Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Rodney McKay awakens in his lab, tied to a chair and with no memory of who or where he is. He did seemingly leave himself a video message telling him to look for Teyla. The problem began some 14 hours before when Dr. Katie Brown returned to Atlantis with plants from a planet she had visited. The plants had been cleared through the normal quarantine procedure but she is soon afflicted with severe headaches and loss of memory, eventually falling into a coma. Memory loss begins to afflict other members of the crew but they soon become distrustful of one another, making conclusions based on false assumptions and a misreading of the situation. Fortunately, there are two members of the team who seem to be immune. Written by garykmcd
All Episodes - S04
With a damaged ZPM, and diminished hopes of survival, the Atlantis team finds themselves stranded in the middle of empty space with hardly any time before they run out of power completely. Dr. McKay is challenged to the max as he tries to find a way to save Atlantis from its doom. Meanwhile, Dr. Keller races to treat Weir's increasing head injuries, but the only answer she can come up with could have grave results for everyone on board. Written by jwhitleymail
The Atlantis team, along with Weir and now with the ability to make large hyperspace jumps in only a puddle jumper, must now journey to the replicator home planet to steal one of their many ZPMs to bring the city back to life, and finish the journey to their new planet Written by jwhitleymail
Rodney McKay thinks he knows who will be the next leader of the Atlantis expedition - himself. He's heard that they will likely appoint someone with a scientific background and who better than himself than himself to fill the job. He is therefore taken aback when Col. Samatha Carter is named to the post. Ronon Dex meanwhile is happy to find three of his old Satedan friends alive and well. They would like nothing better than to have him join their fight against the Wraith, against whom they seem to have had some success. He would like to bring them to Atlantis but Col. Carter refuses, which he takes as a personal affront. Ronon decides he's going to leave Atlantis but when Sheppard's team goes on a joint mission with the Satedans against the Wraith, Ronon realizes something is very wrong. Written by garykmcd
After John Sheppard is drawn to and touches a crystalline substance on a planet he and his team are exploring, several members of the expedition begin to have nightmares. Teyla dreams that Sheppard turns into a Wraith and feeds on her; and Dr. Jennifer Keller dreams she is called to sick bay to treat Teyla who is in excruciating pain while Sheppard looks on, apparently enjoying her suffering. Sheppard himself is fine but when the nightmares begin to spread to other members of the crew and one dies as a result of what happens in her dream, finding a solution takes on an even greater sense of urgency. Written by garykmcd
Sheppard is kidnapped by a group of people living in a starship fleet. They were telling him that they were living on these ships for a long time, due to the war with the Wraith. He was forced to help them make an ancient's ship fly. Sheppard tricked them and flew with the ship, and 3 of the kidnappers. Written by Anonymous
Rodney McKay awakens in his lab, tied to a chair and with no memory of who or where he is. He did seemingly leave himself a video message telling him to look for Teyla. The problem began some 14 hours before when Dr. Katie Brown returned to Atlantis with plants from a planet she had visited. The plants had been cleared through the normal quarantine procedure but she is soon afflicted with severe headaches and loss of memory, eventually falling into a coma. Memory loss begins to afflict other members of the crew but they soon become distrustful of one another, making conclusions based on false assumptions and a misreading of the situation. Fortunately, there are two members of the team who seem to be immune. Written by garykmcd
Dr. Jennifer Keller goes on her first off-world visit accompanying Teyla on a visit to her people on New Athos. Her apprehension over visiting a strange planet increases considerably when they arrive to find the village deserted. It has all of the appearance of an attack, perhaps by the Wraith, but there are certain anomalies. They eventually find one survivor who Teyla knows is not an Athosian. He eventually admits that he is a Genii spy, Nabel Golan, who had infiltrated the Athosians to gather intelligence. Jennifer insists on treating his wounds and Teyla reluctantly agrees though she doesn't trust him, with good reason as it turns out. Their immediate concern however is the Bola Kai, a warrior tribe that claims to have arrived after the destruction of the village. Written by garykmcd
Having been told by the Genii spy on New Athos that her people were still alive, Teyla asks permission to visit a man named Davos who is a legendary seer and may be able to help her. When they arrive, Dr. Keller realizes that the man is dying. His ability to see the future is real, but the snippets of the future he is able to show them are open to interpretation. John is called back to Atlantis when they receive a message from the Wraith whose life he had previously saved. He offers to work with McKay to fix the nano virus that is now malfunctioning. As if this weren't enough happening, Richard Woolsey arrives from Earth to undertake Samantha Carter's 3 month evaluation. Written by garykmcd
Rodney McKay is continuing to work on solving the problems with the replicator nano code and finally gives in to Zalenka's request that he contact his sister Jeannie for help. He sends her an e-mail but that same night, she is kidnapped and taken to a private medical facility where she is expected to use nano technology to save the life of a wealthy industrialist's daughter. Rodney and others travel to Earth to look into Jeannie's disappearance but Rodney is soon kidnapped and put to work as well. Rodney and Jeannie think they have found a working solution but when it fails, there is only one solution left to them - they need expert help and the only expert who knows more they do is Todd the Wraith. Written by garykmcd
When an undetected satellite crash lands into the city, it's confirmed that it's Replicator technology. Sheppard's immediate concern is that he and the others may have been infected with nano technology. Dr. Keller's scans and blood tests however show no infection. It's all an imaginary from Elizabeth Weir's memories world created by a renegade group of Replicators. When the fake Atlantis is destroyed, the lookalikes contact their real counterpoints to give them information they can use against the Replicators. Written by garykmcd
This episode begins with the premise that the Replicators are looking for human inhabited planets and wiping out all life. The theory being that, if they kill all humans in existence, the Wraith would eventually die out, having no humans to feed on. Obviously those on Atlantis are not happy with this and so decide upon a course of action to use two Earth ships, equipped with Asgard heavy-beam weapons, to wipe out the Replicator ships one by one, putting an end to the Replicators. Initially, this plan works, whereby in quick succession seven Replicator ships are destroyed. The Replicators respond by recalling their fleet to orbit their own planet (thinking that their combined numbers will enable them to fend off any attack from the two Earth ships). Col. Carter realizes that it would be foolhardy to send two Earth ships alone to take on over 30 Replicator ships (even with their superior weaponry, the Earth ships would eventually be destroyed). To improve their odds, they forge an ... Written by Abu Pasha
In the aftermath of the joint attack on the Replicators, the Atlantis team is more than a little interested when they find a Wraith hive ship abandoned in space. They can find no reason for it just being there but Teyla - who Sheppard has allowed to join them despite his misgivings about her participating due to her pregnancy - can fly the ship and can find the planet to which it was originally destined. There they find a Wraith breeding colony that finally explains how they managed to outnumber and defeat the Atlantians those many years ago. Teyla uses her abilities to gain control of the Wraith Queen, but it may have been at an unknown cost to her unborn fetus. Written by garykmcd
It's a big day for Rodney McKay who has decided to propose to Katie Brown. Before he can get the words out of his mouth however, alarms sound and he and Katie find themselves trapped in her lab with no way of communicating with anyone. They aren't the only ones trapped however as all of Atlantis seems to have been locked down as part of an automatic quarantine procedure. Sheppard and Teyla are trapped and his biggest worry seems to be that she might go into premature labor; Samantha Carter and Radek Zalenka are stuck in an elevator; and Ronon and Jennifer Keller are trapped in the infirmary. Things go from bad to worse when the system activates it's ultimate defense against an infection - the city's self destruct mechanism. With the computers down, no one knows just how long they have to shut down the city's main power supply, the only way to prevent catastrophe. Written by garykmcd
Rodney and Sheppard are on a diplomatic and trading relations mission and are asked to help out. They need to take her on a quest to be queen. The right of passage is normally performed alone but they are concerned for her wellbeing and therefor ask Rodney and Sheppard. They set out on the pilgrimage to the temple of Larus. What don't know, is that there's an old foe out to get them. Written by Mark Ernst
Colonel Sheppard receives a message from Earth that his father had a heart attack and passed away. He travels to Earth and goes to the funeral, where is he is approached by a girl named Eva Dickson. She knows all about the nanite project and takes Ronan and Sheppard on a trip to a lab. Written by Mark Ernst
On an off-world mission McKay, Dr. Keller and Col Carter are trapped when they fall into an abandoned Genii mining facility. They are unhurt but the planet's surface is unstable and earthquakes or tremors are common. It soon becomes apparent to them that the room they are in is sitting on the edge of an abyss into which it will soon collapse. The three do get to know each other better however and share personal preferences and opinion on many issues. In the end, a near accident shows them the way to safety. It may also be the start of a romance. Written by garykmcd
The IOA is conducting interviews back on Earth to ensure that any personnel serving on Atlantis (in particular, aliens) are suitable for their roles. The episode opens up with a pregnant Teyla having been interviewed and reporting back to Atlantis. Ronon is next. Col. Carter is unsure about Ronon's ability to handle the IOA's interview and therefore asks Teal'c to come to Atlantis in a coaching capacity for Ronon. After a rocky start to their relationship, Ronon and Teal'c return to Earth, via the series of Stargates and a Midway Station, that McKay had previously designed. The Midway Station between the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies serves primarily as a place for those traveling between the galaxies to serve a 24 hour quarantine. While Teal'c and Ronon are serving their quarantine in the extremely cramped Midway Station, it is boarded by the Wraith, via the Stargate, with the intention to travel to Stargate Command on Earth. They achieve this objective, but only with Teal'c and ... Written by Abu Pasha
A plague of sorts is spreading across the Pegasus galaxy and Dr. Keller estimates that hundreds of thousands will die if they don't don't find a way to stop it. Her research shows however that the disease's origin is with the Hoff, who had been working on a way to kill the Wraith. Sheppard and the others think they know who might be spreading the virus and why. Teyla meanwhile believes she is receiving messages from Kanaan, the father of her child. She's getting his messages while sleeping and most think she's just dreaming. She follows the clues he gives her but she is taken prisoner by an old enemy who has very specific plans for her. In their search for Teyla however, Sheppard and McKay find someone completely unexpected. Written by garykmcd
Slowly, everyone on Atlantis comes to terms with the sudden re-appearance of Dr. Carson Beckett who, he claims, has been Michael's prisoner for some two years. He tells them what he was doing in Michael's laboratory and they set off to find the kidnapped Teyla. Dr. Keller figures out just how he's come to there at all. Sheppard meanwhile has been using all of his contacts to try and locate Teyla but they come across someone from the past. Teyla in turn has found some of the Athosians alive but they are few in number as a result of Michael's experiments. Michael explains to her just what it is he wants from her as well as his own plans for the future. Written by garykmcd
After yet another fruitless search for the missing Teyla, Sheppard returns to Atlantis, only to find it deserted. Worse yet, the city isn't just abnormally hot, but the entire ocean has completely dried up, leaving a sandy desert! Sheppard then finds a hologram of an aged Dr. McKay, telling him that a solar flare had sent him 48,000 years into the future. Once he learns the demise of Atlantis and everyone on it, and worse yet that the sun in the solar system is dying and he won't survive there much longer, he and the holographic McKay must find a way to send Sheppard home and potentially change all of this. Written by jwhitleymail