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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.5
46 min

Sam leaps into the body of Chance Cole, a petty thief serving his time on a chain gang in 1956. Sam is chained to Jazz Boone, a black man doing 15 years for armed robbery who, according to Al, has been unjustly imprisoned after a jewelry store robbery. Sam and Jazz run-off with the local authorities in hot pursuit and Sam has to find a way to keep his partner alive. Recaptured by their jailers, they both soon find themselves in the punishment pit. Things go from bad to worse when Al reports the real jewelry store robber is still at it and is known to them through his frequent visits to the prison farm. He's not the only one involved in the crimes, however. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.9
47 min

Sam leaps into the body of Billy Beaumont, who returns to his home town after several years' absence. Billy is a con man who poses as a rainmaker and his home town is in the midst of a severe drought. Sam is reluctant to take advantage of them but in the end decides to use science in his favor and try to make it rain. With Al searching for a scientific way to make that happen, he also learns the real reason Sam is there: to make sure that Billy's brother Ralph and his wife Annie stay together. That may be more difficult than it may appear at first since she still has feelings for Billy. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.4
47 min

Sam leaps into the body of Jack Stone, a police detective who stops a man from committing suicide. The man's wife has been murdered so the assumption is that the husband is the killer. Sam has a problem however: he keeps having flashbacks to the detective's childhood and the fact that Jack saw his own mother murdered. Sam assumes that part of the detective's memory has stayed with him despite the leap. It all takes a very different turn when Al tells him that he can change the future, Jack will be killed in the next 48 hours. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.9
47 min

Sam leaps into Bobo, a chimpanzee-in-training for the manned space flight program in 1961. Bobo is under the care of Dr. Leslie Ashton who is trying to prove that her chimps can do almost anything a human could do. Al tells him that it is essential that he be one of the two chimps selected for spaceflight otherwise Bobo will be found dead with a severe head trauma. Unbeknown to Dr. Ashton, a colleague is experimenting with crash helmet durability using the chimps as crash test dummies. When Bobo isn't selected for the space program it looks like he's done for and if Sam can't leap before the helmet test, it's the end for him as well. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.3
47 min

Sam leaps into Katie McBain, a teenage girl who has been raped. He decides to press charges against Kevin Wentworth, who was Katie's date that night. It turns out Kevin and his family are well regarded in the town, and it will be hard to prove he did rape her. Sam gets a sympathetic district attorney to help get a trial going. However, Sam cannot testify for Katie since he doesn't know the exact details, so he gets Al to devise a way to have Katie testify while Sam is on the witness stand. Written by Pat McCurry

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.6
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of Frank Bianca, a hairdresser in Los Angeles just as there's a shooting at the pharmacy next door. He lives with Laura and her son Kyle and he has just let the boy go next door to get some candy. The boy is unharmed but the pharmacist is killed and Kyle may be the only witness. Laura refuses to let Kyle cooperate with the police since her husband once witnessed a crime and was killed before he could give evidence. The detective on the case desperately wants to speak to Kyle but Sam can't convince Laura that they should do the right thing. Time is running out as Al tells him that both Kyle and his mom will be killed in the next 48 hours and he's there to stop it. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Sam leaps into Clyde just as he is being initiated into the Klu Klux Klan. The head of the local clan chapter is Clyde's father-in-law and he's the head of the 'hunting club', as it's publicly referred to, to please his wife as much as anything. Al tells Sam that he's there to save Nathaniel Simpson, who happens to be the son of Clyde's maid, Ada. Nathaniel is active in getting African-Americans registered for the upcoming election but in 1965, the KKK has no qualms about shutting up what they see as troublemakers - permanently. Sam is disgusted with the whole thing and is prepared to put his life on the line to support Nathaniel. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Sam leaps into the body of Mississippi Sheriff Archie Necaise who along with his girlfriend, Red Cross nurse Cissy Davis, are trying to get people to evacuate the area due to the impending arrival of a major hurricane. They have to deal with quite a number of people who simply won't leave and some are actually having a party as they plan to ride out the storm. He also has to deal with his old girlfriend, Lisa, who obviously still has feelings for him and is heartbroken over their break up. However, Al tells Sam that he's there to save his girlfriend Cissy's life. Sometime later that day at the height of the storm, she will return to her home for reasons unknown and be struck by a piece of flying debris. Sam's plan is simple: keep her close by and not let her return home. It doesn't quite work out that when they get a call to evacuate someone in distress. Sam manages to partly change the future, but when Al learns that Cissy will now be shot, Sam races to rescue her. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.5
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of Lester 'Doc' Fuller, a minor league baseball pitcher with the Galveston Mustangs. Al tells him that Doc makes it to the major leagues and has an outstanding first year but then disappeared after accidentally hitting someone with a pitch and killing him. Al thinks Sam is there to help Doc get back into the major leagues. Sam wonders if he's really there to save Doc or to help Chucky, the real pitching ace on the team. Chucky is an angry young man however, drinking on game days and often getting into fights. With a major league scout scheduled to take in the big game, Sam may get the start because Doc has been sleeping with owner, Margaret Twilly. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.9
47 min

Sam and Al have switched places. Now Sam is the hologram, and Al is the leaper. Al must reunite a returning WWII veteran with the woman he left due to the war. Sam and Al must figure a way to communicate with the future, because Al has the comm device, and Sam has no way to contact Ziggy. Written by Jesse Sanchez

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.9
49 min

Sam leaps into a patient at a Mental Hospital and undergoes electroshock therapy. The treatment causes Sam to act like other people he's been. It also weakens his link to Al. Al must find a way to get his friend back to normal, and figure a way to carry out Sam's mission. Written by Jesse Sanchez

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.8
48 min

Sam leaps into Eddie Ellroy, a college student who is visiting his brother in South Florida during the height of the October missile crisis in 1962. Eddie's brother Mac sells bomb shelters for a living and the crisis is proving to be good fodder for increasing sales. Al tells Sam that that evening the Ellroys' neighbor, Bert Rosecranz, will be shot as he tries in a panic to force himself into the bunker during what they all think is a nuclear attack. As a result Mac goes to jail and the family is destroyed. Sam tries to allay everyone's fears by suggesting it will all blow over but they are all genuinely scared and preparing for the worse. Just as President Kennedy goes on television to announce a resolution to the confrontation, there is a power blackout leading them all to believe they are under attack. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.4
49 min

It's 1955 and the middle of the cold war when Sam leaps into the body of Terry Sammis, a professional wrestler who, along with his brother Ronnie, form a tag team. They're from Arkansas but their ring persona is that of Soviets and they taunt the crowd with their pro-Russian rants. Al tells Sam that Terry is new to the wrestling game having just replaced an older brother who died in a car crash. He also tells him Ronnie will die in the big title match they have scheduled for the next day. Sam tries to convince Ronnie to pass upon the big match but wrestling is in their blood and Ronnie has no intention of giving up their big chance. There's only one thing Sam can do: fight the entire match by himself and make sure Ronnie never enters the ring. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.3
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of Jesus Ortega, a death row prisoner who is about to be executed. A last minute stay of execution gives Sam 48 hours to prove that Ortega is innocent. With the secret assistance of an Assistant District Attorney, Margerita Lorrea Tearsa, who thinks he's innocent, he's submitted an appeal to Governor. All of this doesn't sit well with Theodore Moody, the DA who convicted him who is also now a candidate for Governor. Ortega was convicted of robbing a church and killing a priest but he and his accomplices deny having anything to do with the killing. Unless Sam can figure it out, not only will Ortega die in the electric chair but Tearsa will be disbarred. The key is that there is someone else Sam is supposed to save. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.7
49 min

Sam leaps into the body of Gordon O'Reilly, a bounty hunter trying to return his prisoner to the Sheriff in Decatur. He's arrested Diane Frost who was charged with forging her boss' signature on a million dollars' worth of checks and then skipped bail before going to court. According to Al however, Sam and Diane will be killed that very night. According to the information he has, Diane will shoot Gordon and will then herself be shot trying to run away. She proves to be quite a handful and tries to escape at every opportunity. The truth is that Sam is becoming quite attracted to her and when she reveals why she stole the money, he realizes that he may have put her in danger by turning her over to the local Sheriff. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Sam leaps into the body of Jeffrey Mole, a 1970s rock musician and member of a band that has as its trademark heavy makeup. Al tells him that in two nights time, a crazed fan will stab and kill him. The fan in question, 16 year-old Philip Silbart, is emotionally disturbed and has run away from several foster homes. Strange things begin to happen however - like a stage prop falling on his head - which leaves Al and Sam wondering if someone other than Philip may be out to get him. Sam begins to suspect the band's business manager of fiddling the books but it also turns out that Jeffrey is probably Philip's father. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.5
48 min

Sam leaps in to the body of Gilbert LaBonte who runs the family's hundred year-old business: the finest brothel in New Orleans. He's there to help out Gina, a college student who clearly shouldn't be there. Al tells him that if he's not successful, Gina will disappear sometime in the next 24 hours and subsequently be found beaten to death.It turns out that she is running away from Jake Dorleac who has his own reasons for wanting her to return home. She on the other hand is afraid for someone other than herself. Sam sets up Dorleac for a fall. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.4
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of Chuck Danner, a piano-playing lounge singer. Al tells Sam he's there to keep Chuck, whose real name is Joey Di Nardo, from being killed. It turns out that he witnessed a mob killing so he's changed his name and has been on the run ever since. Now re-united with his old girlfriend, klutzy Lorraine, he's again on the run from a mob hit man. Lorraine is still in love with Joey but she is convinced that she is a jinx and all of this is her fault. Lorraine's new boyfriend had encouraged her to find Joey and get rid of any ghosts that may still be around but when he hears that there's a hit man after them he comes to get her. Turns out he had his own reasons for wanting Lorraine to find Joey. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.9
49 min

Sam leaps into the body of Rod the Bod McCarty a male dancer at a strip club. According to Al, he's there to prevent a waitress and aspiring ballet dancer, Diana Quinna, from turning to prostitution to make ends meet. Diana is quite innocent in many ways. She would love to be a professional dancer but is hearing disabled and lacks the self esteem to make it on her own. Despite Sam's best efforts, she resists his interventions on her behalf but he nonetheless arranges an audition for her with professional choreographer Joanna Chapman who is recruiting for her dance company Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.2
49 min

As the sidekick on the 1950s children's science fiction series Time Patrol, Sam must prevent the death of the star of the show.

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

It's 1955 and Sam leaps into the body of 16 year old Billie Jean Crockett who is also 8 and a half months pregnant. Her mother is dead and her father wants nothing much to do with her. Her boyfriend, who got her pregnant, is off to college soon and wanted her to have a termination. Al tells Sam that she will have her baby within a day and give it up for adoption leading to a lifetime of regret and searching for the child. The solution is that Sam may have to give birth to the baby before he can leap again. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Sam leaps into the body of 13 year-old Butchie Rickett. It's July 4, 1964 and the Ricketts are on a 9000 mile trip across America. Butchie is a typical 13 year-old. He's regularly bullied by his older sister and can't quite seem to live up to his father's expectations. Al tells him that unless Sam intervenes, Butchie's mother Emma will disappear later that day and never be seen again. When Emma meets Billy, an old high school friend who is now a widower, Sam assumes that she's run off with him. Her disappearance is related to something completely different however. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.0
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of Reginald Pearson, valet to millionaire Michael Blake a hard-nosed businessman. It's Christmas-time and his business plans are to tear down the 4th Street Mission so he can build a new office plaza. Al tells Sam that his mission is to save Blake from his own bah humbug ways. Sam takes him on a trip down memory lane by visiting his old neighborhood where he meets old friends and learns what happened to some of his old friends. Blake also takes an interest in the pretty Salvation Army Captain who runs the Mission. Despite progress, Sam can't quite get Blake to take the final step so he and Al decide the time has come to show him his future. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.4
47 min

Sam leaps into the body of Shane 'Funny Bone' Thomas, a biker and member of a gang, The Cobras, circa 1958. Al tells him that he's there to prevent the murder of Becky, a young idealist who shows great potential as a writer. Sometime in the next 24 hours she will be stabbed, but Al doesn't know by who. Despite Sam's several attempts to convince her to leave she refuses to do so. She's inspired by Jack Kerouac's On The Road and wants to experience life. Sam decides there's only one person who can convince her otherwise - Jack Kerouac himself. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.2
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of Harry Spontini who, as The Great Spontini, performs as a magician in cheap nightclubs. His assistant is his precocious 12 year-old daughter Jamie who has great hopes for the act. His wife Maggie, who left Harry three years before, suddenly reappears asking for a divorce. Sam decides that he's there to reunite the family but has to re-think this idea when he learns - in a Judge's chambers - that she's actually out to get custody of Jamie as well. Al tells him that unless he can change what happened, Jamie will become a runaway living on the street. Sam's main obstacle to reuniting the family is Maggie's lawyer-boyfriend Steve. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.0
47 min

Sam leaps into the body of Ray Harper, a promising African-American medical student who has the opportunity at an internship at a Boston hospital. Ray currently lives in Watts and it's the eve of the 1965 race riots. He's engaged to Susan, a white girl, and faces not only her father's wrath but that of his brother Lonnie and his friends. Al tells him that his purpose is to keep Ray and Susan together but there is a chance that Susan might die in the riots. As the violence and race hatred grows, both Ray and Susan must face the challenge of each communities prejudice. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.5
47 min

While entered in the Miss Deep South beauty pageant, Sam must prevent a fellow contestant from posing for some nude photos and make sure his host comes in third in the contest.

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 8.2
47 min

Sam leaps into of a second-rate horror writer, Joshua Rey, on Halloween 1964. Ziggy confirms that Sam is there because of Rey's fiancée Mary Greely. A series of bizarre events lead to the death of a handyman and then an elderly neighbor. Al is convinced that Mary is responsible somehow. Sheriff Ben Masters suspects Rey while Sam is sure that the sheriff is the guilty party. Sam constantly sees a goat at the site of the deaths and soon realizes that he is combating an evil force, perhaps the Devil himself. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.1
48 min

Sam leaps into the body of high-fashion photographer Karl Granson. According to Al, Sam's job is to keep up and coming model Edie Landsdale from dying of an overdose of drugs and alcohol. Modeling is a tough job and Edie's agent, Helen Le Baron, is giving her pills to make it through the day. Edie is a down home type of girl who would like nothing better than to make a little money and then return home to take care of her family and perhaps become a vet. When she crashes at a photo shoot, Sam has to move quickly to save her life. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

Sam leaps into the body of Father Frank Pistano, a Catholic priest. He's there to help his colleague, Father McRoberts who is bitter over the death of a young parishioner and is drinking heavily. Al tells Sam there is a high probability that Father Mac, as he is known, will be killed. Both Father Mac and the dead boy were the only witnesses to a killing by young hoodlum Tony Pronti and it is clear that Tony is out to get rid of him. When Father Mac reaches the end of his tether, Sam has to keep him from committing murder. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 9.1
47 min

Having won the high school basketball championship game and thereby changing the future for his teammates, Sam leaps into the body of a soldier in his brother Tom's SEAL team while they are on patrol in Vietnam. It's the day before his brother is killed but Al tells Sam that he's actually there to ensure that the next day's mission succeeds, not to save his brother. When he learns that an attractive and outgoing photo-journalist Maggie Dawson is also killed on the mission, he tries to save her as well. On patrol the next day, Al suggests that Sam help free a nearby American POW but he declines and doggedly sets off to save his brother. Written by garykmcd

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Quantum Leap


Quantum Leap

IMDb: 9.2
48 min

Sam leaps into himself as a 16 year-old and gets to re-live a very happy time in his life. His father is still alive, and his mother and sister are happy as well. Al tells him that he's likely there to re-play the big championship basketball game his high school lost. If they win, several members of the team will go on to greater careers that they have had, including college scholarships and professional basketball careers. Sam isn't sure he wants to replay the game as it will likely cause him to leap and he wants to stay with his family. He hopes to get his father, who will die in three years, to quit smoking, his sister not to elope with her boyfriend and to persuade his older brother Tom not to go to Vietnam. Written by garykmcd

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