Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 07
Season 09
Janey at last flies the nest to attend Manchester University, leaving her room spare though both Susan and Ben want it as a second retreat and fight over its ownership - so it is hardly surprising that Michael is reading 'The Art of War'. Meanwhile Nick gets a job as a shelf-stacker at a local supermarket and brings home dozens of tins of tuna - and the police. Written by don @ minifie-1
All Episodes - S03
Janey at last flies the nest to attend Manchester University, leaving her room spare though both Susan and Ben want it as a second retreat and fight over its ownership - so it is hardly surprising that Michael is reading 'The Art of War'. Meanwhile Nick gets a job as a shelf-stacker at a local supermarket and brings home dozens of tins of tuna - and the police. Written by don @ minifie-1
Susan discovers a letter from Michael's school, advertising a charity auction - though he hid it as he feared his parents' attendance would show him up. Susan insists she and Ben attend, she offering a free tour with Ben supplying free dental treatment. However when Mr Spofford, who has appalling breath, bids for Ben's contribution, he finds himself bidding against him. Susan meanwhile successfully bids for a marriage counselling session with Dr Connor, thereby exposing the couple's differences. Written by don @ minifie-1
With Janey away Susan is missing female company and when she hears that Abi - daughter of Ben's most hated cousin - has come to London as a student she asks her to dinner. Abi turns out to be horrendously clumsy and accident-prone and has to go to casualty after putting her hand through a window. Susan, however, likes her and asks her to stay, which only compounds Ben's frustration following Nick's decision to become a magician under the name Brian Miles - as a result of which Ben finds certain of his belongings have gone missing. Written by don @ minifie-1
As a college project art student Abi asks Susan and Ben to feature in her video about a typical married couple and they reluctantly agree. However there is a rat on the loose in the house, which defies all efforts to trap it, and when Ben eventually comes face to face with it in the basement Abi captures his nervous reaction on video and sells the result to the television reality show 'When Animals Attack.' Written by don @ minifie-1
After Janey rings up in apparent distress Susan and Ben drive to Manchester only to find that she and her two male friends have things sorted so they decide to spice up their romantic life by booking into a hotel as apparent strangers - named Delores DeLarge and Johnny Studd though a mix-up over room keys lands Ben in an embarrassing situation. Back home Michael annoys Abi by seeing off her boyfriend, who is also called Michael. Written by don @ minifie-1
Susan auditions for the local nativity play but is annoyed when Nick gets the lead and she is relegated to playing Second Shepherd so she sets about making sure she will be noticed. Whilst Michael suffers love pangs when a girl he fancies who works with Abi at a coffee shop goes off with another boy Ben, about to deliver a speech to the Central London Dental Association, suffers tooth-ache. He decides to visit his old mentor Roger Bailey, only to find that he has passed on and his business taken over by his son Roger Bailey, Junior, who is less than able and treats him like a child. Written by don @ minifie-1
Michael has taken a shine to a girl at school Bex but decides to play hard to get on Janey's advice by pretending to date Abi. Bex gives Michael a joint which Susan finds hidden in his sock drawer. She and Ben decide to be cool parents and smoke the joint, getting stoned in the process. However in order to take Michael to task they have to make another one, using parsley instead of cannabis. Written by don @ minifie-1
Susan goes to visit Janey at university and, very much to her daughter's embarrassment, she starts acting in a childish manner, reliving her youth as she starts a food fight in the student cafeteria. Ben is looking forward to beating an elderly friend in a game of golf but, thanks to Abi, ends up in bed with a twisted ankle, and having to put up with Michael's pleas that he wants to go to Greece and Nick trying his hand at female impersonation. Written by don @ minifie-1
With an impending wedding anniversary Susan and Ben plan to have a romantic weekend in Dorset so, when Nick wins a vintage MG Roadster in a game of a poker - which he hopes to use for spare parts - a determined Ben vows that he will get it on the road in time for the weekend - but fails. Abi meanwhile teases Michael, when he appears to have a fixation with her and is even caught in her room looking for her undies. Written by don @ minifie-1
It's Ben's birthday and nobody has bought him a gift. Susan does have a surprise for him however; Janey comes over for the weekend and takes along her friend. When this friend turns out to be a lesbian, Ben ánd Susan are surprised and Ben doesn't have time to think about his forgotten birthday anymore; he and Susan are desperately trying to figure out if Janey is gay or not. Nick has a new job which involves him getting in a gorilla outfit. Written by Marco van Hoof
Michael is away on a Higher Maths Fun Weekend leaving Susan and Ben on their own in the house. Susan decides that they should take advantage of their time together to follow cultural pursuits such as museum visits. Ben on the other hand just wants to chill out and do nothing. Before long they are annoying each other and it is apparent that it is so long since they had quality time together they have forgotten how to make best use of it. Written by don @ minifie-1
Susan goes on a Friends Reunited type website and looks up Kirk Mason, an old flame who sends her flowers. However Susan has not forgotten that Kirk dumped her twenty-eight years previously and determines to have her belated revenge. Nick is working as a taxi-driver, from home, which annoys Ben. However when Abi says that she believes the house is haunted Nick swings into action as an exorcist - somewhat in vain. Written by don @ minifie-1
Whilst Michael tries to get into shape to impress a girl called Julia Nick tries his father's patience to the ultimate when he breaks and sells his record collection. To Susan's dismay Ben orders Nick out of the house, telling him it is high time he got a place of his own - which he does. But it is only around the corner and he still seeks financial help, in addition to getting work at Ben's local pub. Written by don @ minifie-1