

Mal and the crew of Serenity land to pick up some contraband In Canton, a township on Higgins' Moon, where labor is provided under servitude run by the local magistrate. Jayne had once robbed the boss with a partner but barely escaped by jettisoning from their getaway vehicle his partner (now waiting for revenge) and the money boxes (who have made him a legendary hero). Jayne is recognized by all and welcomed accordingly. Sub-plots show Simon and Kaylee face their growing romantic feelings, River first tries to fix the Bible and is later traumatized by seeing Book's hair. Meanwhile, Inara is making a man of the magistrate's resentful son who helps the crew escape out of spite to his father. But there has been a confrontation with Jayne's abandoned partner whose vengeful shotgun kills one of Jayne's young hero-worshipers, bringing Jayne to verge of philosophy with Mal. Written by anonymous



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HD The Train Job

The Train Job


The Train Job - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Captain Mal Reynolds and his motley crew of space traders get a job that seems to be right up their alley. Gangster Adelai Niska wants them to rob a train and deliver the goods to them. Mal and Zoey have little trouble getting the job done and even convincing the local authorities that are just a married couple who have come looking for work. When the overhear that the stolen cargo was urgently needed medical supplies, Mal reconsiders whether he wants to do Nishka's dirty work. Back on the ship, Dr. Simon Tam continues to worry about his sister River who is still having nightmares about her institutionalization. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bushwhacked



Bushwhacked - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The Serenity hits a wrecked transport vessel that was transporting settler's families and Mal decides to check whether there are survivors or goods. He goes on board with Zoe and they find a survivor completely mad and bring him to the Serenity. They also find some valuable goods and the fate of the crew that was attacked by the Reavers. When they are ready to go, they are intercepted by an Alliance's spacecraft and their Commander Harken brings them on board for investigation. Soon Mal realizes that they are in danger and tries to convince Harken to check the survivor. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Our Mrs. Reynolds

Our Mrs. Reynolds


Our Mrs. Reynolds - EPS 03

IMDb: 9.1
44 min

Mal and his crew goes to a planet and they party with the locals. When the Serenity leaves the planet, Mal finds a beautiful woman called saffron sneaking in the ship and she tells that she is his wife. Shepherd recalls the party and concludes that Mal has married with Saffron in accordance with the costumes of the planet. While the crew is entertaining with the situation, Mal plans to leave Saffron on the next planet. But out of the blue, he is attacked by Saffron that also attacks Washburne. Who might be the mysterious Mrs. Reynolds? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Jaynestown



Jaynestown - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

Mal and the crew of Serenity land to pick up some contraband In Canton, a township on Higgins' Moon, where labor is provided under servitude run by the local magistrate. Jayne had once robbed the boss with a partner but barely escaped by jettisoning from their getaway vehicle his partner (now waiting for revenge) and the money boxes (who have made him a legendary hero). Jayne is recognized by all and welcomed accordingly. Sub-plots show Simon and Kaylee face their growing romantic feelings, River first tries to fix the Bible and is later traumatized by seeing Book's hair. Meanwhile, Inara is making a man of the magistrate's resentful son who helps the crew escape out of spite to his father. But there has been a confrontation with Jayne's abandoned partner whose vengeful shotgun kills one of Jayne's young hero-worshipers, bringing Jayne to verge of philosophy with Mal. Written by anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Out of Gas

Out of Gas


Out of Gas - EPS 05

IMDb: 9.4
44 min

Mal and the Serenity crew are celebrating Simon's birthday when there is a fire in the engine room. Soon Keylee learns that the life support system is not working since they need a new converter. Mal order his crew to live Serenity in the two shuttles and Wash releases a distress signal. While breathing with difficulty, Mal recalls how most of the members of his crew joined him in the Serenity while waits for a miracle. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Shindig



Shindig - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Mal arrives in a planet with his crew and Badger offers a smuggling job for him. Mal goes with Kaylee to a ball to meet the client Sir Warwick Harrow while Inara attends the same ball with her noble and wealthy client Atherton Wing. When Atherton makes a rude comment about Inara, Mal punches Atherton in the face and is challenged by him to a sword duel. How will Mal defeat his opponent that is a skilled fencer? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Safe



Safe - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The Serenity brings the cattle to a plane and, when Mal is negotiating the selling with the traders, there is a shootout and Shepherd Book is hit. Meanwhile Dr. Simon and River are kidnapped by the residents to work in an isolated area. But Mal needs to leave the planet to seek help for Book and the leave the siblings behind. When the locals discover that River can read minds, they believe she is a witch and wants to burn her at stake. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Ariel



Ariel - EPS 08

IMDb: 9.1
43 min

When the crew of Serenity arrives on the heavily populated, industrialized Alliance core world of 'Ariel', where Inara is to undergo an annual physical examination for her clean companion medical record, Simon realizes it is the perfect opportunity to sneak River into an Alliance medical facility and find out what they did to her. In return for the crew's help in getting them in to the facility, Simon helps Mal, Zoe and Jayne organize an operation to steal valuable medical supplies. But Jayne has other ideas when he learns about the reward for Simon and River and contacts the local authorities, leading to another appearance of the two, sinister-looking agents known as Hands of Blue. Written by Shiro

Country: USA
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HD War Stories

War Stories


War Stories - EPS 09

IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Wash is jealous of the bond between Zoe and Mal and demands to go with Mal to trade the cargo of medical supplies with locals. However Niska's men capture and bring them on board. Niska tortures them both while Zoe collects money from the crew to pay a ransom for them. However Niska releases only Wash and takes Mal's ear to give to Zoe. But the Serenity's crew decides to fight to bring their captain back. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Objects in Space

Objects in Space


Objects in Space - EPS 10

IMDb: 9.3
44 min

River has a daydream and holds one of Jayne's weapon believing it was a tree branch; suddenly she awakes and sees Mal and the crew scary. River overhears Mal and the crew discussing about her and she feels rejected. Meanwhile, the ruthless bounty hunter Jubal Early, who has tracked down River, boards the Serenity while everybody is sleeping. He subdues Mal and locks the crew in the cabins; ties Kaylee up in the engine room; hits Shepherd Book on the head; and he finally captures Simon to force him to deliver his sister. However River is missing and out of the blue, she tells through the communication system that she felt rejected and had melted away becoming part of Serenity. The skeptical Early does not believe first, but soon she is convinced she is telling the truth. What will happen to River? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Serenity



Serenity - EPS 11

IMDb: 9.0
86 min

After scavenging the remains of a cargo spaceship, Captain Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds and his crew are found by the Alliance but they escape. They go to Persephone to sell the stolen cargo to the criminal Badger, but he is no longer interested in the wanted goods. Malcom decides to sell the cargo to the outlaw Patience in the planet Whitefall and pick up passenger to raise money. But soon they discover and Alliance's mole on board that is chasing one of the passengers. Who is who? When they arrive on Whitefall, Patience betrays Malcolm and the infamous Reavers have followed them and will attack Serenity. What will Malcolm and his crew do? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Heart of Gold

Heart of Gold


Heart of Gold - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Inara receives a distress call from her old friend Nandi, who owns a brothel on a moon. Mal and his crew heads to the place and they learn that the leader of the town Rance Burgess has an infertile wife and the prostitute Petaline is pregnant of him. Now he wants the baby to raise with his family. Mal and his crew decide to help Nandi, Petaline and the other girls, defending the brothel from Rance Burgess. Meanwhile Mal an Nandi feel attracted for each other hurting the feelings of Inara. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Trash



Trash - EPS 13

IMDb: 9.0
44 min

Mal has an encounter with his old friend Monty Reynolds to transfer cargo to be smuggled and Monty tells that he got married. When he introduces his wife Bridget to Mal, he leans that she is Saffron. Monty leaves the woman on the planet and Mal locks her in a trunk and brings her on board of the Serenity. Soon Saffron proposes Mal and his crew to steal the priceless antique, the laser pistol Lassiter, from Durran Haymer in his fortress in the planet Balerephon. Is Saffron trustworthy? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD The Message

The Message


The Message - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Mal and his crew are having entertainment in a space station and Mal goes to the post office to check and he receives a big trunk addressed to Zoe and him. When he opens the box, he finds the corpse of their army pal Private Tracey. They also find a message from Tracey asking Mal and Zoe to deliver his boy to his parents in a planet. The Serenity heads to the planet and out of the blue, she is attacked by another spaceship. Ml asks Simon to make an autopsy in Tracey and they discover that the man is alive. What has happened to Tracey? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Firefly



Firefly - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.9
44 min | 616 min (Entire show)

Captain Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds is a former galactic war veteran who is the captain of the transport ship Serenity. Mal and his crew, ensign Zoe Alleyne Washburne; Zoe's husband, pilot Hoban 'Wash' Washburne; muscular mercenary Jayne Cobb; young mechanic Kaylee Frye; former Alliance medical officer Simon Tam; his disturbed teenage sister River (both on the run from the interplanetary government The Alliance); the beautiful courtesan Inara Serra; and preacher Shepherd Book do any jobs, legal or illegal, they can find as the Serenity crew travels across the outskirts of outer space. Written by Daniel Williamson

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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