Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Janet gets a stereo for Jack and Terri as a surprise, but it needs repaired. Mr Furley suggests his nephew Mark to repair it. In return, Janet can help Mark with dating lessons. Jack and Terri find out about the nephew and assume Janet is dating him. Written by Bernie
All Episodes - S07
Jack joins Janet and her boss at a business date. Jack gets drunk and when home, he accidentally gets into Janet's bed. She gets him out but he does not remember anything. In the morning, with a few wrong words, he thinks he slept with her. Written by Bernie
Terri's seeing a dentist but wants to break up with him but can't seem to be able to do it. Jack has a toothache so Terri arranges for the guy she's seeing to see Jack but he's so terrified. Jack goes to see him and he tells Jack that he has to come back in a week for his treatment which is drilling. But just before his appointment, Terri with help from Janet dumps him and when he sees Jack in her place he assumes it's because of him. And Jack is unaware of what happened and goes for his appointment. Written by
The guys get a phone answering machine. Larry tells Jack he sets him up with a girl who will call him. Later a girl named Rita calls and leaves Jack a message telling him where they will meet. Jack goes to see her. Thing is she thinks Jack is a fence whom she wants to fence some diamonds for her. When Jack meets her, they arrange to meet at his place later, she then kisses him and slips him the diamonds. When he goes home, he finds them and freaks out and shows the girls. That's when Rita and a guy show up demanding their money. Written by
When Janet's date, a reporter upon learning that she and Jack are living together wants to do an article about them. Only problem is that when it comes out, it hints that something is going on between them. Jack tells them to ignore it until the girls are being treated lewdly by men who read the article. And when guys think Jack is the man, he doesn't deny it. That is until his girlfriend dumps him. And things get worse when Jack and Terri's mothers upon reading the article thinks that it's best that they leave the apartment. Written by
Mr. Angelino has a vacant restaurant which he is trying to rent out. When Jack decides to get it, he jumps in without checking it out first. He discovers that it needs a lot of work so he pulls all of his money in the bank to use on the renovation. But he still needs to come up with the rent money and the bank won't grant him a loan. Written by
Final preparations are underway to open Jack's Bistro. Larry is totally ineffective with repairs in the building and even has the flyer printed with the wrong date. No customers show up on opening night.
Felipe asks Jack if his cousin, Maria who just arrived from Mexico can stay with him. And when Jack sees how lovely she is he agrees. Now she doesn't speak or understand English too well. But Janet and Terri deduce from her demeanor that she got dumped. So Jack offers her a job at the restaurant which she misinterprets as a marriage proposal. Written by
Janet's friend Randy comes to town, and when Jack meets her, he is smitten. Janet is OK with Jack and Randy going out. Later, Janet and Jack find out Randy omitted one detail - she is married.
Jack learns that an ultra conservative minister is trying to keep his restaurant from getting it's wine license. Mr. Angelino tells Jack he knows the man and the reason is because the restaurant was once a hangout for hookers. So Jack has to try and convince the minister that the restaurant is respectable. Mr. Angelino's tells Jack to have a brunch at his restaurant and will invite the minister to show him his place is respectable. He asks Janet and Terri to come and dress conservatively. But things get hairy when an amorous newlywed couple who are waiting to go on their honeymoon come in and start making out. And Larry's date turns wild after he gets her drunk. Written by
When Jack's kitchen help quits, Mr Furley immediately says he will do the job and Jack cannot say no. Mr Furley is not effective. Larry suggests hiring guitar player for background music. Larry decides to be the accompanist singer.
When Terri saves a man's life, he asks her out so she asks him to meet him at the apartment. When he sees she lives with Jack, he gets a strange look. And Furley thinks he knows him. Later while playing scrabble with Janet, Furley remembers that the man is a convicted murderer who killed a guy whom he thought was seeing his girlfriend. Written by
Larry's younger sister Diane is in town, and allows Jack to take Diane out with her. But then Jack and Diane do not get back home until after 2 AM and Larry is furious. A miscommunication makes everyone think they did more than just go out.
At the bar, Carol tells Larry and Mr Furley about an incident with a boat on the water. They leave the bar, but the story spreads around, with the details all switched around. Soon it becomes a story about Carol breaking up with her husband.
A building inspector claims that there's a minor infraction at Jack's restaurant which gives him cause to have it closed unless Jack pays him off. The girls tell him to record the man soliciting a pay off. He calls the police and a detective comes and plays the tape, Jack leaves for a moment and the cop only hears Jack's earlier conversation with Furley about pot from Mexico that could be costly. So the police go after Furley. Written by
Terri treats a man who is an actor on a soap opera. Later he asks her out, and she accepts. But what she doesn't know is that he prefers trashy women so the show is considering writing him off unless he appears to be respectable. After going out with him on one date, he proposes to Terri. While Janet is happy Jack is suspicious. Later he goes to Jack's restaurant with one of his girlfriends and Jack sees him. Written by
Jack and Furley are at the bar. And Futley accidentally knocks over another guy's drink. The man starts hurling insults at Furley. Jack tells the guy to back off. He tells Jack to make him. Jack says let's go outside. But the guy wants to see him in a boxing gym. Jack says yes. But he later learns the man is an excellent boxer. Written by
Janet and Terri make a bet that Jack cannot stay away from women for one week. Immediately the girls make him go with Mr Furley to the bar for Woman's Night. Furley meets a woman who has a friend for Jack. This causes Jack to lose the bet.
Janet gets a stereo for Jack and Terri as a surprise, but it needs repaired. Mr Furley suggests his nephew Mark to repair it. In return, Janet can help Mark with dating lessons. Jack and Terri find out about the nephew and assume Janet is dating him. Written by Bernie
Jack tells the girls that he's been so busy at the restaurant he can't do his errands and asks them if they could help him and they say yes. He also tells them that he will sleep in the apartment above the restaurant. One night he is about to go to the apartment he finds Mr. Angelino there with a girl. Jack assumes why he is there so he leaves. But he then returns to tell Mr. Angelino his wife showed up. He steps out and when his wife enters the apartment she finds Jack with the girl and then they leave. Later Janet and Terri show up and when they find Jack with the girl, they leave in a huff because they assume Jack only told him he was busy so that they would do his stuff while he hooked up with the girl. Written by
Jack goes to the bar and tries to pick up a woman by using an old line. She turns him down. Larry shows up with a fake mustache, he says he thinks it'll make him more appealing to the women. Jack thinks he's crazy. Larry approaches the woman Jack tried to pick up and she leaves with him. He says he used the same line Jack tried. Thinking that a mustache might help Jack decides to get one. When he goes home, Janet thinks he looks silly. But Terri throws herself at Jack. Janet tells Jack that Terri's infatuated with him. He thinks she's crazy till Terri kisses him. She tells Jack they have to find a way to make him less appealing and she thinks she knows what will work. So as Jack goes to see Terri, her mother shows up and tells Janet why Terri is behaving the way she is and that Janet's plan won't work. Written by
An old friend of Jack's from the Navy shows up. Mr. Angelino shows up looking for Jack but Jack is not around. So Angelino tells Jack's friend he wants to bring some people to Jack's bistro and asks him to tell Jack what he wants. But he tells Jack that it's for something else as oppose to what Angelino wants. So when Jack throws a surprise which upsets them, Jack's friend bails him out so Angelino tells Jack to give him a job which is what he is angling for. So Jack and the girls with Larry's help decide to pull the same thing on him. But Larry is unable to make it so Furley has to step in. Written by
Janet and Terri mistakenly assume that Jack needs money for his business. So they ask Mr. Furley if they could use the rent money to help Jack and he agrees but says they have till next week to pay him. So they ask Larry to pose as a radio DJ who calls Jack and says if he answers his question he'll get $ 500. And he answers it and once he gets the money he goes out and buys a coat which makes the girls upset. Furley then lets it slip that the girls need money so Jack decides to give them the rent money for the restaurant. So he goes to the bar where they are and tries to slip them the money. But gives it to a customer. Written by