Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Although the land deal has been shut down thanks to a tip from Hale, and the Sons voted against immediate retaliation for the Otto attack, when a car blows up in Teller-Morrow garage, severely injuring Chibs, Clay's desire for retaliation can no longer be postponed. However, determined to avoid attacking the League blind, Jax teams with Hale in an effort to get to Zobelle before Clay. As Tara struggles to come to terms with what it means to be a Son's old lady, Gemma shows her a unique way to vent her frustrations. Jax learns Opie has been ignoring his children, but is surprised by Opie's reaction when he mentions it to him. Meanwhile, Cameron seeks assurance the bomb on the lot won't put SAMCRO on Homeland Security's watch-list, but despite getting such assurance, he arranges a meeting without the Sons' knowledge. Written by Bertaut
All Episodes - S02
Returning to Charming after several weeks away, Opie fully commits himself to SAMCRO, demanding revenge against the 9ers for Donna's death. However, Clay decides to convince him the hit was carried out by a Mayan. Thanks to the tip from Hale, Jax knows Clay and Tig were behind the murder, but decides that keeping the truth from Opie is the best course of action for now. When he asks Hale to keep his own suspicions to himself, Hale asks for a favor in return - SAMCRO allowing the increasingly ill Unser to retire. Jax must also attempt to convince Piney to remain quiet. Although the Sons are still in financial difficulty, when Cameron and his son, Edmond, propose a lucrative new deal, distributing already fully assembled automatic handguns throughout California, Clay is reluctant, wanting to stick to their usual arrangement - the Sons buy wholesale, assemble the weapons and sell them on. However, Jax ignores his concerns, and brings the idea to a vote. With the disappearance of the ... Written by Bertaut
After being gang-raped by members of the League, Gemma finds herself unable to tell either Clay or Jax, instead turning to Tara and Unser for help. When Alvarez finds the Mayan killed by Opie, he mistakenly believes the 9ers are responsible and asks Clay to sell him as many AKs as he can. However, Clay uses the opportunity to try to restore SAMCRO's relationship with the 9ers, despite being unhappy with Jax making decisions without him. Meanwhile, a rival porn producer, Georgie Caruso, moves to put Luann out of business, prompting Otto to ask SAMCRO to help her out. Written by Bertaut
Having sorted Luann's problem with Caruso by renting her their empty gun warehouse and becoming her 50/50 partner in the porn business, SAMCRO are earning legitimate income, although Clay has some stern advice for Jax concerning the consequences of his decisions. With the Mayans interrupting the Sons' gun sale to the 9ers, Clay becomes concerned about Opie's state of mind after he takes unnecessary risks. Zobelle, who tipped off the Mayans about the sale, elects not to tell his right hand man, AJ Weston, that he has been in contact with Alvarez. The League then cook up a temporary problem to give Hale ammunition to use against SAMCRO, while the Sons develop their own suspicions that Hale may be working with the League, despite assurances from Jax that Hale cannot be bought. Meanwhile, Clay suggests Bobby, who is broke after coming out of prison, should do Luann's book-keeping, much to her chagrin; Gemma's secret begins to affect her relationship with Clay, but she and Tara continue ... Written by Bertaut
With Bobby discovering that Luann has been skimming from SAMCRO for over six years, she is able to persuade him to keep it from the Sons by seducing him. Despite his hatred for Zobelle, Hale finds himself beginning to accept the League's plan to undermine the Sons by temporarily flooding Charming with drugs. However, he is unaware that both the Sons and Unser know he buried the information about Darby's cook-house and thus know he is complicit with the League to some degree. As Clay's arthritis begins to worsen, tensions between him and Jax escalate when they disagree over strategy for rescuing Tig after he is captured by bounty hunters in Oregon whilst the Sons are on a gun-running job for Cameron. When Clay makes a decision without taking it to a vote, Opie decides to talk to him about the conflict with Jax. Back in Charming, Gemma is rattled by a graphic reminder of her attack, whilst Tara and Unser discuss the situation in which they find themselves, and Unser reveals some ... Written by Bertaut
Morale in SAMCRO reaches an all-time low after Jax openly defies Clay during the rescue of Tig, with the tension even affecting Jax's friendship with Opie, who has sided with Clay in the conflict, unaware of the reasons behind Jax's animosity. In an effort to assert the Sons' authority over Zobelle, Clay visits his cigar shop to outline how much protection money he expects. After Gemma accidentally breaks Tara's nose, Tara tries to convince her to talk to a professional about the rape. When the League bring Hale evidence of SAMCRO blowing up Darby's cook-house, he proves unwilling to act on it, but they also have something else to show him. When Clay learns the county is trying to zone off Oswald's land, and, to prevent a huge financial lose, Oswald is reluctantly planning to sell it to Jacob, he begins an investigation. In prison, the Aryans attack Otto, prompting Clay to call a meeting to decide how to shut Zobelle down. However, it serves only to further divide the Sons, as Clay ... Written by Bertaut
Although the land deal has been shut down thanks to a tip from Hale, and the Sons voted against immediate retaliation for the Otto attack, when a car blows up in Teller-Morrow garage, severely injuring Chibs, Clay's desire for retaliation can no longer be postponed. However, determined to avoid attacking the League blind, Jax teams with Hale in an effort to get to Zobelle before Clay. As Tara struggles to come to terms with what it means to be a Son's old lady, Gemma shows her a unique way to vent her frustrations. Jax learns Opie has been ignoring his children, but is surprised by Opie's reaction when he mentions it to him. Meanwhile, Cameron seeks assurance the bomb on the lot won't put SAMCRO on Homeland Security's watch-list, but despite getting such assurance, he arranges a meeting without the Sons' knowledge. Written by Bertaut
Having set SAMCRO up to storm a prayer group, the League's plans have worked out perfectly, with nearly all of the Sons in prison. Behind bars, Jax and Clay are at one another's throats more than ever, each blaming the other for their incarceration, as Bobby tries desperately to play peacekeeper. As Rosen works to get them out, SAMCRO finds that Zobelle's reach stretches into the prison yard, with the Aryan Brotherhood marking them for death, forcing Clay to turn to Laroy for protection on the inside. Meanwhile, Stahl returns to Charming to investigate the League's recent meeting with Cameron and Edmond. Although the League are off-limits to her, as they are being investigated by the FBI, she is pursuing a case against the Real IRA. Learning of the split between Clay and Jax, she sees an opportunity to use it in her investigation. Elsewhere, Opie's mother, Mary, tries to persuade Opie to pay more attention to his children, but when Clay calls him for a favor, he is forced to leave ... Written by Bertaut
With Oswald putting up the bail money, SAMCRO are released from prison, but the split between Clay and Jax is wider than ever. Complicating matters, Caruso's thugs attack Luann's studio. In an effort to heal the tensions between her husband and son, Gemma decides to organise a meal, whilst Bobby pushes to try to find out what is at the core of the dispute. Clay comes to an agreement with Oswald when he learns Jacob is planning to run for mayor. Chibs' estranged wife, Fiona Larkin, shows up at his hospital bedside, much to Gemma's chagrin. Lin has a proposal for SAMCRO, who are surprised to learn Chuck is still alive. Looking for work, Tig gives him the accounting job at Luann's studio, and he informs them the Triad and the 9ers have been losing territory to the Mayans. When Jax, Bobby and Opie go to see Laroy to ask him about it, they get something unexpected. Weston is not entirely happy with Zobelle's latest decision. Gemma's efforts to help Tara backfire. Opie begins to get close ... Written by Bertaut
The Sons, especially Gemma and Otto, are devastated at the murder of Luann. With Zobelle in league with both the Mayans and the IRA, the Mayans have officially called off their truce with SAMCRO since learning Clay sold guns to the 9ers after telling the Mayans they had no stock. However, although Clay is unable to sell guns to Lin, he makes a proposal to help Lin's supplier out with the INS. In return, SAMCRO want access to the supplier's arsenal; a former member of the PLO with ties to Hamas, Clay wants him to replace the Real IRA, who are under the close scrutiny of ATF. Ima is busted for prostitution, telling Unser and Hale she is working for Jax, leading Clay to demand the Sons get out of the porn business. When Jax argues it must be taken to a vote, his and Clay's relationship reaches a new level of antagonism and mistrust. As Chibs recovers in hospital, he becomes concerned about the loss of the IRA gun supply, believing from his past experiences with the organisation that the ... Written by Bertaut
Convinced Clay was behind the burning of the porn warehouse, Jax decides he wants to transfer to the Nomad charter of the Sons, much to Piney's disgust and Opie's confusion. When Chibs is released from hospital, he makes an irate visit to Cameron and Edmond, demanding to know why the Real IRA are selling guns to Zobelle. However, he is unaware that ATF have them under surveillance. He is also shocked to learn Hayes' superior, Jimmy O'Phelan, is in California to attempt to repair the IRA's relationship with SAMCRO. Upon hearing their conversation, Stahl renews her efforts to get Jax to flip on the IRA. When he proves unwilling, she turns to Chibs, hoping to capitalise on his past antagonism with Jimmy. Meanwhile, the Sons stumble on an unexpected source of ammunition, Opie and Lyla take their relationship to the next level, Tara's efforts to extend Chibs' hospital stay land her in trouble with her boss, Margaret Murphy, and in a desperate effort to reconcile Jax and Clay, Gemma makes a... Written by Bertaut
Chibs agrees to give up Jimmy to Stahl in return for full immunity for SAMCRO and witness protection for Fiona and their daughter. After he gives up the IRA safe house as a sign of good faith, Edmond tells Stahl he can't tie anything to Jimmy, but promises that his father can. With Gemma preventing Jax from leaving by telling him and Clay about the rape, Clay convinces the Sons the right course of action is an intelligent revenge against the League. Tara tells Jax about her suspension from the hospital. Chibs is unhappy when Stahl alters the terms of their deal. When Tig makes a confession to Opie, Opie sets off on a mission of vengeance. In preparing for their battle with Zobelle, SAMCRO find themselves without weapons, and so decide to mend fences with Jimmy. Zobelle and Alvarez cement their deal, with Zobelle providing a pipeline for Alvarez to distribute heroin throughout every prison in Northern California. Unser makes Hale acting chief. Piney takes drastic action to protect Opie. Written by Bertaut
The entire SAMCRO family goes on lockdown inside the clubhouse as war with the League approaches. Opie decides not to pursue revenge against Clay or Tig for Donna's death. Jimmy puts an end to Cameron's deal with Zobelle, agreeing instead to sell exclusively to the Sons. As Chibs backs out of the deal with Stahl and attempts to convince Fiona to let him protect her, Clay tells Jimmy that Edmond has turned on the IRA. After Jax witnesses Zobelle meeting Alvarez, the Sons inform Weston of the real nature of Zobelle's business dealings in Charming. Tara applies the lessons she has learned from Gemma to assert her position at St. Thomas. The Sons approach Laroy and Lin about uniting against their common enemies; the League and the Mayans. Edmond re-negotiates his deal with Stahl, seeking immunity for himself and Cameron. Hale makes a decision about what kind of chief he wants to be. Written by Bertaut
Having tricked Stahl and Edmond into showing their hand, the Sons have collected Jimmy's stockpile of weaponry. However, as they attempt to dispatch Weston, and then Zobelle, they find themselves twarted by Hale. Now in an alliance with the Triad and the 9ers, SAMCRO attempts to permanently rid Charming of Zobelle, who has lost the support of Weston. However, Stahl, Unser and Hale get some unexpected info from the FBI, rendering Zobelle untouchable, and when he is released from prison, the Mayans come out in force to protect him. Cameron tells Edmond that to convince Jimmy he's not a rat, he must indicate the extent to which he would go for the IRA; he has to kill Stahl. Meanwhile, Polly makes the decision to visit Edmond to say goodbye before leaving Charming with her father. Written by Bertaut