Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
A one-night-stand doesn't end the way Hank expected it to: the sexy surfer girl he slept with has stolen his records, a shirt and his guitar! With Karen he goes to see Becca perform with her band. When strolling around with Becca and Karen after the gig, Mia calls Hank and asks him to save her from her teacher who wants to do a threesome with her. Meanwhile, Charlie and his wife are trying to spice up their sex life. Written by Marco van Hoof
All Episodes - S01
A one-night-stand causes writer Hank Moody to be late in meeting his 12-year-old daughter Becca at home, much to the disgust of ex-girlfriend Karen. Then, a romp with a hot bookstore shopper will upend Hank's life in ways he could never imagine. After Becca sneaks out to a party, Hank and Karen go in search of their daughter. Later, Hank and Karen have a heart-to-heart where he admits he wants her back, but she reveals she's engaged to another man and is moving on. Written by Showtime
Hank caves in and accepts the blogger gig for Hell-A Magazine. Meanwhile Becca helps Hank get invited to a dinner party at Karen and Bill's. All the while Hank attempts to heal the rift between his family despite romps with a scientologist, a porn star, and the continuing situation with Bill's daughter Mia. Written by Brian Ross
While Hank gives a talk about his work, an angry Todd Carr (the director of the film based on Hanks book) comes in. The two start a fight and Hank ends up in jail to be bailed out by Bill. Hank meets Meredith again and this time behaves more polite and even tries to help her get back a dog she greatly misses. In the meantime, Charlie, Hanks boss, learns something very interesting about his assistant Dani. Written by Marco van Hoof
Despite the fact he hates things like that, Hank goes to an environmental fund-raiser with Meredith. Karen and Bill are there as well. Also present is the married guy Meredith has an affair with, since five years, and his wife. Dani and Charlie have a little party of their own in Charlie's office until Hank walks in. Written by Marco van Hoof
Bill hasn't got the time for it and asks Hank to replace him as a guest speaker at Mia's creative writing class. Hank accepts and finds himself very popular with all of Mia's classmates, and Mia as well. After she uses the Internet lingo LOL and Hanks mocks it on a radio interview, Meredith tells Hank they are finished. But this doesn't turn out to be the real reason she ditches Hank. Charlie's wife is trying to spice up their sex life by sticking a finger up his ass while Becca has a crush on her handsome guitar teacher Dave. Unfortunately for her, Mia likes the look of him as well. Written by Marco van Hoof
A one-night-stand doesn't end the way Hank expected it to: the sexy surfer girl he slept with has stolen his records, a shirt and his guitar! With Karen he goes to see Becca perform with her band. When strolling around with Becca and Karen after the gig, Mia calls Hank and asks him to save her from her teacher who wants to do a threesome with her. Meanwhile, Charlie and his wife are trying to spice up their sex life. Written by Marco van Hoof
Much to his joy, Charlie's wife Marcy tells him she wants to do a threesome. She asks Dani to join in. Charlie has arranged that Hank and Todd Carr meet because Carr wants to option Hank's blog. When Carr is talking about his house, Hank arranges a surprise Karen must love, being an architect. Becca tells Hank she doesn't believe in happy ends anymore. Meanwhile, Charlie, Marcy and Dani's threesome doesn't end up the way they thought it would. Written by Marco van Hoof
When Hank's father dies, he refuses to attend the funeral. He never forgave his dad for being as unfaithful as himself, while his ma was an old-fashioned Catholic. Like Hank, he spent his days seeking sex, never mind family, like visiting an old 'bed friend' rather then spending time with Becca. Hank takes out his frustrations on the film crew and Trixie, the call-girl he was trying to build a relationship with him. Written by KGF Vissers
Hank comes back from his father's funeral and it turns out he has actually written something! Just like in the good old days, he wants Karen to read and judge it, but she's reluctant to do so. Hank gets a windfall: The terrible movie based on his book has made a nice amount of money and Hank now gets his share. He buys himself a brand new car and Becca a new guitar. Hank's boss Charlie is over the moon when Hank tells him he wrote something again and feels that if Hank can do it, he too can get his act together. Charlie therefore wants to surprise Marcy with champagne and his apologies for his behavior lately. However, Marcy doesn't react the way Charlie thought she would. Written by Marco van Hoof
Now that Charlie is single, he wants casual sex and lots of it. He asks Hank to go to a gym with him so he can get in perfect shape for the ladies and Hank reluctantly agrees. At the gym they meet an old fling of Hank who's still angry with him because he didn't call her back about a year ago. Nevertheless, the three of them end up at Hank's place where Hank just wants to go to sleep, but, because the girl won't have sex with Charlie unless Hank participates, they start a threesome. Meanwhile, Karen and Marcy go out together, get drunk and Marcy tells Karen Hank bought her a ring. Written by Marco van Hoof
To everybody's surprise, Becca announces she wants to move to Hank. The wedding preparations being in full swing can't help the fact that Karen is devastated by this news. Meanwhile, Mia still pretends Hank's book is hers, Dani and Charlie represent her and it looks like the book's going to be a hit. Charlie discovers the book was actually written by Hank, but, unfortunately, there's nothing Hank nor Charlie can do about it because Mia might tell people about the one-night-stand Hank had with her. Written by Marco van Hoof
It's the day of Karen and Bill's wedding and everybody wonders how Hank will behave. While he's trying on his tie, Becca announces she just had her first period and, of course, Hank isn't prepared for this so they speed to the super market to see a woman take the last pack of tampons. Written by Marco van Hoof