests


Gloria and Mike's House Guests - EPS 23

IMDb: 7.6

The furnace at the Bunker house goes kaput, so Archie and Edith are forced to spend a few days staying with Mike and Gloria to keep warm. Added to the fact that Mike and Archie don't get along is the still boiling issue of Archie having Joey baptized without her parent's consent. Archie makes a fool of himself with his annoying habits and nearly drives Mike right out of his own house. Things go from bad to worse until the power goes out and everyone sits in the dark by candlelight and all is calm again. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Edith's Night Out

Edith's Night Out


Edith's Night Out - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.0

Gloria buys Edith a suit, complete with pants, but Edith isn't sure about it because Archie is against women wearing pants. She encourages Edith to ask Archie to take her out somewhere. Archie comes home in a foul mood, unimpressed with the suit and demanding that Edith get dinner on the table. She insists that he take her somewhere but he refuses, so she puts on her coat and goes down to Kelcy's. The place is crowded and Edith makes a few new friends and starts playing the piano. Archie comes in, irritated at her new found popularity and demands that she come home. She goes, but first tells her new friends that she'll be back. Written by Jerry Roberts

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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