Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
When Ally witnesses Frank, stealing food from the supermarket, she starts avoiding him.
All Episodes - S07
When Robert joins a cult, the Inner Path, Raymond points out their idiot cousin Gerard is already a member. Although Robert eventually sees through the group (particularly when he realises the leaders were really after Raymond, to be their spokesman), he allows himself to be the subject of a fake intervention, in order to stop Debra and Marie squabbling. Written by Steve Green
Ray and Debra go to marriage counseling to workout their problems.
Ray believes that Ally's school is giving out too much homework.
Ray writes a eulogy for Frank. He tells the story of how he saw Frank petting his bunny we he was a kid. Frank goes berserk.
Debra and Raymond go out on Saturday, but to different places. Marie thinks they are having marital problems. Ray did not have fun with his friends. He goes with Debra to a book reading and does not enjoy that either.
Robert needs money, so Ray and Debra give him some. But then, Robert decides to go to Las Vegas and gamble.
Whenever Debra sighs, Ray thinks it's because of him. So he decides to give Debra their bathroom and he'll share the kids' bathroom from now on. Debra accepts.
Ray and Debra's new friends have a son that hates Ray.
Robert's new girlfriend is perfect. Pretty, smart, funny, nice, and sexy. But Ray finds out something: She eats flies. How can Ray make Robert believe him?
Now that Robert is back with Amy, the family turns to another problem. Marie's eyes. Her eye sight is getting worse, so Debra asks her to go get glasses. Not only do the glasses help Marie's eyes, but she starts seeing things that no one else can see. Written by Chris Green
Ray lies to Debra about getting her a great Christmas present. He goes to Amy and Robert for help and Robert suggests the book To Kill a Mockingbird. But when Ray gets all the credit, Robert snaps.
When Ally witnesses Frank, stealing food from the supermarket, she starts avoiding him.
Andy's new boss hates Ray. Ray does everything he can to find out why.
Robert decides that it's time to propose to Amy. But her parents say no. So Ray and Robert try to make them change their minds.
Ray finally finds out that, to the kids, he's a pushover. So he decides to go hard on them. But he may be going a little too hard.
Debra signs up for charity work and signs up Ray for an hour of charity at the hospital. He is reluctant but goes. Turns out the patients enjoy his humor and sports information and he enjoys going. Debra is upset at how often he is gone.
Marie and Frank meet Hank and Pat for the first time.
Ray and Frank persuade Robert to make a complete hash of designing his and Amy's wedding invitations, so that Amy will step in and take over; unfortunately, the plan backfires and the invitations go out, warts 'n' all. Worse, Debra realises Ray has been faking incompetence for years to avoid performing his household duties. Written by Steve Green
Ray reluctantly takes his daughter to her friend Molly's for a sleepover, fearing another run-in with Molly's mother, Peggy (previously seen in season six's Cookies). A casual pat on the behind leads Ray to believe Peggy is coming on to him. Written by Steve Green
When a friend of Frank and Marie dies, Marie tells Frank that it had been the woman Marie had picked out to marry him if she died first; Ray and Debra then get into a debate about who they would choose to take their place if they died.
When Debra has too much to drink at Amy's shower she rests in the car until she feels better. But the cops think that she was drinking and driving. Marie becomes even more protective.
Ray and Debra have a three-week-fight over who's going to put the suitcase away.
When Ray's bachelor party for Robert doesn't go well, Amy, Debra, and Marie tell him to try again.
Robert and Amy finally get married. But it's not the wedding they expected.