Season 01
Zulema's escape plan is affected by an explosion. Zulema finds in Altagracia an unexpected ally to continue with his plan. Saray takes the difficult decision to betray her friend.
All Episodes - S03
Un destacado grupo de presas de Cruz del Sur son trasladadas a la nueva penitenciaría de Cruz del Norte, donde deberán acostumbrarse a una nueva realidad, así como también a nuevas compañeras y grupos de poder. Especialmente el denominado Tríada Tao, liderado por reclusas de origen chino. Altagracia, la funcionaria jefa de Cruz del Norte, les dejará las normas bien claras a las nuevas reclusas, para que el módulo 3 no se convierta en una olla a presión. Written by ahmetkozan
Altagracia will take the necessary measures to find out who was the author of the death of the officer Unai. Macarena is in a confrontation with Akame, leader of the Tao Triad, in her search for control of the new prison.
The murder attempt of Macarena takes its toll on the entire prison, establishing tension among the prisoners. Zulema becomes the main objective of Akame and the Triad. Altagracia discovers that Unai hid many secrets. Anabel has to learn for the hard way that her drug business in Cruz del Norte has no future if it does not go through Akame. Written by Jose Murillo
Zulema finds the perfect contraband business and will not let anyone spoil it. Anabel wants to take her part but continues to accumulate enemies. Mercedes is involved in a plot of the Tao Triad and finds support in Zulema to solve the situation. Written by Jose Murillo
Mercedes's daughter is kidnapped, making the situation in the prison more complicated. Anabel pleads guilty because of the evidence against her. Nerea has an affair with Rizos but the relationship will be affected by unexpected news.
Zulema's escape plan is affected by an explosion. Zulema finds in Altagracia an unexpected ally to continue with his plan. Saray takes the difficult decision to betray her friend.
Everyone knows that Mercedes gave Zulema away, but she has to continue working with Castillo so that everything goes as planned. The whole prison is revolutionized because the brotherhood of the Christ of the Good Death will choose an inmate to be pardoned. Written by Jose Murillo
Akame, along with the Chinese clan and Mercedes as a hostage, managed to escape from prison. Zulema and Altagracia cause riots in Cruz del Norte, where Tere, Sole and Rizos take control of the situation.