Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 09
Archie slips into a bout of depression when he finds out from his insurance company's physical that a spot appeared on the X-Ray on his liver. Despite the fact that the doctor isn't sure what the spot is, Archie is convinced that the end is near. His first response is to be nice to Edith, and his second is to retire to his bedroom to wait out the inevitable. Written by Jerry Roberts
All Episodes - S09
Archie and Edith are just settling into their blissful life after Mike and Gloria have moved to California when, out of the blue, Edith's step-cousin Floyd drops in for a visit, along with his nine year-old daughter Stephanie. Edith is glad to see them but Archie knows that it is only a matter of time before Floyd will ask for money or some other outrageous favor. He's right, the favor turns out to be that he wants Archie and Edith to look after Stephanie for two weeks (three weeks tops) while he takes care of some business. Archie refuses, against Edith's objections and Floyd and Stephanie appear to drive away, but they are surprised to find that he has left Stephanie behind. Written by Jerry Roberts
Archie slips into a bout of depression when he finds out from his insurance company's physical that a spot appeared on the X-Ray on his liver. Despite the fact that the doctor isn't sure what the spot is, Archie is convinced that the end is near. His first response is to be nice to Edith, and his second is to retire to his bedroom to wait out the inevitable. Written by Jerry Roberts
Barney comes into the bar still broken up over Blanche leaving him for an exterminator. Archie and Harry try and cheer him up by reminiscing, but it only reminds him of the times he had with his wife. Archie gets the idea to take his mind off Blanche by setting him up on a date with Boom Boom. Meanwhile, Blanche comes to the Bunker's house to talk to Edith because the exterminator dumped her in Atlantic City and she misses Barney again. Edith suggests that she go down to Archie's Place and try to make up with Barney. When she arrives, Boom Boom makes a hasty retreat. Despite the fact that Barney let her fish die, he and Blanche admit that they are both lonely and they make up. Written by Jerry Roberts
Stephanie is eagerly awaiting the return of her father who has promised to come an pick her up. Instead, he writes a letter to her telling her that he has found a new job and that he will not be able to come and get her. Archie reports Floyd to the FBI, which refers the case to Child Services. A representative comes around and deems Archie's unusual behavior to be unfit in the presence of a child. Archie then has to explain the situation to Stephanie that he and Edith are simply not fit to raise a child, but Stephanie warms his heart and he leaves the decision up to Edith. Written by Jerry Roberts
Edith's Aunt Rose passes away, and as Edith prepares for the funeral, Archie steadfastly refuses to go. Seems that Edith and Aunt Rose were at odds over her decision to marry Archie, so they hardly spoke. When she gets to the funeral home for the visitation, she is stunned to discover that she is the only one who showed up to pay her last respects. There at the casket she makes one last attempt to make amends with her aunt despite the intrusion of the funeral director who keeps coming by to retrieve chairs for the funeral next door. Two people do eventually show up. One is a young man who has the wrong room, and the other is Archie who has changed his mind and wants to be by Edith's side in her time of need. Written by Jerry Roberts
During a weekend in a fishing cabin, a disagreement over a Monopoly game has the men and women sleeping in separate bedrooms.
At a convention Archie awakens next to a black woman who claims that they were married.
No one will loan Edith money to buy a new television because she has no job and is just a housewife.
Archie is caught between sympathy and self-preservation when the other woman from his past really needs his help. Her name is Denise and she's the attractive waitress who was the other half of an evening that Archie - and Edith - will always remember. Written by TVLand
Edith is arrested for passing counterfeit money that she got from Archie at the bar.
The Bunkers plan to go to California to visit the Stivics after they cancel their Christmas trip to New York.
When the Bunkers visit the Stivics in California, Mike and Gloria are hiding the fact that they have separated.
Archie Bunker, was a bigoted working-class family man who held his views of the world. His viewpoints clash with nearly everyone he comes into contact with especially his son-in-law Mike Stivic (or, as Archie delights in calling him, Meathead). Written by Brian Rathjen
Edith can't sing at the PTA meeting because she has laryngitis.
The butcher returns with his fiancee who is the spitting image of Edith who he still seems to have feelings for.
On her tenth birthday Stephanie is rushed to the hospital with appendicitis.
Stephanie has been stealing from school and from the Bunkers.
Barney is distraught after Blanche finally leaves him so Archie tries a bit of matchmaking himself.
Archie's brother shows up with an eighteen year old wife.
The Reverand Chong visits Edith to tell her that Stephanie is Jewish. Archie wants her to convert, but Edith backs Stephanie's decision.
Edith is dismissed when she honors a patient's wishes and lets her die in peace.
Producer/Developer Norman Lear hosts a 90 minute retrospective on the long-running comedy with classic footage from past episodes.
Louise Jefferson shows up and asks Edith to help her find a buyer for their house next door. At first Archie is excited... until he sees Edith's choice for new neighbors.
Archie's fighting instincts are aroused when Stephanie's derelict father returns and uses blackmail to try an get his daughter back. Edith panics at the thought of losing Stephanie, and does her best to help Archie with a plan.
Episode #207 - Archie keeps a sick Edith so busy cooking for his big St. Patrick's Day party, that she doesn't get the chance to tell him that hard work is hazardous to her health. When Archie finds out the truth about Edith's illness, he takes steps to make sure she will never forget to tell him again. Written by TVLand
Archie Bunker, was a bigoted working-class family man who held his views of the world. His viewpoints clash with nearly everyone he comes into contact with especially his son-in-law Mike Stivic (or, as Archie delights in calling him, Meathead). Written by Brian Rathjen
Archie Bunker, was a bigoted working-class family man who held his views of the world. His viewpoints clash with nearly everyone he comes into contact with especially his son-in-law Mike Stivic (or, as Archie delights in calling him, Meathead). Written by Brian Rathjen