Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Tony invites Alex to make up the numbers for a double-date with two attractive twins. Matters take a turn for the worst when the Rev. Jim turns up unexpectedly and Alex spots his ex-wife Phyllis, fresh out of her second divorce. Worse, Louis decides the following day to ask her out on a date. Written by Steve Green
All Episodes - S04
Jim has a vision that Alex will die on Thursday at 7 p.m.. Louie is convinced that it is real, but Alex refuses to believe it. Latka is not allowed to talk for a week after a run-in with Tony.
Elaine invites Alex to go along with her on a platonic (friends only) trip to Vienna. She goes her way there and he goes his. Elaine truly kicks up her heels and has the more fulfilling experience. Alex can't seem to allow himself to let loose and get into the spirit of the lively culture and scenery. Written by happipuppi13
When Latka begins to exhibit multiple personality disorder again, Elaine refers him to a therapist. As a result of the first session, he takes on a new personality: Alex Rieger.
A network executive, in danger of losing his job, uses Jim and his psychic powers to schedule shows. This arrangement does not sit well with Alex, who chastises Jim for being taken advantage of.
Louie jeopardizes his relationship with Zena by sleeping with her vulnerable and intoxicated best friend.
When his father returns to the garage for a visit, Alex is once again reluctant to have a relationship with him. They meet for dinner and his father helps set him up on a date with an attractive woman only to ask her out himself after Alex leaves. Written by Anonymous
Louie is appalled and devastated when his elderly mother announces her plans to marry a Japanese man she met at her senior citizens' group.
Elaine befriends a reclusive artist who is afraid to leave his apartment. She decides to take him to the garage to help him overcome his fears.
Tony meets a promising young heavyweight boxer and offers to become his manager; the problem is, a mysterious syndicate is also showing an interest in the rookie fighter.
Louie gets fired after Elaine accuses him of voyeurism.
Louie, fearful of an apocalypse, starts building a doom room to survive a catastrophic event.
After leaving the garage six months ago to pursue his acting career, Bobby Wheeler returns with news that his pilot has been picked up by a network. However, when he later learns that his part was recast, he is afraid that he might have to beg Louie for his job back. Written by Anonymous
Alex plays hard to get when a young, upbeat new cab driver shows a romantic interest in him.
Tony takes a part time job as chauffeur for a charming young socialite and finds himself falling in love with her.
Latka's girlfriend Simka is back in New York, but can their romance be successfully rekindled once his other personalities - especially lounge lizard Vic Ferrari - begin to vie for her attentions?
When a runaway boy is discovered in the back of a cab, Jim takes him home and decides to adopt him and raise him as his own son, naively unaware that such a course is impossible and illegal.
Tony invites Alex to make up the numbers for a double-date with two attractive twins. Matters take a turn for the worst when the Rev. Jim turns up unexpectedly and Alex spots his ex-wife Phyllis, fresh out of her second divorce. Worse, Louis decides the following day to ask her out on a date. Written by Steve Green
Elaine decides to treat herself to an expensive hairstyle, but the results leave her in tears. Uncharacteristically, Louie leaps to her defense, but Alex persuades Elaine she needs to stand up for herself.
With the help of a new cab driver, Lucius Franklin (Bubba Smith), Tony's boxing career goes on the rise.
Elaine is invited to a high society dinner, with Jim as her date.
Latka and Simka have a wedding in the garage and at the wedding Simka must pass a test to prove she's chaste.
After Reverend Jim's building gets knocked down he moves in with Louie; unfortunately for Louie he asks Jim to cook something for dinner.
Jim, Tony, Louie share their past, as to what led them to where they are today.
Latka, and Alex share their past, as for how they got where they are now.