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HD Cheyenne




IMDb: 7.9
49 min (DVD)

Joe Baker writes Cheyenne to come visit as he has a business proposition. With the help of Sam Wilson and his wife Victoria who will pay to outfit the group, they're going to ride down just below the Mexican border and round up hundreds of mustangs that are running wild. At $30 a head, they would all clean up. When Cheyenne shows up, Joe is too sick to sit a horse but Cheyenne is still willing to help out his friend and act alone as guide. Victoria, however, is not so generous. They need another worker and she insists that the wages come out of Joe and Cheyenne's share. The bearded Jed Begert runs off the other candidates for the job but both Sam and Cheyenne feel he is qualified. They decide to keep the party small and hire wranglers in Mexico based on Jed's advice. She also insists that she is coming along, never mind the heat, the load of money she insists they carry and that Chato, the leader of a band of Mescaleros, is not too fond of folks coming into his territory and making ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

The daughter, Eileen Linden, of a friend of the Graingers comes to visit them. Her father has asked her to take a six week hiatus from seeing Peter Bowers who she wants to marry but her father does not trust him. As usual Trampas takes no time in asking Eileen to attend a local dance with him as Elizabeth predicted. Shortly after she arrives, Eileen and Elizabeth return from a ride. As they approach the bunk house Eileen sees Peter who has followed her and taken a job as a cowhand at Shiloh. That night Peter uses bird calls to ask Eileen to come out and talk to him. Elizabeth seeing their meeting and not knowing who Peter is ashamed of Eileen shunning her until Eileen confesses who Peter is. The next day Trampas sees what he believes is Peter trying to force his attentions on Eileen so he breaks it up. Eileen eventually tells him the situation putting him in the middle as well. Eileen finally comes clean with Clay easing the tension for everyone. However, unknown to them Peter's ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1
75 min

Hosea McKinley finds himself being evicted by Sheriff Abbott and Caleb Welles due to a shady contract crafted by Welles. During the eviction Caleb Welles is shot dead and the Sheriff is severely wounded and unconscious. McKinley decides to run as Trampas rides up after hearing the shots. Trampas takes Abbott to Shiloh where a party is occurring. They decide to let the Shiloh men search for McKinley while Elizabeth tends to Abbott at Shiloh. The next morning Clay leads a group of men but they have to split up due to two sets of overlapping tracks. The Virginian, Trampas, and Dave Sutton track down McKinley at a remote cabin with his wife and son. McKinley is exhausted and starved so they stay overnight. David at one point wants to let McKinley go but The Virginian stops him. They return him and his family to Medicine Bow for a trial but Caleb's brother Jack wants revenge, a lynching and to show Medicine Bow who is now in charge. He uses his brother's lending business to threaten ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

Denny Todd is headed north for a job and lands in Medicine Bow when his horse throws a shoe. When he starts a fight with two men who rode over him outside town, he is joined by Trampas as the two men from the Kimbro ranch were picking on Trampas as well. There is a feud between the Kimbro ranch and Shiloh over the ownership of a waterhole that is being settled in court. After the fight Denny learns the Graingers are at Shiloh. Denny lived with them for three years as a child after they found him in Texas. He had escaped the Apaches after they orphaned and took him captive. Clay and Holly welcome him into their home again. After a cowboy plays a prank on Trampas but catches Clay in it at a party, Denny severely beats the cowboy nearly killing him. Denny saves Clay from a rock slide but uses it as an excuse to help Clay in his fight over ownership of the waterhole. The Virginian feels Denny has personality issues but the Graingers are blind to it as they remember the young boy they ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.6
75 min

Rafe Judson, a Shiloh ranch hand, finds himself being mistaken for the outlaw Wally McCullough. Ben Robbins riding by Shiloh spots Rafe and reports him to Sheriff Abbott who arrests Rafe at Shiloh. Rafe is able to clear himself when he realizes he was branding cattle with Trampas and The Virginian at the time of the stagecoach holdup. The real Wally McCullough and his girlfriend Angie are holding up near Medicine Bow in a remote cabin until the heat dies down. They learn about the confusion from an article in the Medicine Bow newspaper. When Rafe learns he will lose the option on a ranch for which he has been saving, he decides to take advantage of the confusion and hold up the stage himself when he learns it will be carrying a $10,000 payroll. When Wally and Angie learn what Rafe has done, they decide to confront Rafe and take over his life to escape the law. Rafe finds he has dug a hole for himself, literally. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

Dan Sheppard and his son Jeremy arrive in Medicine Bow via a private rail car to photograph the west at Shiloh. Dan takes pictures of life on Shiloh while Jeremy uses their studio on the rail car to take pictures of local customers. Della Price's dressmaker suggests she have pictures taken. Jeremy shows the resulting pictures to Dan who realizes his old sweetheart Della is in Medicine Bow. She is a widow with a ranch caught in a bidding war between an oil speculator and the local ranchers who are afraid of the negative aspects of the oil industry. The primary source of water for the local ranches will be polluted if oil wells are allowed on her ranch. Unknown to everyone her foreman Spector is working with the oil speculator Carstairs to cover gambling losses he incurred with the ranch's money. Della tries to rekindle their lost romance while Dan tries to help the Graingers. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.8

An injured cougar is killing calves on Shiloh so The Virginian sends Tramps to hunt the cougar. While hunting, Trampas encounters a lost and sick teenager who calls himself Seth. Trampas tends to him and adopts him as an assistant on the rest of the hunt. Although Seth stays with Trampas, he occasionally takes side trips unknown to Trampas. After the cougar is killed, Seth changes his mind and returns to Shiloh where Trampas convinces The Virginian to give him a job for quarter wages. Seth continues to work at Shiloh until the sheriff at the request of Trampas tracks down his family. His uncle Judd 's partner Cally reads a notice in the Medicine Bow Banner about Seth. Judd had been in jail for weeks under suspicion for a bank robbery. Although reluctant to go with his uncle Judd, Trampas eventually convinces Seth he must go with Judd although The Virginian, the Sheriff, and Trampas dislike Judd. The sheriff learns that the uncle is an outlaw resulting in him and Trampas tracking down ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.5

Deputy Emmett Ryker upon returning to Medicine Bow recognizes a close friend, Cliff Darrow, who has moved to Medicine Bow. When he says hi to Cliff, Cliff says his name is Andrew Hiller as Ryker must have him confused with someone else. Hiller is with his wife Judith and step-son Brian. Ryker knows Darrow has a minor criminal history involving a robbery but agrees to keep it quiet as Darrow has changed his life. Ryker spends considerable time at Andrew's new ranch helping him improve it which people and the Sheriff notice. However, a Shiloh ranch hand, Tony Barnes, thinks he recognizes Darrow. After going through the Sheriff's old wanted posters, he finds one for Cliff Darrow convicted for robbery and murder so he decides to blackmail Darrow. When Barnes is found dead, Ryker learns the truth about Darrow who has skipped town. Ryker who loses his job brings Darrow back to Medicine Bow anyway to stand trial where he is sentenced to hang. Ryker, however, is convinced Cliff is not telling... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.2
73 min

Trampas notices a young lady riding a pinto horse near Shiloh who catches his eye but he is unable to catch her causing The Virginian to question his sightings. The Virginian and Trampas see the girl and her mother leaving the general store in Medicine Bow. Trampas introduces themselves to them. He learns she is Amanda Harley a member of the Harley family on a neighboring ranch they recently purchased. He asks her to the dance in town on Saturday but she rejects the offer. Trampas brings Elizabeth to the Harley home hoping to see her again. Trampas eventually convinces Amanda to join him in going to the dance but he learns that her adoptive parents have raised her with biased feelings about her history that affected her socialization. Meanwhile, a man calling himself Richard Pierce stops by the Harley home a couple times who eventually reveals to Amanda he knew her mother. Sheriff Abbott has a Marshal visiting him as the two are keeping an eye on Pierce and others who they suspect are... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.8
75 min

The Graingers visit Medicine Bow where Elizabeth picks up one of many new breeds of chickens she ordered and John visits the bank. Meanwhile, at the saloon Dell Stetler waits at the bar as the other four members of his gang arrive. One is late due to a hurt horse delaying their planned robbery of the bank. As two of the men enter the bank, one member Bob Archer feels something is wrong. As he walks into the street Ryker yells at him from his seat telling him to look up. The buildings are lined with the Sheriff and deputies. Archer is wounded but captured, one man is killed, and the other three escape. Stetler and Cullen Tindall are unharmed but Roy Tindall is severely wounded. Because the hands are all gone on a trail drive for two weeks, the two men take Roy to Shiloh where they take the Graingers who are alone hostage forcing them to tend to Roy and John Grainger to get Dr. Hinton to help. This results in a matching of wits between John Grainger and Stetler while the law searches ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.6
75 min

Easterners Marjorie Hammond and her mother Lucille are visiting Lucille's sister Livvy Underhill in Medicine Bow. Marjorie as a teenage girl is smitten with dime novels about the west and meets a man like the hero, Dead Eye Dick, in The Virginian when he quiets Mrs. Underhill's docile horse. Later, while on a ride she sees The Virginian so she fakes a runaway horse to let him save her. The Virginian tries to aim her interest toward Bob Foley who is her age and likes her but as an aspiring attorney, he doesn't measure up to The Virginian. Marjorie agrees to attend a dance with Bob when he confirms that all the cowboys will be there. After a few dances with Bob, she asks to leave due to an headache but when she spots The Virginian, she dances the night with him. Her mother suspecting something amiss reads her diary. She and her sister talk to The Virginian asking his help so The Virginian tries to enlist the help of everyone to re-target Margorie's interest with limited and comical ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.0

Charlie Ryan is in jail in Porterville, Wyoming after shooting a man during a bank robbery. The town people have their mind made up he is a killer. When the chance occurs, Charlie escapes. Charlie arrives in Bottleneck where he meets Harold Bitz, a bank employee, who helped Charlie rob the bank. They agree to meet later to split the money. Charlie finds himself helping Stacey in a fight in Medicine Bow and wins the gratitude of Stacey and his sister Elizabeth. Charlie and Elizabeth become good friends causing Stacey to worry as he has concerns about Charlie after his interactions with Charlie. The law catches up with Charlie as Sheriff Abbott tries to arrest Charlie at Shiloh. Charlie escapes but is wounded by Abbott. When they learn Charlie is wanted, Elizabeth still provides support to Charlie and convinces him to give himself up. She enlists her grandfather's help due to her belief Charlie has to be innocent. Mr. Grainger is able to secure a change of venue for the trial due to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.3
73 min

Jake who can neither speak or hear runs away after accidentally killing a man in a saloon. While on the run he encounters Stacey on the other side of a river trying to pull out a calf. Jake wades in to free the calf and rides off ignoring Stacey's calls as he can't hear him. He lands at Shiloh ranch where he chops a large amount of wood for a meal from Elizabeth. Stacey hearing the story takes him to The Virginian for a job. His extreme strength allows him to become a valued hand in spite of his handicaps. However, two hands, Curley and Packer, take advantage of him but assume he is no threat to talk when he stumbles into cattle they are rustling from Shiloh. Stacey, who learns Jake cannot read or write, realizes Jake is locked into himself as he has no way to express himself. Seeing Jake's interest in a newspaper, Stacey decides to help him develop the ability to communicate via reading and writing. Curley and Packer upon learning Jake can now read and write, decide they need to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.3
75 min

While looking for stray cattle, Trampas and Stacey catch a trio of Arapaho Indians stealing Shiloh cattle. They are a husband and wife with an adopted girl Liliota who they discover is a white girl. The girl is not returned to the reservation while the authorities attempt to find her original parents. John Grainger decides to let her stay at Shiloh until her future is decided. The Graingers with Elizabeth taking the lead all work to ease her into a new life in the white world which is a very hard adjustment. She wants to return to her Arapaho life especially when Running Elk to whom she is promised comes to Shiloh to help her escape. Based on the information from her adoptive dad Grey Horse, they learn she was taken from a wagon train 12 years earlier. The Emory family from Oregon responds to ads about her saying she might be their daughter Katherine Ann. They come to Shiloh to meet Liliota who is not receptive to their overtures as she still does not accept the white world. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

John Grainger and his grandchildren Stacey and Elizabeth move to Shiloh after he purchases the ranch from Judge Garth. John and Elizabeth arrive by train only to find Stacey in jail for a fight over a crooked card game. As part of the sale The Virginian agreed to stay on for at least thirty days. Besides developing a relationship with his new employees, Grainger is faced with learning about Shiloh as well as meeting and fitting in with the citizens of Medicine Bow. The foreman Jim Dawson of a neighboring ranch arrives with the Sheriff searching for several head of missing cattle. Knowing a fence is down between them, The Virginian guesses they wandered over accidentally but Dawson still wants the Sheriff to check it out. They find the cattle but the brands have been altered. When Grainger learns the neighbor is Lee Calder, he knows she blames him for the loss of her husband 25 years ago. Stacey is caught in the Calder barn holding a running iron he found there. If Dawson is able to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.9
75 min

The Virginian encounters a stranger, Garrison, on a trip when both are victims of separate robberies by the same trio of outlaws. Garrison is very standoffish with everyone. Several of the Shiloh hands go to town to celebrate the engagement of Sam Marish to Sue Willis, the daughter of neighboring rancher Arthur Willis. A drunk Sam asks Garrison to drink with him but Garrison declines and eventually punches the aggressive Sam. Garrison tries to find a job in Medicine Bow but is rejected due to his personality. However, The Virginian finds him a reliable person and hires him at Shiloh. When Sam Marish is murdered and Willis is shot and robbed, Garrison is thought by the community to be guilty based on his actions and the fact he was at Willis' home alone delivering a bill of sale to Willis from Grainger. The local newspaper reporter Laura doesn't help when she writes a column all but declaring Garrison guilty to the dismay of The Virginian. However, The Virginian is not so sure but the ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Gomer Pyle: USMC

Gomer Pyle: USMC


Gomer Pyle: USMC

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

After being bawled out by Sgt Carter for not working hard enough Gomer decides not accept his pay for that week which causes all sorts of troubles for Sgt Carter.

Genre: Comedy, War,
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HD Gomer Pyle: USMC

Gomer Pyle: USMC


Gomer Pyle: USMC

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

After being bawled out by Sgt Carter for not working hard enough Gomer decides not accept his pay for that week which causes all sorts of troubles for Sgt Carter.

Genre: Comedy, War,
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HD Gomer Pyle: USMC

Gomer Pyle: USMC


Gomer Pyle: USMC

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

After being bawled out by Sgt Carter for not working hard enough Gomer decides not accept his pay for that week which causes all sorts of troubles for Sgt Carter.

Genre: Comedy, War,
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HD The Dukes of Hazzard

The Dukes of Hazzard


The Dukes of Hazzard

IMDb: 8.2
50 min

Boss' honest twin brother, Abraham Lincoln Hogg, comes to Hazzard after their great aunt passes away. In her will, the Hogg brothers are entitled to a piece of land, but if one is dead, the other brother gets full ownership - which works out to Boss' favor, since he had Abraham declared legally dead years ago. The Dukes help Abraham rectify the matter so he can claim his rightful share of the land. Written by Brian Rathjen

Genre: Action, Comedy,
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HD The Dukes of Hazzard

The Dukes of Hazzard


The Dukes of Hazzard

IMDb: 8.2
50 min

Boss' honest twin brother, Abraham Lincoln Hogg, comes to Hazzard after their great aunt passes away. In her will, the Hogg brothers are entitled to a piece of land, but if one is dead, the other brother gets full ownership - which works out to Boss' favor, since he had Abraham declared legally dead years ago. The Dukes help Abraham rectify the matter so he can claim his rightful share of the land. Written by Brian Rathjen

Genre: Action, Comedy,
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HD The Dukes of Hazzard

The Dukes of Hazzard


The Dukes of Hazzard

IMDb: 8.2
50 min

Boss' honest twin brother, Abraham Lincoln Hogg, comes to Hazzard after their great aunt passes away. In her will, the Hogg brothers are entitled to a piece of land, but if one is dead, the other brother gets full ownership - which works out to Boss' favor, since he had Abraham declared legally dead years ago. The Dukes help Abraham rectify the matter so he can claim his rightful share of the land. Written by Brian Rathjen

Genre: Action, Comedy,
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HD Gunsmoke




IMDb: 7.7
30 min

A saloon girl shoots a man who came to her room, claiming he attacked her, but as the dead man was to testify against a man from the woman's past, Matt is suspicious.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Gunsmoke




IMDb: 7.7
30 min

A saloon girl shoots a man who came to her room, claiming he attacked her, but as the dead man was to testify against a man from the woman's past, Matt is suspicious.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Gunsmoke




IMDb: 7.7
30 min

A saloon girl shoots a man who came to her room, claiming he attacked her, but as the dead man was to testify against a man from the woman's past, Matt is suspicious.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Gunsmoke




IMDb: 7.2
30 min

An ex-Confederate waits to settle the score with the Union man whose unit cost him a loved one and property in the late war.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Gunsmoke




IMDb: 7.2
30 min

An ex-Confederate waits to settle the score with the Union man whose unit cost him a loved one and property in the late war.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Gunsmoke




IMDb: 7.2
30 min

An ex-Confederate waits to settle the score with the Union man whose unit cost him a loved one and property in the late war.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Lucy Show

The Lucy Show


The Lucy Show

IMDb: 6.8
30 min

Mr. Mooney runs into Lucy and Mary Jane at the racetrack. He asks them to hold onto his tickets while he chats with a friend. In a photo finish, the wrong horse is reported as the winner, leading Lucy to tear up Mooney's tickets. To pay Mooney his winnings, Lucy again becomes stuntman Iron Man Carmichael to drum up some cash. Written by Steven.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Lucy Show

The Lucy Show


The Lucy Show

IMDb: 6.8
30 min

Mr. Mooney runs into Lucy and Mary Jane at the racetrack. He asks them to hold onto his tickets while he chats with a friend. In a photo finish, the wrong horse is reported as the winner, leading Lucy to tear up Mooney's tickets. To pay Mooney his winnings, Lucy again becomes stuntman Iron Man Carmichael to drum up some cash. Written by Steven.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Lucy Show

The Lucy Show


The Lucy Show

IMDb: 6.8
30 min

Mr. Mooney runs into Lucy and Mary Jane at the racetrack. He asks them to hold onto his tickets while he chats with a friend. In a photo finish, the wrong horse is reported as the winner, leading Lucy to tear up Mooney's tickets. To pay Mooney his winnings, Lucy again becomes stuntman Iron Man Carmichael to drum up some cash. Written by Steven.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD I Love Lucy

I Love Lucy


I Love Lucy

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

Ricky can't remember the date of their anniversary. He calls Western Union at 3am, sending a wire to the head of the license bureau in Greenwich, CT for the date.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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