Touched by the Sun

Touched by the Sun

A female pilot who is also a hero appears at an air show trying out a new plane that will be used by the Navy. But she crashes, so Pride and his team are tasked with finding out if the crash was due to pilot error or was something wrong with the plane. A representative from the company that made the plane says there's nothing wrong with the plane. The team checks her out and they learn she may have been dealing with people who didn't like having a woman around. When Loretta does her autopsy she learns the girl may have been poisoned. Question is was it deliberately administered. Written by



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HD Sic Semper Tyrannis

Sic Semper Tyrannis


Sic Semper Tyrannis - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

The season begins with ATF agent Percy joining the team. When a Naval convoy is blown up and the drivers are killed and the ordinance they were carrying is taken the team investigates. They get a lead that takes them to a former military man who is now an anarchist. When they find him, he shoots himself. They learn the man joined an extreme group of anarchists so Pride decides to go undercover to infiltrate the anarchists. But they make him remove the tracking device he had with him so the team needs to find a way to locate him. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Shadow Unit

Shadow Unit


Shadow Unit - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

The NCIS team investigates the murder of a blogger dedicated to exposing government corruption and cover-ups and discovers a Navy Seal and CIA humanitarian mission with a dark secret.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Touched by the Sun

Touched by the Sun


Touched by the Sun - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

A female pilot who is also a hero appears at an air show trying out a new plane that will be used by the Navy. But she crashes, so Pride and his team are tasked with finding out if the crash was due to pilot error or was something wrong with the plane. A representative from the company that made the plane says there's nothing wrong with the plane. The team checks her out and they learn she may have been dealing with people who didn't like having a woman around. When Loretta does her autopsy she learns the girl may have been poisoned. Question is was it deliberately administered. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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I Do


I Do - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.2
41 min

A Naval Lieutenant is found dead at a wedding attended by Sea Bees. Everyone at the party says they don't know him. They later learn the Lieutenant was a drone pilot. So they wonder if he could have been targeted by someone that was the center of one of his missions. They later learn that he was pursued by a protester. But the man tells them that the Lieutenant was doing something. They discover he has aerial shots of bases so they wonder if he used the drone to take those shots and if so why. But they learn he didn't use the Naval drone, he used a small one which he gave to his son. So they see that he has more photos and they try to find out what he was doing. Pride is worried about LaSalle; it seems like he doesn't sleep at his own place and goes around picking up women. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs


Foreign Affairs - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Special Agent Pride is sent a partner from the Australian Defence Force Investigation Service, Special Agent Naomi Parsons (Kate Beahan), after a Royal Australian Navy Lieutenant, who was key to international negotiations on nuclear weapons, is murdered in New Orleans.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Insane in the Membrane

Insane in the Membrane


Insane in the Membrane - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.0
41 min

When a Petty Officer was running for her life claiming someone was trying to harm her and she would fall to her death. Pride and his team investigates and video surveillance shows no one was following her. So either she imagined her pursuer or she was on something. Autopsy reveals it's the latter. She was on a powerful drug which supposedly is not in New Orleans but they learn of several deaths. They find the one who sold her the drugs but he gets away. They would later find him dead, killed in an unusual manner. Which leads them to think they're up against someone big. And the whole case stirs up old memories in Percy. And Brody tries to get to the bottom of the pictures sent to her which might have something to do with her sister's death. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Broken Hearted

Broken Hearted


Broken Hearted - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Brody's mom who works for DARPA comes to town and Brody tries to tell her about the pictures she's been getting that hints that there's more to her sister's death than they thought. Her mother thinks someone is messing with her and before they could talk further Brody's called by Pride. It seems like two corpsmen who were responding to an emergency call were killed. They learn that the id of one of them was taken. They later learn that the id was used to take part in a transport but the driver and the other corpsman were killed. When Pride gets there. they discover that they were transporting an organ for transplant and they shot it making it useless. They learn that the organ was meant for a computer tech who works for DARPA. Pride and his team go to where the tech is awaiting for the organ and they are met by Brody's mom who is the tech's handler. They think someone destroyed the organ cause they want to kill the tech. But they later learn something else is going on. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Confluence



Confluence - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.2
40 min

The trial of a man Pride investigated is about to begin but the key witness gets away from his protection. He calls Pride to tell him he's on his way but when he turns on his car, it blows up. Pride thinks the criminal did it which he denies. The prosecutor needs another witness and there was another man whom Pride chose not to ask to testify, who is currently in prison in Texas. He agrees to testify on the. condition that Pride be the one who escorts him. Pride decides to bring Sonja with him because he wants to know about the thing she's doing which catches the attention of another agency. LaSalle and Brody continue to investigate the bombing and learn the criminal might not have anything to do with it. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Darkest Hour

Darkest Hour


Darkest Hour - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.2
40 min

Just as the city is black out by a power failure, a girl Pride knows shows up to tell him that her boyfriend who is in the Navy left her a voice message which makes her think that something happened to him. So they try to find him and they do but he's dead. They later learn that the black out was not an accident; that someone deliberately caused it. While looking for a man the girl's boyfriend encountered they discover that he has plans of the city's power system which makes them think that he was involved with the blackout and that the boyfriend might be involved too but his girlfriend doesn't believe it. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Billy and the Kid

Billy and the Kid


Billy and the Kid - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

The murder of a Marine provides new clues in the first case Pride and Lasalle ever worked together, just before Hurricane Katrina struck the city and washed away any evidence. Also, the team celebrates Thanksgiving together in Pride's bar.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Blue Christmas

Blue Christmas


Blue Christmas - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

When a string of Christmas burglaries turns deadly, the evidence leads the NCIS team to Wade's adopted son, Danny (Christopher Meyer). Also, Lasalle and Brody tease Sonja about the high stakes of drawing Pride in the team's Secret Santa exchange.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Sister City, Part II

Sister City, Part II


Sister City, Part II - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Gibbs sends Pavlenko's body to New Orleans to be autopsied. Gibbs has Pride try to find Abby's brother who bolted and is looking for Eva. they find her but she gets away. Pride finds the billionaire whose plane the men were on when they were killed. He refuses to leave where he is but then collapses evidently he was poisoned like Pavlenko. Pride then contacts someone he knows at the GRU to help him find Eva. And when they do someone tries to kill her. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Undocumented



Undocumented - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.9
40 min

When a Petty Officer literally falls to his death, it's assumed he committed suicide. But Loretta disproves it. They learn the man is from Honduras. They discover that he was seen with a man who brings foreigners into the US fro a price and that he may have been working with them. Which his family says is not possible. The team works with ICE who later takes the officer's mother into custody. They try to find the man the officer was seen with but he's dead killed in the same manner the officer was. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Father's Day

Father's Day


Father's Day - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.4
40 min

Special Agent Pride opens his bar to the public with a Fat Tuesday party, but the celebration is cut short when he and Mayor Douglas Hamilton (Steven Weber) are both kidnapped from their respective Mardi Gras events and held hostage by an unknown assailant. Featuring performances by Glen David Andrews and Jon Cleary.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD No Man's Land

No Man's Land


No Man's Land - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

On a train headed for New Orleans, a passenger pulls out a gun and starts shooting. A Naval Officer tries to get him to put the gun down but he fires hitting the officer. Another passenger subdues the gunman and helps the officer till help arrives. The one who helped the officer left afterwards. Pride and the team arrive and learn the shooter was mentally unstable. So they think the whole thing is over till Sebastian upon running prints learns that the one who helped the officer is a corpsman which explains how he knew how to subdue the gunman and helped the officer. Problem is that the last report on him was that he was captured by a known terrorist in Afganistan three years ago. So they all wonder how did he get away and why is he under the radar. LaSalle thinks that he is working with the terrorist who is also in the country to oversee an attack. But Brody doesn't think so. Eventually they find him but he's not talking. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Second Chances

Second Chances


Second Chances - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

When a Naval officer is killed at a naval construction site, the team investigates. Brody and La Salle are wondering when Percy will return from her personal time off. They learn the officer had a body cam and they look at the video and see the one who attacked him and his van. They learn the man took some dynamite. They track the van and go there to get him. They catch a couple of the people there while someone gets away in a motor boat and discover one of them is Percy. Pride knows that Percy's been trying to help a friend who's mixed up with drug dealers. Pride talks to her and asks her why she didn't say anything, she says the DEA agent she's working with wouldn't let her. They learn the dynamite they stole is being used to process cocaine. So Percy approaches her friend to get her to come clean but she doesn't. Eventually they follow her and arrest her. She doesn't talk. Percy wants to talk to her but Pride won't let her. They later learn that one in the motor boat made off with ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Radio Silence

Radio Silence


Radio Silence - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The NCIS team protects a local DJ from a threatening perpetrator and investigates the murder of a Navy Captain who was attacked while on-air with the radio show. Also, Pride's daughter, Laurel (Shanley Caswell), returns home to discuss her future plans.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD If It Bleeds, It Leads

If It Bleeds, It Leads


If It Bleeds, It Leads - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

A warrant officer is killed when he's struck by a bus. The team investigates and Loretta doesn't think it was an accident. They later learn that the man was working at the same newspaper that Brody's sister worked at, who was killed in a vehicular accident. Brody wonders if they're connected. She also tells them about the photos she's been getting that hints there's more to her sister's death. She and Pride go to the paper which is in Houston and talks to the publishers and their son, who is Brody's sister's boyfriend. And they don't get anything. They return to New Orleans and learn the warrant officer wrote a story on a man who could have gotten back at him for revenge but the man is gone. They later learn that the officer went to the man's house and took his laptop. They wonder why would he do that since he already wrote the story. They then go to the officer's house and find the laptop. While Sebastian and Patton try to crack it, they discover someone trying to hack it. They trace... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Means to an End

Means to an End


Means to an End - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

When Pride's daughter is attacked, he goes to see her. It seems like a man went up to her and grabbed her, she fought back and the man died as a result. Laurel says she thinks someone in a van has been following her but the detective doesn't seem to be interested. Pride talks to the detective and he says he's taking it easy. Apparently the man was following her but not in a van. Pride gets a lead on the van and finds it and they find surveillance equipment and video and photos of the team. Which makes Pride think that someone is after him. An agent from DC arrives to make sure Pride doesn't cross the line. Eventually they think it's the Militia who's behind it. But going after Pride is not their primary objective. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Second Line

Second Line


Second Line - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

A Naval psychiatrist is found dead and he was taking pictures of a reservist's funeral. Apparently he was counseling the reservist who was going through some stuff. They go to the man's apartment and there's someone there who gets away. They find a bag bull of bones. they test them and determine that they belong to the ancestor of a prominent family. They learn that there have been a lot of people who rob the graves of prominent people because some valuables are placed with the bodies. They find the intruder who confirms that he and the reservist did rob some graves but the reservist has all what they took. They also learn he pointed his gun at LaSalle but it misfired which is something he didn't tell them. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Collateral Damage

Collateral Damage


Collateral Damage - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.3
41 min

An Army Colonel who knows Pride calls him to ask him to investigate the death of Naval Lieutenant, quietly. It seems like she was with his boss, a General who's up for a Homeland posting. LaSalle doesn't like the secrecy. Loretta thinks the Lieutenant was poisoned and when the General shows symptoms she thinks so was he. Pride and the team try to investigate but the Colonel impedes them making them think he's hiding something. They learn the General and Lieutenant saw each other a lot, and he said they see each other rarely. Pride talks to him and wants the truth and the General says the Lieutenant told him she may have stumbled across some fraud and needed his help to uncover it. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Help Wanted - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.0
42 min

When there's an explosion at a restaurant, the team is called in because one of the persons injured is a Naval culinary specialist who was on leave and the restaurant she was working at is her mother's. Her step-father accuses another restaurateur of blowing their restaurant because he made an offer which they refused. But after talking to the man, they don't think it was him. And when Sebastian reveals his findings they think the specialist was the intended target. When she wakes up, Pride goes to see her and she refuses to talk to him. So they try to find out who would want to kill her. In the meantime, Brody is in D.C. to investigate the hack of their files that would lead to the demise of General Matthews' career. Her investigation catches the attention of the FBI who take her in. But before they could really turn up the heat, an agent from Homeland shows up and says Brody is working with them, so they let her go. Brody wants to know why he did that. He says he also interested in ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Third Man

The Third Man


The Third Man - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.6
42 min

The NCIS team partners with Homeland Security after the murder of a Navy master diver is linked to chatter of a foreign attack on the city.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Sleeping with the Enemy

Sleeping with the Enemy


Sleeping with the Enemy - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The NCIS team uncovers a mole in the ranks while working with the Department of Homeland Security to locate 900 missing pounds of explosives that pose an imminent threat to New Orleans.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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