Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Tony is chosen as divine vessel by St. Peter, who won't let Mona Robinson's late sister-in-law Laura into heaven until the rift she caused between her husband Archie and Mona 20years ago is undone. Tony presses the Bowen to accept an invitation to enjoy a snowy Christmas holiday in his Maine home, ignoring it was magically fixed by heaven. So is a letter which Tony is to find there and convince the rowing siblings to accept as olive branch. Written by KGF Vissers
All Episodes - S05
Tony finally saved up for a solid car for Sam and lovingly equips it with more then ample safety features. She dares not tell him the 'ancient tank' is more of an embarrassment then a dream come true. When it gets stolen, she's 'secretly' delighted but pretends to miss it. When it's returned, Tony finds out the truth as is was parked out of campus sight. Yet he draws a more pragmatic conclusion the the girls expected. Written by KGF Vissers
Tony gets a breakfast treat on his first college day, but is too eager for learning too risking being late. Professor Darnell's course public speaking proves quite a challenge, as Tony's Brooklyn accent, vocabulary and grammar constitute the perfect example how never to speak. Despite the merciless humiliation and doubts if posh speech won't harm his relationships or even undermine his personality, Tony toughs it out. His progress and zeal in class impress Darnell enough to be invited to a speeches night on Churchill. Written by KGF Vissers
Mona pushes reluctant Tony to accept a party invitation from a fraternity. Even Angela admits she missed out on much of the social life as a student and accompanies Tony. It all seems rather dull, until Angela gets drunk on the heavily spiked punch. Her misbehavior even gets Tony arrested by campus police with her and spells consequences for the whole frat. Written by KGF Vissers
Tony is surprisingly deeply upset about the loss of trinket keepsakes of his grandfather, who practically raised him when orphaned. Tony still feels guilty for his rascally rebelling then preventing the old man to turn up for his life-long aspired naturalization. Mona suggests and Angela tries a radical solution: a posthumous ceremony with Tony as proxy, if they can convince young judge Matthew Hamilton to be so 'creative'. Written by KGF Vissers
The home front feels Angela works too hard and should delegate more. Mona is delighted when some workload is transferred by the recruiting of Jack, a talented and charming creative director. Tony however jealously and suspiciously changes his attitude as Jack tends to spend nearly all day with Angela and becomes a regular home guest, even until late at night. When they book in a hotel together, Tony decides to put an end to their presumed affair, but could have saved himself the trouble. Written by KGF Vissers
Jesse Nash is warmly welcomed back by Tony after an ecologist boat trip. However he met a fellow idealist girl and politely dumps selfish Sam, who acts aloof. When Mona gets stood up too, a week of men-bashing follows. Finally, the 'celibacy converts' go out a for a girls-only-night together, and regain perspective. Written by KGF Vissers
Toby wisely forbids Sam to drive to Bonnie's parents's cabin for a weekend in Vermont with an immature sister as chaperon. They go anyway, leaving him worried sick especially as the weather report is stormy. Meanwhile Bonnie gets tired of guilty Sam's recollections of over-protective Tony and bites back that's better then her absent, uninterested dad, which ends up making Sam reconsider. Written by KGF Vissers
Tony is chosen as divine vessel by St. Peter, who won't let Mona Robinson's late sister-in-law Laura into heaven until the rift she caused between her husband Archie and Mona 20years ago is undone. Tony presses the Bowen to accept an invitation to enjoy a snowy Christmas holiday in his Maine home, ignoring it was magically fixed by heaven. So is a letter which Tony is to find there and convince the rowing siblings to accept as olive branch. Written by KGF Vissers
Tony is very proud to hear his prodigy former protégé Mason will be teaching one of his college courses. He and Angela give pointers how to overcome his timidity, which lead to fainting in the first lesson. Alas, being the gratefully doting teacher's pet becomes so embarrassing, Tony ends up taking the girls' advice to hand in a terrible paper. The dean volunteers to mark the stack it's in, so tony begs to get it back, in vain, boding truth time for professor Mason. Written by KGF Vissers
During a visit from old Brooklyn friends, Tony decides to Mrs. Rossini's cocky adolescent cousin Al under his wing. only is proud when the knave starts making something of his life in a beautician schooling. Still, Tony turns defensive once Samantha responds to this bad boy's irresistible charm, which Tony knows all too well having grown up pretty much the same way. Written by KGF Vissers
Jonathan is running for student council treasurer. Tony cleverly advises to lure some popular boys and hosts a brownies evening with Sam as 'accidental' star attraction. However, Mona's 'loose' reputation proves a problem, which exhausts Jonathan's patience with his utterly abnormal grandma. Written by KGF Vissers
Tony has enough of Sam's squander bug wardrobe acquisitions. Jonathan actually demands payment on her $223 credit line, like Mona's. Tony's and Angela's bragging how they raised money as youths is exploited to make the dare each-other selling the T-shirts Tony designs and Sam hand-produces at the local flee-market. Written by KGF Vissers
Tony attends a St. Louis Cardinals reunion weekend, to play in a benefit old-timers match and catch up with former teammates. Angela came along to cheer him. When vamp super-fan Betty starts seducing the boys as she used to, Tony pretends to be recently married to Angela, who grudgingly plays along. The mates lure him to the bar, where Betty gets him to hug and dance. Angela reacts very jealously when she sees Betty steal an 'adulterous' kiss. Written by KGF Vissers
As enthusiastic as Tony is about his quality-time ski-weekend with Sam and Angela about staying behind with Jonathan, as unwilling their kids really are to be shielded as children. Sam blows a shot at handsome skier Zach while Tony takes a kids skying course with little kids including abusive Amber, then turns possessively jealous when Tony still scores with foxy instructor Lisa. back home, Jonathan hopes to escape thanks to Anegla's cold, which also decks Mona, but decides against it to take care of ma and handle the heating repairman better then they ever could. Written by KGF Vissers
Mona feels both offended as dating-role model and a failure as mother finding out Angela took an escort to an awards event. After hearing the frustrating story of her disastrous prom date from both ladies, Tony reluctantly accepts to ask her on a 'real' date, as opposed to several 'accidental' ones. Written by KGF Vissers
Tony and Mona are dead-eager rivaling to be invited along as Angela's partner to an exclusive New york party where Frank Sinatra will sing. Angela bails out to try rescuing an account, so Mona steals her dress and the tickets. Only on-site Tony discovers the tickets aren't transferable. Angela returns early, just in time to join them, but adds to the confusion, so all three end up thrown out. Tony however is thus just in time to meet his idol and render him appreciated service. Written by KGF Vissers
When Tony finds out Samantha let airhead friends take her illegally drinking beer at a frat party, he gives her a sound lecture, for once firmly seconded by Angela, he refuses to cover up the brat's drunken state. However they commit the error of feeling guilty just for having innocent drinks at home, and Tony's sports fan-buddies are not much help in 'setting the good example'. Written by KGF Vissers
Tony and Angela try hard to be welcoming to their smug new neighbors, Mark and Pam, but soon get into a bitter garden row. Jonathan however sees a perfect mate at least in their daughter Heather, so being told the neighbors are off-limit is not acceptable. The smitten kids decide to lead their oldies by example. Written by KGF Vissers
For a school paper assignment, Tony lets Sam stay over at Trish Carlin's models boarding school. Trish's son Rick is sweetly innocent, but Sam's Brooklyn friend Caroline, who got in as favor, keeps attracting boys and trouble, while abusing ever-helpful country-girl Martha, who nevertheless makes the difference when Trish finally has enough of the sass. Written by KGF Vissers
Tony convinces Angela to hire for her roof repair his former coach Ralph. Mona can't resist seducing him just because he didn't flirt with her. Then dumps Ralph for the next conquest as soon as he's smitten, another suitor left heartbroken. Tony taking offense as fellow male and friend at last gets Mona to promise she'll mend her man-eater ways. Written by KGF Vissers
Tony has organized a PTA project offering each kid a week job experience with one of the parents. Sam and Bonnie are left out, so they 'get stuck with' Tony's domestic experience and Angela's advertising agency. Lazy Sam chooses what seems the least work, only to change her mind after hearing easy-going Bonnie enjoyed giving it a real go. The scenario is repeated after the mates switch jobs, but by now the mentors get on to them. Written by KGF Vissers
Tony has started playing golf but has to rise early to get access to the public links, so Angela surprises him with a country club membership she won in a raffle. Thus Tony sets out to network while playing, but is looked down upon by posh members. Only tycoon Lowell Michaels, risen from poverty himself, befriends Tony. When the ladies here about such a potential client, just what Angela's agency needs to recover, Mona emotionally blackmails Tony to abuse his new friend's confidence to arrange a business appointment. Written by KGF Vissers
The Bower home's surprise how excited Angelo gets at the mention of an announced visitor, former study mate flirt Brian Thomas, is topped spectacularly when he tells why he came. They actually had a drunk Vegas marriage he supposedly annulled in Tijuana after they came to their senses, but the Mexican procedure was invalid. Now he's engaged with Rhonda and comes to fix their divorce, but quickly falls back in love with Angela. Written by KGF Vissers
Unlike model-student Tony, Sam studies no more then necessary, and preferably with attractive male colleagues, like Scott. Tony is shocked when she admits having passed on to him the questions for an exam. He handed her an unsolicited equivalent for her next exam, which she was least confident about. It's found, so neither teacher Timmons nor Tony is likely to believe she didn't actually use it. Written by KGF Vissers
Tony plans to treat himself, for his upcoming birthday, to a shiny successor for his utterly run-down van, but decides against the expense. Angela offers to make it a birthday gift, which is turned down as too extravagant, then to share the costs since it's useful for the whole household. Even then, Tony can't quite bring himself to chuck his first-ever vehicle and convinces Sam of its unique souvenir value, but already advertised to sell it. Written by KGF Vissers