The Clean Room Infiltration

The Clean Room Infiltration

Raj can't host this year's Christmas Eve dinner party because his soon to be divorced father is coming for a visit. So Amy volunteers to host the dinner, she choosing the theme of a traditional Victorian Christmas. Raj and Dr. Koothrappali are nonetheless invited. The day of the party, Leonard and Howard, working on an experiment in the clean room, are detained and require Raj's help when an accident causes the clean room to be not so clean. They have to figure out what to do, the three ultimately deciding that the blame falls on one person, who has a sense of déjà vu for the remainder of the evening and as they deal with the issue. Bernadette is driving Sheldon to Amy's. Irked that Amy would agree to host a dinner that he wants no part of, Sheldon tries to figure out a way to get back at Amy. That leaves Amy, Penny and Dr. Koothrappali alone at the party, which is dominated by Dr. Koothrappali's less than positive current view of marriage, and Amy's focus on making everything as ... Written by Huggo



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HD The Locomotion Interruption

The Locomotion Interruption


The Locomotion Interruption - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Forty-five days after leaving Pasadena to regroup after a series of unwanted changes in his life, Sheldon telephones Leonard to come pick him up in Kingman, Arizona, where he is currently stranded as all his possession were stolen. Leonard decides to ask Amy to come along on the twelve hour round trip drive. Beyond explaining what he did on his time away and if it achieved its goal of redefining his life, Sheldon has some more precise explaining to Amy about one specific more immediate matter. Penny didn't go along on the trip as Bernadette got her a job interview as a pharmaceutical salesgirl with her company. Penny is apprehensive and not confident about the interview, doubting her own abilities. The result of the interview doesn't go quite as she expects. And now that Mrs. Wolowitz's cast has come off, Howard expects Stuart to move out of her house, which he doesn't. Howard, who has no idea the nature of his mother and Stuart's relationship, still feels uncomfortable about it and ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Junior Professor Solution

The Junior Professor Solution


The Junior Professor Solution - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.6
20 min

Sheldon learns from Mrs. Davis in Human Resources that the university has come up with a solution to change his area of research from string theory to dark matter. They will promote him to junior professor, which has no strings to funding whatever area of research, but that it will require him to teach a graduate level class. After speaking to his friends, Sheldon agrees. However, his reputation precedes him as no one signs up for the class. As such, Howard, who has been thinking about working toward his doctorate, decides to enroll in the class as Sheldon's only student. While Howard truly wants to learn from Sheldon, Sheldon in turn only has one contrary goal in mind in being Howard's professor. Meanwhile, Bernadette and Penny are having a quiet feud over Penny seemingly not taking her new job as a sales rep at the pharmaceutical company where Bernadette works seriously. They both turn to Amy, who, for the first time in her life, feels like the popular kid in high school. As such, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The First Pitch Insufficiency

The First Pitch Insufficiency


The First Pitch Insufficiency - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.0
19 min

Although not their first choice, NASA asks Howard to throw the first pitch for a Los Angeles Angels game on Space Day. Non-athletic Howard is worried that he will make a fool of himself. Bernadette and Raj help him practice, while Mike Massimo provides him with some sage advice. In the end, Howard will see if he is as good a pitcher as he is a scientist. Meanwhile, Leonard and Penny have agreed to go on a double date with Sheldon and Amy. On that date, Sheldon tries to convince Leonard and Penny that his and Amy's relationship is far superior to theirs, and he has the scientific proof to back up his claim. Based on Sheldon's argument about the method of evaluation, Penny fears he may be right, which in turn places fears in her about being the future Mrs. Leonard Hofstadter. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Hook-up Reverberation

The Hook-up Reverberation


The Hook-up Reverberation - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.3
19 min

Emily joins the gang for the first time for one of their regular dinners at Leonard and Sheldon's apartment, she never yet having met either Leonard or Penny. As Emily is a physician, more specifically a dermatologist, Bernadette suggests that Penny try out her pharmaceutical sales techniques on Emily, to which Emily agrees. After the dinner, Penny believes that Emily, for whatever reason, didn't like her on first sight, but she doesn't know what she would have done in such short a period to make Emily dislike her so. At the sales pitch, Penny decides to confront Emily on the issue. Penny finds out that her perception was not incorrect and she finds out the reason for Emily's dislike of her. Penny has to figure out if she can overcome Emily's preconceived notion based on the reason. Meanwhile, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj are at a rival comic book store, they discussing among other things the fact that Stuart has not yet been able to rebuild his since his insurance moneys are ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Focus Attenuation

The Focus Attenuation


The Focus Attenuation - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.5
19 min

Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj all come to the conclusion that they have been so distracted ever since the arrival of the girls in their lives that they have not been able to focus their minds on the matter of just brainstorming on issues scientific. So they decide to have a boys weekend in to do that brainstorming. They encounter many problems along the way, the two biggest being what to focus their scientific priorities on, and how to stay focused on the task at hand and not get sidetracked by other distractions. While the boys are in, Penny, Amy and Bernadette decide to have a girls weekend away in Las Vegas. Once they arrive in Vegas, a situation with Penny leads to a role reversal where Penny ends up being the studious one, and Amy and Bernadette end up being the drunken party girls. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Expedition Approximation

The Expedition Approximation


The Expedition Approximation - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

As Sheldon's work is still relatively new in dark matter and as Raj hears about some ground breaking work in mines that may have major implications in both theoretical physics in dark matter as well as astrophysics, Raj suggests that he and Sheldon may want to get involved in this work, which would mean spending time in underground mines at twelve hours at a time. The environment would play upon most of Sheldon's darkest fears. But Raj is able to convince him that they should simulate what working in such as environment together would be like before they make a definitive decision. Being alone together may give Sheldon and Raj time to think about more than just being in a dark, hot, humid and enclosed environment with no toilet. Meanwhile, Penny has sold the car that Leonard bought her since the pharmaceutical company has given her a car for work. She wants to give the money from the car sale back to Leonard. This gesture brings up issues primarily around Penny's new financial ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Misinterpretation Agitation

The Misinterpretation Agitation


The Misinterpretation Agitation - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.8
20 min

Bernadette is excited to be asked to be included in a magazine photo shoot featuring the fifty sexiest female scientists. The topic places a wedge between her and Amy, who doesn't believe that strutting one's sex appeal advances the scientific profession... or does Amy have ulterior motives in her stance? Meanwhile, Dr. Lorvis, one of Penny's clients who has done an Internet search looking for her, stops by her apartment unannounced with flowers hoping to initiate a romantic relationship with her, because she seemed single (i.e. she was not wearing her engagement ring, at least not on her left ring finger), she touched his arm for two Mississippis, and she winked at him. Leonard is able to intercept him before he gets to Penny, who ultimately does admit she flirts to make sales. But Dr. Lorvis ends up making a bigger impression on the entire gang than he did on Penny. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Prom Equivalency

The Prom Equivalency


The Prom Equivalency - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.1
20 min

As Penny has her prom dress out after organizing her closet, she, Bernadette and Amy talk about their respective proms, the latter two whose were not what they would have wanted. As such, Bernadette and Amy decide to host a prom night for themselves and their friends, all who accept. Leonard and Penny muse about what their prom would have been like if they knew each other then knowing what they know now. Howard has a problem about who Stuart's bringing as a date, who in turn may cause problems for someone else not at the prom. And Sheldon has an anxiety attack faced with the rituals of prom night, which may include the expectation of coitus. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Septum Deviation

The Septum Deviation


The Septum Deviation - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.5
20 min

After Leonard tells Sheldon that he is having surgery to repair his deviated septum, Sheldon is convinced that Leonard will be the one in seven hundred thousand that will die from the anesthesia. Sheldon tries to convince Leonard of his early demise from this unnecessary surgery by reducing the odds through other factors. As such, Leonard has to figure out a way to get the procedure done without letting Sheldon know. Meanwhile, Raj tries to figure out what to get his parents for their fortieth wedding anniversary. An incident with the Koothrappalis makes Howard and Bernadette wonder if they will make it to their fortieth, and what they can do to strengthen their marriage. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Champagne Reflection

The Champagne Reflection


The Champagne Reflection - EPS 10

IMDb: 6.9
19 min

Leonard, Howard and Raj are cleaning out the office of recently deceased Professor Roger Abbott. Rather than check through the material to save anything of worth as they are supposed to do, they largely throw everything out without reading through it, until Leonard comes across a fifty year old gift to the professor from his mother. That gift makes the three think about his material with a little more reverence, especially those notes which they don't understand. Their quest leads them to Professor Sharpe, Professor Abbott's long time office mate who may be able to shed some light on the life and work of Professor Abbott. Regardless, this task ends up making the three think about their own scientific legacies. Meanwhile, Sheldon and Amy are filming what will be the 232nd and last episode of Fun with Flags, as Sheldon has decided he no longer has the time to devote to it. Despite Sheldon being able to convince a reluctant LeVar Burton to appear, the episode may ultimately be marred by ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Clean Room Infiltration

The Clean Room Infiltration


The Clean Room Infiltration - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.4
19 min

Raj can't host this year's Christmas Eve dinner party because his soon to be divorced father is coming for a visit. So Amy volunteers to host the dinner, she choosing the theme of a traditional Victorian Christmas. Raj and Dr. Koothrappali are nonetheless invited. The day of the party, Leonard and Howard, working on an experiment in the clean room, are detained and require Raj's help when an accident causes the clean room to be not so clean. They have to figure out what to do, the three ultimately deciding that the blame falls on one person, who has a sense of déjà vu for the remainder of the evening and as they deal with the issue. Bernadette is driving Sheldon to Amy's. Irked that Amy would agree to host a dinner that he wants no part of, Sheldon tries to figure out a way to get back at Amy. That leaves Amy, Penny and Dr. Koothrappali alone at the party, which is dominated by Dr. Koothrappali's less than positive current view of marriage, and Amy's focus on making everything as ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Space Probe Disintegration

The Space Probe Disintegration


The Space Probe Disintegration - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.3
20 min

Raj was part of a team which launched the New Horizon Space Probe nine years ago to collect data about Pluto, the probe which is now within distance to provide its first data... that is if it is still operational. While waiting to hear any news about the probe with Howard and Bernadette, Raj can't help but feel totally stressed. He makes a surprising decision on how to calm down. Meanwhile, Penny and Amy, who feel that they always have to do what Leonard and Sheldon want to do, are given the privilege of deciding what the four will do for the day. As Penny wants to do something that she knows Leonard and Sheldon will hate, Sheldon comes up with the answer to appease Penny: dress shopping. While Penny and Amy are in the change rooms, and Leonard and Sheldon wait outside, each pair talks about their respective friendships, most specifically the issue of compromise. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Anxiety Optimization

The Anxiety Optimization


The Anxiety Optimization - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.5
20 min

Sheldon is having a mental block about his research into dark matter, and is wondering if he made a mistake changing his area of research. Based on a comment by Penny about how much she hates to exercise but does it anyway, Sheldon figures what he needs to be able to focus on the work is to be placed in a state of anxiety, and asks his friends to help him by agitating him. Beyond their willing assistance, Sheldon comes up with his own unusual ways to be annoyed. Meanwhile, Howard comes up with a new game to play with the gang which he calls Emily or Cinnamon. Howard will say something he's heard Raj say, and they have to figure out if Raj said it to his pet dog Cinnamon or to his girlfriend Emily. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Troll Manifestation

The Troll Manifestation


The Troll Manifestation - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Through a casual conversation with Penny, Leonard believes he's come up with a revolutionary scientific idea. Requiring some sort of validation, he asks Sheldon for his opinion. Sheldon likes the idea so much, that he on his own makes all the necessary calculations and writes a paper on the subject. The two decide to post the paper as co-authors online before anyone else can claim the work as their own. The responses to the paper are universally positive... except for one anonymous poster who ridicules Sheldon and Leonard. Sheldon in particular can't stand that anyone would denigrate his work, which leads to a war of online words with this anonymous poster. Raj may ultimately give Sheldon and Leonard a good perspective on the matter. Meanwhile, Penny, Bernadette and Amy are deciding on what to watch on their girls night in. Bernadette and Amy dualaterally decide that they will find Penny's gorilla movie online and watch that, much against Penny's wishes. As such, Penny can't help ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Comic Book Store Regeneration

The Comic Book Store Regeneration


The Comic Book Store Regeneration - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.1
20 min

When the comic book store reopens, Howard is shocked to find his mothers futniture displayed. Meanwhile, after an incident with Amy, Sheldon is trying to let it go with Penny, but she also finds out what Amy has done with her. But just as surprising as what happened with Penny, Howard discovers what happened with his mother...

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Intimacy Acceleration

The Intimacy Acceleration


The Intimacy Acceleration - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.0
20 min

Amy and Raj learn of a scientific experiment designed to see if it can make two people fall in love in the matter of hours. After the gang discusses the viability of the experiment's premise, Sheldon and Penny decide they will test it out to see if it can make them fall in love with each other. The nature of the experiment is to answer truthfully a series of questions followed by staring into each other's eyes without speaking for four minutes. Is there any chance that Sheldon and Penny will fall in love with each other, or at least get to know intimate details about the other that they didn't already know? With Sheldon and Penny occupied with the experiment, Leonard and Amy decide to tag along on Raj and Emily's date, the four who decide to go to an escape room: interactive theater where the participants have to figure out puzzles to escape. This particular room is filled with zombies. Meanwhile, Howard and Bernadette have just arrived at Los Angeles Airport having just returned from... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Colonization Application

The Colonization Application


The Colonization Application - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.7
20 min

Sheldon and Amy have decided to take their relationship to the next level... by purchasing a pet together, namely a turtle. That step takes a giant leap backward when Sheldon divulges that he has submitted an application to be among the first people to colonize Mars, something he did not discuss with Amy before doing so. She is more upset by the fact that it was a unilateral decision on his part than by the decision itself. Is there any way Sheldon can make it right with her? Meanwhile, Leonard gives Penny a late Valentine's Day present that he bought at the sex shop: body paint and canvas so that they can make their own painting using their naked bodies as the brushes. Both the process and the final product aren't quite what they were expecting. And Emily is called on a short emergency to the hospital leaving Raj alone at her apartment. He does something that might end their relationship, with Howard and Bernadette not providing much help or guidance on how to fix the problem, both ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Leftover Thermalization

The Leftover Thermalization


The Leftover Thermalization - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.4
19 min

After interviewing Sheldon, Scientific American writes a glowing article about Leonard and Sheldon's latest theory without mentioning Leonard by name, only referring to him as Dr. Cooper's team. Leonard ends up being upset but not mad at the situation until Sheldon, trying to make things right in his own eyes, finds out what caused the error. Meanwhile, Raj offers to help Howard, Bernadette and Stuart clean out Howard's mother's house, Stuart who Howard is letting stay there a little while longer. Just as Howard, Bernadette and Raj get to the house, Stuart tells them the power has been out since the middle of the night. What Howard ends up being upset about is that the food in the freezer - the last food Debbie ever cooked - has thawed and thus cannot be refrozen and thus saved. As there is enough to feed an army, Howard invites all their friends over for one last meal courtesy of Mrs. Wolowitz. Debbie's spirit pervades the meal in more ways than one, courtesy of Leonard and ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Skywalker Incursion

The Skywalker Incursion


The Skywalker Incursion - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

When Leonard and Sheldon are invited to speak at UC Berkeley, they take a detour to try and meet one of their idols. Meanwhile, while cleaning out Mrs. Wolowitz's house, a ping pong battle ensues when Howard and Bernadette argue over the fate of his TARDIS. Written by ab1995

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Fortification Implementation

The Fortification Implementation


The Fortification Implementation - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.6
20 min

Wil Wheaton, Penny's co-star in Serial Apeist 2: Monkey See, Monkey Kill, invites her to be on his podcast to discuss the movie. Wil eventually asks Leonard, who is there anyway, to join in the discussion as well. A comment from a specific caller leads to a change of topic of the podcast from the movie to Penny and Leonard's relationship at this point in time in their lives. Meanwhile, Howard's lawyer is able to track down his father to sign some documents so that the title of the house can be transferred to Howard, the lawyer's job all done without Howard needing to see, talk to or know anything about his father at all. But Howard gets some unexpected news resulting from that process. And Sheldon is upset that he was not included among a group of select scientists asked to attend a symposium at a former home of renowned physicist Richard Feynman. To cheer him up, Amy suggests doing something with him that he was also excluded from as a child: building a blanket fort in the living ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Communication Deterioration

The Communication Deterioration


The Communication Deterioration - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.1
19 min

Raj is one of a select group of scientists who has been asked to submit a proposal for sending a message out into space on one of the Discovery missions, in the possibility that the message is intercepted by alien life. Raj asks Howard, Leonard and Sheldon if they would like to help him. Based on their responses, Raj decides only to let Leonard help as Howard and Sheldon demonstrate that they would want to take over the project, whereas Leonard would be more of a collaborator. Howard and Sheldon react to Raj's decision in different ways, with the four ultimately discussing their group dynamic. A question becomes if Raj and Leonard can accomplish anything without Howard and Sheldon. Meanwhile Penny has been asked to audition for a major movie, which, if she gets it would put a crimp on her lucrative new life as a pharmaceutical sales rep. She asks for advice on what to do from an unlikely source. And Sheldon rewrites the lyrics to a number of popular songs to get children more ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Graduation Transmission

The Graduation Transmission


The Graduation Transmission - EPS 22

IMDb: 7.4
19 min

Leonard has been asked by those at his New Jersey high school to provide the commencement speech as this year's graduation ceremony. He plans to take Penny along with him, which along with his work is meant for him to show metaphorically his past that he is a success despite the pain he endured in high school. Their plans hit a snag when a storm on the east coast has grounded all flights into the region to make it to New Jersey in time for the ceremony. Penny, figuring there are other ways in this day and age of technology, arranges for Leonard to be able to give his speech to the graduating class via Skype. But Leonard has a change of heart about the core message of his speech as he gives it based on reliving that pain. Meanwhile, Raj has purchased a drone as a toy. As it isn't working, he asks Howard and Sheldon to help him fix it. While mechanically inclined Howard does whatever he can to fix it - which isn't as easy as he or Sheldon would have believed - Raj runs into an ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Maternal Combustion

The Maternal Combustion


The Maternal Combustion - EPS 23

IMDb: 7.6
19 min

Both Leonard and Sheldon's mothers are coming to town to see them win an award for their joint research. The two diametrically opposed in viewpoint mothers have never met each other before. Their arrival places an interesting dynamic not only with each other, but in their dealings with Leonard, Sheldon and Penny individually and as a group. They each may gain some insight into their collective lives in the process. Meanwhile, Bernadette feels like she is mother to three children in the form of Howard, Stuart and Raj, almost like she has to channel the role that Debbie played. Especially for Howard, it's not a role he wanted his wife to be. Can Howard step up to the plate to be more the husband that he feels he should be for Bernadette? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Commitment Determination

The Commitment Determination


The Commitment Determination - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.1
20 min

Although on the surface it looks as if Sheldon and Amy's relationship is moving forward, an action by Sheldon demonstrates to Amy that she is still low on his list of priorities behind much more mundane things in his life. Not understanding why Amy is angry with him, Sheldon consults with Penny and Leonard. The question makes Leonard and Penny examine their own relationship, most specifically why they never talk about their wedding and why they have not yet set a date. Them talking about it could have serious implications. Meanwhile, Raj is contemplating breaking up with Emily because they are such different people. It makes Howard and Bernadette think about a break-up of their own, namely with Stuart in whether they should ask him to move out. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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