Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Doug wants to get a new grill while Carrie goes to a very pleasant gynecologist who finds out that her husbands cousin Danny is doing garden work, so Carrie tells him to give Danny a call. But the only problem is that Danny decides to overprice him and Carrie is worried that she will never get an appointment again. Written by Anonymous
All Episodes - S06
Doug - who, by the way, has lost 40 pounds - takes Carrie out on a surprise holiday to a place in the mountains they visited ten years ago. Meanwhile, Spence and Danny watch Arthur and the house. Carrie told them what Arthur isn't allowed to do. However, since Spence and Danny disagree about almost everything, Arthur seems to be able to get to do what he wants. Written by Marco van Hoof
After Doug loses some major weight, he decides to take Carrie to the same vacation spot he did 10 years ago. The only problem it wasn't Carrie he took there. So now Carrie is upset with Doug, and to add on to that they get lost in the woods and can't find their way back to their hotel. Written by Anonymous
Arthur gets a ping pong table and asks Doug to play. Doug basically knows he has already won the game, but when he and Arthur actually play Arthur shows him who the real King of ping pong is. A frustrated Doug decides he needs practice. Spence wants to take a step forward with his girlfriend Denise, but he does not like Denise's new job which causes a problem. Written by Anonymous
During a romantic dinner, Doug is inspired to proclaim his love to Carrie. Carrie is taken by his gesture and suggests that they renew their vows. The two find that planning the wedding is much more troublesome than expected. The ceremony is on again, off again as Doug and Carrie are faced with endless complications, including finding a chimp to serve as Doug's best man. In the midst of the wedding planning Arthur is praying that his wedding present, aged Port wine, will go unused when he discovers the value of the fine wine on E-bay. Written by Anonymous
When Doug hears from Carrie that Deacon's ex-wife wants to reunite with him after a two-year separation, he can't decide whether or not to give Deacon the heads-up. When Deacon informs Doug that he just met a beautiful stewardess and is spending the entire weekend with her, Doug decides not to tell him about his ex-wife's plans to reunite with him. But when Carrie discovers this, she demands that Doug tell Deacon so he doesn't ruin his chances of getting back with Kelly. Written by Anonymous
When Carrie drags Doug to her business picnic, Doug plays baseball with Carrie's fellow co-workers and Carrie's boss notices his great play out in the field. So he asks Doug to pretend to be a lawyer so he can play on their real team, which gets Carrie nervous. Arthur begins to feel uneasy around Deacon when he finds out that his ancestors had slaves. Written by Anonymous
Doug wants to get a new grill while Carrie goes to a very pleasant gynecologist who finds out that her husbands cousin Danny is doing garden work, so Carrie tells him to give Danny a call. But the only problem is that Danny decides to overprice him and Carrie is worried that she will never get an appointment again. Written by Anonymous
While Carrie is worried she might lose her job, Doug lost the koosh ball Deacon got from his son and tries to get it back.
It's Thanksgiving and a mysterious man knocks on Doug and Carrie's door because his car had broken down and he needed to call someone. Carrie begins to freak out at Doug for letting a stranger in their house so after he calls a friend, Carrie told the man to wait outside, but his friend who is picking him up is four hours away so when all of Doug's and Carries guests come, they begin to feel awkward about the man waiting alone outside in the cold, by himself. Written by Anonymous
When Carrie is having trouble getting a new job, she decides to take some time off to find herself. But Doug notices that Carrie begins to become very lazy and does not do one thing that she said she was gonna do.
It's Christmas and Arthur wants to have a Christmas card sent out with a photo of him and a few close ones, but he is having trouble finding someone to take a picture with. Carrie begins to feel extremely bored because she still has no job, but when she hears that their is an opening at Doug's IPS job she decides to try it out. When she tells Doug, he doesn't feel comfortable with the idea of Carrie on his turf. Written by Anonymous
Doug wants to buy a chainsaw, but Carrie tells him she doesn't want him to buy it. When he tells her she can't forbid him, she reminds him she actually can because, ten years ago, when they were looking for a house, he gave her permission to make all major decisions from then on. In a long flashback, we learn Doug and Carrie both wanted to buy another house. Carrie loved the house they now live in, but Doug had his heart set on a place with a food-lift. They finally decided to buy the house Doug wanted and it turned out to be an absolute disaster. Written by Marco van Hoof
The refrigerator is broken, but since Carrie still doesn't have a job, Doug and Carrie can't buy a new one. One night, Arthur comes home to tell them he has won $2,500 playing bingo and he's going to paint the town red. Doug and Carrie feel Arthur should give some of the money to them. Doug wants a golf club and Carrie wants a spa day. However, Arthur decides they should use the money to buy a new refrigerator. Written by Marco van Hoof
After an evening of babysitting Major and Kirby, Carrie jokingly tells Deacon and Kelly they should sit Arthur next time. Doug however thinks this actually is a good idea. He convinces Carrie and after another babysitting afternoon they let Arthur go with Deacon, Kelly and the kids to an Italian restaurant. Carrie tells Kelly Arthur shouldn't eat spicy food. However, in the restaurant, Arthur makes a scene in order to get spicy food. Written by Marco van Hoof
Carrie has talked Doug into going to an art gallery. Deacon and Spence also came along. While Spence - who's recently been dumped by Denise and needs all the positive attention he can get - gets himself a date with a guy, Carrie bumps into a woman (Trish) who turns out be an ex of Doug. Doug doesn't want to come into contact with Trish again since he has been a complete jerk to her. However, Carrie asks Trish to have lunch with her. Written by Marco van Hoof
When Carrie asks Doug to take out the trash and he says he is in pain, Carrie thinks he is lying and still tells him to do it. So when he does he collapses and when at the hospital the Doctor tells Carrie that his appendix burst-ed. Carrie goes to check up on Doug and sees that he is asleep, and he then begins to sleep talk about a whole bunch of fantasies including different girls. An angry Carrie now has to take care of a healing Doug. Written by Anonymous
Doug has to deliver to a man who always answers his door in nothing but a very little towel. Arthur decides where he is getting buried and has one plot for himself and one for another, so he is trying to find someone to be buried by. Holly asks Carrie to help her walk the countless dogs she has to walks, but Carrie doesn't know what she is getting herself into. Written by Anonymous
Deacon becomes friends with Sean McGee. What Deacon doesn't know is that this is Doug's enemy from elementary school because Sean once said Doug licked a trash can. Doug still isn't over it and doesn't want to hang out with Deacon anymore. He doesn't even want to go to Major's birthday party because Sean will also be there and he convinces Carrie not to go as well. When Carrie is dropping the present for Major the day before the party, she walks into Sean and finds out he's a lawyer looking for a secretary. Written by Marco van Hoof
Doug and Carrie go on spring break holiday to Doug's parents. Carrie hates sleeping at their house with all the rules and wants to sleep in a hotel. Doug however doesn't know how to break this news to his mother. When it turns out Deacon and Kelly have also planned to go on vacation that week, Carrie and Doug lure them into going along with them so there's no choice than to stay at a hotel. Doug's mother doesn't like them staying at the hotel and, after the first evening at the hotel, neither do Doug and Carrie. Written by Marco van Hoof
While Carrie is about to have a job interview, Arthur walks in the office. Carrie tells him to sit still, shut up and wait for her until her job interview is over. But Arthur wouldn't be Arthur if he wouldn't disobey her and misbehave. Back home Carrie tells Arthur he has always been a lousy father. Upset Arthur walks out the door and goes to Holly and announces he won't come back until he has corrected every one of his parental mistakes. Written by Marco van Hoof
While Doug tries to sabotage Carrie's plans to befriend her new colleagues, Spence and Danny nurture Arthur to tempt girls.
Doug, Deacon, Danny and Spence are headed for Memphis so Spence can tell Denise, who's about to get married, they belong together.
Carrie is ill and enjoys the nurturing Holly does for her. Meanwhile Doug and Arthur are training for a shuffleboard tournament at the senior center. Doug isn't any good at it however and Arthur happens to find out Spence once was a terrific shuffleboard player. Written by Marco van Hoof
Holly has been kicked out of her apartment and Arthur lets her stay in the basement with him. At first Doug isn't too fond of having Holly around, but that changes when it turns out Holly, in contrast with Carrie, laughs at his jokes, makes him all the food he wants and never tells him off about something. Doug now has one woman downstairs for food and one woman upstairs for sex and has the time of his life. Written by Marco van Hoof