The Hot Tub Contamination

The Hot Tub Contamination

Sheldon and Amy are hitting obstacles in their five week cohabitation experiment, as Amy cannot put up with many of Sheldon's rigid rules, about which he will not negotiate. With their relationship on the line, Sheldon issues Amy with what he considers the ultimate threat, however unrealistic the threat may be. So Penny talks to Sheldon and Leonard talks to Amy in the Hofstadters' want for the relationship to work so that Sheldon will not move back in with them. While Leonard tries to counsel Amy from his perspective of the former roommate, Penny and Sheldon end up comparing notes. But both Penny and Leonard know their primary mission, which they may or may not be able to accomplish with their advice. Meanwhile, Howard and Bernadette have decided to take a short vacation to Palm Springs as their last getaway as a couple before the baby arrives. However with Bernadette suffering from morning sickness, Howard suggests they have a staycation instead. In the process, they discover some ... Written by Huggo

  • Duration: 20 min
  • IMDb: 7.5



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HD The Conjugal Conjecture

The Conjugal Conjecture


The Conjugal Conjecture - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

It's the day of Leonard and Penny's formal wedding ceremony, but things have the potential to go horribly wrong because of all the interrelationships between the attendees. Beverly and Mary, and Beverly and Alfred already have issues with each other and thus want to spend as little time with the other as possible. Beverly is threatening not to show as she feels humiliated on the assumption that Alfred and Mary slept together. Sheldon is angry at Alfred for supposedly defiling his mother. Leonard is angry at Sheldon for hating Alfred for supposedly defiling Mary. Penny's mother Susan is angry at Penny for divulging their family's dirty secrets to Leonard. Susan is also angry at Penny's brother Randall for his drug conviction leading to Susan believing Leonard's family will believe they white trash. Susan and Wyatt are not seeing eye to eye on how they should approach either Leonard's family or the wedding. As the ceremony approaches, the unpredictability of the situation may prove to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Military Miniaturization

The Military Miniaturization


The Military Miniaturization - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.4
19 min

Howard passes along the fact that Colonel Williams wants to meet to discuss the guidance system to Leonard and Sheldon, the three and Raj who discuss amongst themselves their continued concern about the system being used for military purposes. They do agree at least to meet with him, but believe they have to get some legal advice beforehand. What happens in that meeting may depend largely on the wild card in the equation, namely something named Sheldon. Meanwhile, Bernadette discovers that her coworkers know that she is pregnant, something that she hasn't yet told anyone at work and something she didn't want her coworkers yet to know, fearing that her superiors will use the information against her in assigning a coveted research project to another scientist. Bernadette wants to get back at whoever blabbed, she who will go to extreme lengths for revenge. Penny has to decide if she will confess to the reality of being the source, and in the process possibly face the wrath of ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Dependence Transcendence

The Dependence Transcendence


The Dependence Transcendence - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.4
20 min

With only two months to complete the contract for the Air Force, Howard, Leonard and Sheldon are working around the clock. Sheldon in particular is feeling sleep deprived as someone who doesn't drink coffee to stay awake. Feeling delirious, Sheldon, during one of the guys' working sessions, is lured to the dark side by the hallucination of one of his idols, the dark side being an energy drink. Sheldon is affected negatively by the experience, probably partly by the stimulants themselves, but also by the thought of what those chemicals are doing to his system. But what may be most negatively affecting Sheldon is the core reason why he is feeling so tired. With Howard at work, Bernadette is left to spend the day with Raj, who suggests they start preparing the baby's room. Slowly, Bernadette lets Raj know in no uncertain terms that she is concerned that her maternal instincts have not kicked in as she is less than excited about being pregnant. Unable to reassure her, Raj calls in who he ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Cohabitation Experimentation

The Cohabitation Experimentation


The Cohabitation Experimentation - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.1
20 min

A burst water pipe leaves Amy's apartment uninhabitable for five weeks. Penny and Leonard offer Leonard's bedroom as a place to stay for that time, while Penny and Leonard would stay in Penny's apartment, effectively meaning that Amy and Sheldon would be living together. However after speaking to Sheldon about the matter, the collective decide that Penny and Leonard will stay in Leonard and Sheldon's apartment, while Sheldon and Amy will move into Penny's apartment, and treat it as a five week science experiment - Penny's apartment being the control away from Sheldon's comforts - to see if he would like to live with Amy after the five weeks is over. The experiment would allow him to evaluate the situation from a scientific perspective, seeing what worked and what didn't. As they will be sharing a bed, Amy and Sheldon decide to take coitus off the table to remove sexual tension as an evaluating factor. But the sex or lack thereof may be just one of many issues which could kibosh the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Hot Tub Contamination

The Hot Tub Contamination


The Hot Tub Contamination - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.5
20 min

Sheldon and Amy are hitting obstacles in their five week cohabitation experiment, as Amy cannot put up with many of Sheldon's rigid rules, about which he will not negotiate. With their relationship on the line, Sheldon issues Amy with what he considers the ultimate threat, however unrealistic the threat may be. So Penny talks to Sheldon and Leonard talks to Amy in the Hofstadters' want for the relationship to work so that Sheldon will not move back in with them. While Leonard tries to counsel Amy from his perspective of the former roommate, Penny and Sheldon end up comparing notes. But both Penny and Leonard know their primary mission, which they may or may not be able to accomplish with their advice. Meanwhile, Howard and Bernadette have decided to take a short vacation to Palm Springs as their last getaway as a couple before the baby arrives. However with Bernadette suffering from morning sickness, Howard suggests they have a staycation instead. In the process, they discover some ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Fetal Kick Catalyst

The Fetal Kick Catalyst


The Fetal Kick Catalyst - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.5
18 min

Penny has been asked to appear at the Van Nuys Comic-Con for starring in the Serial Ape-ist movies. Leonard is able to convince her to make the appearance despite her hesitation, which is largely due to the small and insignificant nature of the event in the global scheme of Comic-Cons. Penny isn't sure if the admiration she receives at the event is the type of admiration she really wants, while her sidekick Leonard seems to be enjoying the event more than her as he seems to have his own surprised admirers. Meanwhile, Howard feeling the baby kick - it happening while Bernadette is deep in sleep - is the first tangible proof for him that there truly is a baby inside her and that they will soon be parents. Howard, with Raj but not Bernadette by his side, goes overboard in being the prepared parent, much to Bernadette's chagrin, she who doesn't want to be that typical first time parent, but still wants to be involved in decisions for their baby. And now that she and Sheldon are living ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Veracity Elasticity

The Veracity Elasticity


The Veracity Elasticity - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Sheldon and Amy seem to have found a comfortable emotional place in living together, they even hosting their latest webcast of Fun with Flags in their current abode of what was Penny's old apartment. However, what Amy has not told Sheldon is that her apartment renovations were completed earlier than expected - finished two weeks ago - meaning that she could long ago have moved home. The only person among her friends she has divulged the information to is Bernadette, who in turn has told Penny and Leonard. This relationship secret, which now sits with four of them, is only the tip of the iceberg in relationship secrets where one or two people within the group know a secret about someone else, with all these secrets potentially coming to light, each with their own consequences, all them having some connection to trust, or lack thereof, within the relationship. Regardless, Sheldon will eventually have to go through the evaluation process of his and Amy's experiment of living together, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Brain Bowl Incubation

The Brain Bowl Incubation


The Brain Bowl Incubation - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.2
18 min

Despite the parts that he doesn't like about it, Amy is able to convince Sheldon to take a skin sample from him so that she can develop a brain cell from a combination of both his and hers. Sheldon is so enamored with the result of Amy's experiment that he proposes something else that shocks Amy. Sheldon does whatever he can to convince Amy to go along - those measures which would normally excite her - but she resists to the best of her ability if only because of what the end result would be. Meanwhile, Raj has met a woman, Issabella, at the university to who he is attracted, and who he would like to start dating. Beyond that physical and emotional attraction he has to her, there is one aspect of her being about which he may not be able to overcome and which colors what he says about her to his friends. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Geology Elevation

The Geology Elevation


The Geology Elevation - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.6
19 min

Bert in the Geology Department has just won a prestigious MacArthur grant, and with it $500,000 which need not be used for his research. Everyone around him is happy for him, everyone that is except for Sheldon, who can't feel anything but jealousy. Subsequent events around the grant award just makes Sheldon more and more jealous. One by one, his friends try to get him out of his funk about this issue. But it may be Bert himself who has the answer to Sheldon's problem. Meanwhile, Howard has found a remote control miniature toy he once made of Stephen Hawking. While Howard thinks the toy is hilarious, Bernadette believes it is in poor taste. Because of Bernadette's belief, Howard tries to get validation as to his thought about the issue. He may need it if he has any hope of taking Bernadette up on her dare: to show the toy to Hawking himself. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Property Division Collision

The Property Division Collision


The Property Division Collision - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.5
19 min

Amy tells Sheldon they need to remove some of Penny's things and bring some of his from the old apartment. Sheldon goes there and takes practically everything with no regard for Leonard. He tells Leonard to pick something he wants and what he picks is something Sheldon holds dear. So in retaliation he does things like change the wifi password and rent out his room to a homeless guy. Stuart tells Howard and Bernadette that he was evicted and would like to stay with them. Bernadette reluctantly lets him. Raj is upset that Stuart is doing the things he normally does. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Birthday Synchronicity

The Birthday Synchronicity


The Birthday Synchronicity - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.6
20 min

It's around midnight. Bernadette has gone into labor, with Howard, Raj and Stuart rushing her to the hospital. News of the labor makes its way back to their friends. It's the start of Amy's birthday, the news of the labor which interrupts Sheldon's annual gift of birthday coitus. Beyond Amy looking forward to this annual event, other items beyond the labor may make it more difficult for both Sheldon and Amy to get back into the mood. A baby coming into the world and the fact of Amy's birthday gift lead to Leonard and Penny thinking they too should have sex, which is dependent upon Leonard being able to find some things, including his breath. And in the process of the evening, Raj does something which may place him in Howard and Bernadette's bad books for the evening if not longer. Raj, feeling depressed about putting nine months into being there for Howard and Bernadette and potentially missing the birth, leads to he being shuttled between friends, who may or may not want to help him ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Holiday Summation

The Holiday Summation


The Holiday Summation - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

It's early January, 2017, and Leonard and Penny are hosting a regular dinner for their friends, the first time they've gotten together since the holidays. Each group has a story to tell which marred their holidays. Sheldon and Amy went to Texas to spend the holidays with Mary. Their issue revolves around the fact that, on Amy's initiative, they told fundamentalist Christian Mary about their cohabitation outside of wedlock. It is not only Mary's reaction to the news that has Sheldon irked, but also a secret that Amy divulges about that news. Leonard and Penny's story revolves around the day they ended up purchasing their Christmas tree, issues around which placed a pall on everything else that happened that day. And in the collective Wolowitz-Rostenkowski-Bloom household with Koothrappali thrown into the mix, they are still getting used to having baby Halley in their lives and the lack of sleep that she causes, especially in trying to get her to stop crying. It's not only the crying ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Romance Recalibration

The Romance Recalibration


The Romance Recalibration - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.0
19 min

Penny laments not only that Leonard no longer does romantic things for her like he used to before and when they first got married, but that he doesn't even seem to try anymore, the latter which makes her feel like he takes her for granted. Although she is reluctant to do so, Penny tells Leonard what is bothering her, which leads to a fight between the two, Leonard who feels he has made all the effort throughout their entire relationship. Penny decides she needs some time away from Leonard, and as such takes Amy on the romantic trip to the spa she had originally planned with Leonard. As Penny and Leonard turn to Amy and Sheldon respectively for advice and support, they may come to a drastic conclusion about what needs to be done. Meanwhile, Howard has discovered that the wood floor in Halley's bedroom squeaks. Despite Casey's advice to Bernadette that they just rip out and replace the entire floor, Howard and Raj try to figure out ways not to make the existing floor squeak, Raj wanting... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Emotion Detection Automation

The Emotion Detection Automation


The Emotion Detection Automation - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.3
19 min

Sheldon is accused by his friends of being insensitive once again, this and most other times so accused because he doesn't read emotional cues in others. As Bernadette has heard that scientists at MIT are developing a machine that can accurately read the emotions of happiness, sadness, anger and excitement in people, Howard manages to get a prototype of the machine through his MIT contacts for Sheldon. Sheldon learns the machine does what it is intended to do, leading to him having mixed emotions about what it does for his life. The machine is the cause of an argument between Leonard and Penny over Leonard's decision on what to do with their spare bedroom, and Penny telling Leonard that Randall will be staying with them while she tries to get him a job with the pharmaceutical company. Meanwhile, Raj confides in his friends that the woman that he has been dating broke up with him for unspecified reasons. Feeling insecure, Raj decides to hold a focus group of sorts with some of his old ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Locomotion Reverberation

The Locomotion Reverberation


The Locomotion Reverberation - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.2
20 min

The work on the guidance system is going smoothly enough, with the exception of Sheldon making one unnecessary suggestion after another just to satisfy his own sense of making it perfect. The latest such suggestion is solely a half thought-out theory of how to make the unit smaller, the current model toward which they working being within the approved specs. Leonard decides the work at this point would go much easier without Sheldon, and thus he implements a long thought out plan, one which he has been saving for a crisis moment, which he believes this is. The plan?: give Sheldon a gift of the ultimate locomotive vacation, one where he actually gets to operate a train. Sheldon ends up being enthralled with the gift. However, things take a turn when Colonel Williams asks Leonard and Howard to create a product that is the size Sheldon has devised. Leonard's plan has worked a little too well in that Sheldon refuses to forgo his trip to come back to work. If Leonard can devise a plan to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Allowance Evaporation

The Allowance Evaporation


The Allowance Evaporation - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.2
18 min

In the latest video chat Raj has with his father who still pays for Raj's every expense despite Raj having a job, Raj learns that Dr. Koothrappali has, in his own words, given up on Raj ever getting married, his previous thought that his efforts to help Raj having gone awry being his fault in some way, while he now believes the failings are all Raj's. Dr. Koothrappali believes the core issues are that Raj is spoiled and overly sensitive. In his anger toward his father for thinking this way, Raj, in his first inclination, decides to get back at him by spending his money even more indiscriminately than he usually does if that is possible (yes it is). In speaking to his friends about the discussion with his father, Raj learns that they too think that he is spoiled. With those close to him feeling the same way, Raj has to decide if he has to make a fundamental change to his life. Meanwhile, Amy and Sheldon are out on one of their date nights. In running into Bert, Amy learns that ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Comic-Con Conundrum

The Comic-Con Conundrum


The Comic-Con Conundrum - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.6
19 min

Sheldon, Leonard and Howard are looking over Raj's finances now that he has made the decision not to live off of his father. Despite Raj holding a good and steady job, his finances are not good. Raj and Sheldon enter into an agreement that Sheldon will be Raj's financial manager, Raj, who needs the discipline, not being able to spend on anything without Sheldon's okay. It isn't until they enter into the agreement that Sheldon reminds Raj that Comic-Con tickets go on sale at the end of the week, Sheldon who will not allow Raj to go, which will be the first Comic-Con Raj will not be going to with the rest of his friends. Sheldon relents and lets Raj go, only if he can raise the money, which is not that easy a task for someone who has never done anything specifically for money. Meanwhile, Penny is going to Comic-Con this year in an effort for she and Leonard to do things together that Leonard likes. In reality, Leonard doesn't want Penny to go, he doing anything he can on the sly to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Escape Hatch Identification

The Escape Hatch Identification


The Escape Hatch Identification - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.2
20 min

Raj has posted on social media that he can no longer afford his apartment and is looking for a cheaper place to live. Independent of each other, both Howard and Bernadette and Leonard and Penny want but don't really want to help their friend by offering him a temporary place to stay - the Wolowitz's garage and Sheldon's old bedroom respectively. After all three parties learn about all that is on the table as options for Raj, the collective decide that the best temporary solution would be for Raj to move into Sheldon's old bedroom. Although most knew Sheldon would feel uncomfortable with the situation - like Raj is invading his space - it is some other comments that Sheldon makes about the issue that places a strain between himself and Raj. Knowing that what he is feeling is irrational, Sheldon turns to Beverly for her professional opinion on why he is feeling the way he is. Beverly entering the fray has unintended consequences for all involved. Meanwhile, Sheldon is thinking about ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Collaboration Fluctuation

The Collaboration Fluctuation


The Collaboration Fluctuation - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.0
18 min

Raj has now moved in with Leonard and Penny. Instead of a roommate for both of them, what Raj becomes is Penny's closest girlfriend, with Leonard feeling left out. It's not even so much that Leonard feels like a third wheel or that Raj is having a better time with his wife than he is that is the problem in Leonard's rational deduction about his emotions. Leonard turns to Howard and Bernadette for solace and advice, they who may be able to provide a different perspective on the matter. Meanwhile, Sheldon has taken an interest in Amy's work on the neuroscience of the decision making process. He believes that throwing a little physics into the mix would lead to a truly revolutionary project, to which Amy agrees. Even with ground rules laid out, Amy and Sheldon have to decide if the successes in the project are worth the anguish of the arguments and name calling which may ultimately ruin their personal relationship. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Recollection Dissipation

The Recollection Dissipation


The Recollection Dissipation - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.1
19 min

Much to Amy, Leonard and Howard's chagrin, Sheldon boasts that he can work on their two separate projects in the same time that the three of them are working on one. That's why Amy, Leonard and Howard are pleasantly surprised by Sheldon's efficiency, perhaps not so much in the time management itself, but how clearly he can see things with the projects having spent some time away working on the other. But Sheldon's double duty has its consequences, one of them being that he loses his notebook with all his classified notes, he having no idea where, as he has no idea where he's been for about twelve hours during that time when he would have lost it. With Raj's help, Sheldon is able to retrace his steps for those twelve hours, what end up being very surprising steps in more ways than one. Meanwhile, Bernadette is scheduled to go back to work soon, and she is feeling depressed about it if only because she feels like she's abandoning Halley. Not wanting to burden Howard, she doesn't tell ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Separation Agitation

The Separation Agitation


The Separation Agitation - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.3
20 min

Bert announces that he has met who he believes is his soul mate, a woman named Rebecca. The gang invites Bert and Rebecca to dinner at Leonard and Penny's so that they can all get to know this important person in Bert's life. Upon meeting her, they all slowly come to the belief that she is a gold-digger, she only after his money. Beyond what Bert decides to do with the information, the gang discusses what are acceptable and unacceptable reasons for wanting to be with another person as a mate. Meanwhile, it's getting closer to the day that Bernadette will be returning to work, when Halley will be placed in baby day care. Despite Bernadette's apprehension about leaving Halley, one comforting factor is that the day care is at Cal-Tech where Howard has easy access. Only the first day of leaving Halley at day care will show if the collective of Bernadette, Howard and even Stuart are ready to leave her with someone other than the three of them. And Sheldon and Amy host a special edition of ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Cognition Regeneration

The Cognition Regeneration


The Cognition Regeneration - EPS 22

IMDb: 6.7
20 min

An event demonstrates to Sheldon that his cognitive abilities are weakening. This thought dismays him for many reasons, including the fact that his time to come up with a Nobel award winning project is getting shorter and shorter. Sheldon having read that taxing one's mental skills makes them sharper, his friends come up with different ideas as skills that Sheldon may learn to help him feel like his mental acuity is strengthening. In the process, Amy comes to some conclusions, including that Sheldon's task is a catch-22 proposition for failure. Meanwhile, Penny, Amy and Bernadette, on a girls' night out, run into Penny's old boyfriend, Zack, who has among his news that he is engaged. He proposes that he, his fiancée, Penny and Leonard go out as a foursome to catch up, Zack who has always liked Leonard. Leonard reluctantly agrees. That reluctance is strengthened when, at dinner, an issue comes to light about Penny's current life, with Zack coming up with a proposition to solve that ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Gyroscopic Collapse

The Gyroscopic Collapse


The Gyroscopic Collapse - EPS 23

IMDb: 7.1
19 min

Leonard, Sheldon and Howard, along with their closest friends and loved ones, are celebrating the near completion of the first phase of the military project, the three researchers excited about getting started on the second phase. Their excitement is brought to an abrupt end when they speak to Colonel Williams both about the year they've put into the first phase and about the details about the second phase. They have to figure out a way to deal with the emotional roller coaster. As such, Amy has troubles telling Sheldon, who she not only hopes loves her but believes relies on her, that she has been offered an important research fellowship for the summer at Princeton. She wants to go, her only hesitation being Sheldon. The question then becomes if Sheldon will be a supportive boyfriend or think only of himself. Meanwhile, Bernadette believes she and Howard have to set ground rules about his usual behavior around her whenever he has just completed a project. And Raj has found an ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Long Distance Dissonance

The Long Distance Dissonance


The Long Distance Dissonance - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.6
19 min

Amy has now started her summer research stint at Princeton. Much to Leonard's chagrin, he has reassumed many of the responsibilities for Sheldon that Amy had taken over when she and Sheldon started seriously dating, such as driving him to specific places. But one of the responsibilities that Leonard can and will not take over may be instead assumed by Dr. Ramona Nowitzki, who Sheldon first met years ago when she was an admiring grad student and who has now reentered his life as she does research at Cal Tech. Sheldon then could not see that Ramona had a romantic interest in him, but now having been in an intimate relationship with Amy, Sheldon may now be more susceptible to romantic female advances. Sheldon and Amy's friends do not know if Ramona is once again after Sheldon, and thus if they should be worried for Amy's sake and do something to intervene or at least inform Amy of Ramona. Things take on new dimensions when Amy does find out about Ramona, and at least one person within ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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