A Horrible Mind

A Horrible Mind

Lieutenant Horatio Caine examines academically acclaimed Cultural Anthropology professor Adam Metzger whose corps is found wearing only shorts, hanged from a tree in KKK-lynching style with cult elements, such as a possible canine sacrifice. Wounds indicate some five hours of torture with thirteen different weapons. Weapons found in the professor's house were used to torture the dog to death. He was hated by parents and colleagues but loved by his thirteen students because of his controversial course on hatred, violence and pain, which included such guest speakers as a KKK leader and Columbian prison torturer Bardosa, whose machete-arm wound disabled him to commit a hanging. The blood found near the corps is Ned Sante's, a student who tells he was stripped by the other twelve as part of his involuntary mock lynching. Metzger also had an affair with student Ginny Taylor and left shredded notes. Meanwhile Eric Delko and Dr. Alexx Woods examine a decomposed corps in a car trunk fished ... Written by KGF Vissers



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HD Golden Parachute

Golden Parachute


Golden Parachute - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Insurance agent Scott Eric Sommer's private plane crashes in the Everglades after his pilot was shot. Only Sommer himself is found alive. His accountant seems to have struggled and jumped out. The firm was under SEC investigation.

Country: USA
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HD Losing Face

Losing Face


Losing Face - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Succesfull Colombian importer Aurelio Moreno is found by his wife Julisa Moreno with a 'necklace bomb' and a notice pinned on his chest. The bomb squad enters, and loses Al Humphreys, Lieutenant Horatio Caine's friend and former trainer, when it explodes. Autopsy shows Aurelio was under chloroform before his neck-lacing. The team not only investigates the ingenious bomb, with a photocell designed to trigger it when the bomb squad man follows standard disarming procedure, but also the paper- the water mark proves it was imported by Moreno, and used for similar crimes in Bogota, where the bigamist, who is also under smuggle investigation, had a second wife Lauriana, who is currently in Miami and has incriminating chemical traces on her hands, but those can also come from make-up. Then a second bomb is found, different but they manage to disarm it; Horatio spots the boy Conner watching on his bike with a brown paper package and guesses right the kid got that from a stranger who promised ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Wet Foot/Dry Foot

Wet Foot/Dry Foot


Wet Foot/Dry Foot - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

Anglers catch a shark whose belly contains half the corps of a man who was shot. The team works out it was dumped from an abandoned yacht which contains a secret smuggling compartment for cocaine, but probably took aboard the victim and at least one relative, who also left a blood trace, both being Cubans trying to immigrate illegally. Anti-Castrist barrio patriarch Basilio helps Horatio's team work out the details. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Just One Kiss

Just One Kiss


Just One Kiss - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.2
43 min

A beach jogger found the torture-marked corps of Guatemalan barman Estevan Ordonez with burns and a fatal champagne bottle cut. Near him was left to drown badly injured and raped sex-mate Jane Renshaw (24, Iowa), who has short-term amnesia and assumes the other victim to be her lover, accountant Paul Varnette, a college friend of Tyler Hamilton, cousin of wealthy political dynast Drake Hamilton, who combines a friendly front with top-lawyer and forensic sabotage tricks when Horatio's team concentrates on what happened around the latest Hamilton party. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Ashes to Ashes

Ashes to Ashes


Ashes to Ashes - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.1
43 min

Father Carlos is found dead in church, shot twice by hunting rifle, amidst signs of worldly living, even condoms, indicating he was with a teenager, and footprints from a skater. Eric Delko feels stuck with another case Horatio investigates, a pregnant woman whose car burned to cinders because of the expensive cognac aboard, possibly a murder staged as an accident or suicide to cover up mother and child's identity; an identifiable diamond leads to her lover Jeffrey Douglas, without hard proof. Lip - and shoe prints make altar-boy Cameron Medina the prime suspect for the priest murder; he lied about not going there and has access to guns, but also an alibi for the time of the murder; Cameron's dad Emilio left home after a domestic row and is also found, beaten to death... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Broken



Broken - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.3
43 min

A mother loses sight of her daughter Ruthie for a few seconds only later to find that her little girl is now dead at the hand of a pedophile. As the investigation continues, the detectives realize that they are dealing with a serial pedophile. Written by Ploy P.

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HD Breathless



Breathless - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

A man struggles on board a yacht and literally falls dead. On land, a male lap dancer is found dead after a night of partying.

Country: USA
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HD Slaughterhouse



Slaughterhouse - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Blood-covered toddler Erin Caplin's wandering is backtracked to the extremely untidy parental home. Nether neglecting ma nor her three siblings survived the buckshot, not even athletic teenager Luke, who cared for the other kids more then the parents, only pa Jason Caplin pulls trough after surgery. The mess and autopsy confirm unhealthy neglect. The team soon suspects a domestic drama. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Kill Zone

Kill Zone


Kill Zone - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.4
42 min

A broker, a janitor and a secretary are expertly shot on a Miami shopping street, a fourth person in a passing-by buss with untraceable plastic-coated bullets. They aren't relevantly linked, but the team works out the sniper's position and from particles there correctly constructs his USMC-champion-MO and secret 'target-range', which ultimately yields a chilling 'motive'. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD A Horrible Mind

A Horrible Mind


A Horrible Mind - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.1
60 min

Lieutenant Horatio Caine examines academically acclaimed Cultural Anthropology professor Adam Metzger whose corps is found wearing only shorts, hanged from a tree in KKK-lynching style with cult elements, such as a possible canine sacrifice. Wounds indicate some five hours of torture with thirteen different weapons. Weapons found in the professor's house were used to torture the dog to death. He was hated by parents and colleagues but loved by his thirteen students because of his controversial course on hatred, violence and pain, which included such guest speakers as a KKK leader and Columbian prison torturer Bardosa, whose machete-arm wound disabled him to commit a hanging. The blood found near the corps is Ned Sante's, a student who tells he was stripped by the other twelve as part of his involuntary mock lynching. Metzger also had an affair with student Ginny Taylor and left shredded notes. Meanwhile Eric Delko and Dr. Alexx Woods examine a decomposed corps in a car trunk fished ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Camp Fear

Camp Fear


Camp Fear - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

Eric and Tim work out that Willie Stango, who seems to have combusted spontaneously and drunk masses of milk, made enemies by selling diluted high octane fuel to jet-ski racers and how that ultimately killed him. Horatio's kinky forensics trace silver spoon Dara Winters's swamp-dumped, leech-drained corps to a boot camp for trouble kids, where nobody even admits knowing her, yet comes up with several surprising suspects and motives. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Entrance Wound

Entrance Wound


Entrance Wound - EPS 12

IMDb: 6.9
43 min

Colleagues making love during lunch find a naked female prostitute's corpse under the hotel room bed. Room and body were washed with cardamom-scented soap. A fingerprint points to known criminal Cole Judson, but Horatio finds it was fabricated by the real killer, using an epoxy-negative and oil, and searches who could have framed Cole and why she was killed. German tourist Werner Roebling's wife Greta Roebling claims he chased the carjacker of their rental on foot -suspiciously senseless- and got shot a bit further on the street. A video seems to confirm this, but Eric Delko digs deeper. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Bunk



Bunk - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

Horatio mobilizes top-priority after an explosive drug-lab releases killer fumes in one of the houses rented from Dr. James Welmont's dermatologists' consortium. The 'cook' messed up designing a new, hence technically under Florida law legal designer drug. The case also rekindles the tragic death of Horatio's cop brother. Eric investigates the murder of popular rest home-octogenarian Betty Rosen, whose skull was smashed. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Forced Entry

Forced Entry


Forced Entry - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

Cooky-vending kids found the blood trace to Thomas Carpenter's corps, bound face-down in his robe on the bed with head - and rectal wounds, but the luxury house and all objects -too valuable for a thief to leave- belonged to other men; he suffocated gagged. Restoring an erased tattoo points to recently released thief Danny Blue, who identifies Tommy, a multiple thief and rapist on record, and admits having visited him, a parole violation, but days before the murder... Benito Ramon is found dead with Michelle Carter in his crematorium, among stolen golden teeth, and there are other corpses in the oven. A VIP-token in a corps's hand leads to the exclusive night club Canvas, ran by two Puertoricans with a silent partner... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Dead Woman Walking

Dead Woman Walking


Dead Woman Walking - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Junkie and small thief Carl Aspen's corps is found on the street, beside a syringe but not killed by an OD. During the autopsy, Horatio has to strike the alarm on account of an extremely fast-spreading hand-wound which he realizes must stem from nuclear radiation. Luckily even Delko, who spend most time exposed while examining the cash loot, is all right. The unsuspecting robbery victim however is terminally contaminated. It's environmental lawsuits specialist Belle King. Her numerous enemies include George Risher's isotopes firm, but things are more complicated then they seem. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Evidence of Things Unseen

Evidence of Things Unseen


Evidence of Things Unseen - EPS 16

IMDb: 6.8
42 min

Zoo keeper Victor Ratsch is fatally stabbed with a top-quality knife in a peepshow booth in Rick Breck's tacky club. While CSI still investigates his murder, new one are committed on the stripper, her fiancé and some of his dodgy contacts, including Victor's Russian cousin and colleague Victor Ratsch. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Simple Man

Simple Man


Simple Man - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.2
43 min

At the start of the trial of Lorenzo Escalante, husband of city councilor Mercedes, for the murder of their equally Cuban housemaid Carmen Abregon, Horatio delays testifying while the hastily summoned team urgently examines a new corps. It's Bonita Cruz, another Latina maid, recruited and shot in almost exactly the same way, only while Lorenzo was in police custody. It looks like a copy cat or an actual serial killer, but neither theory works out, while the trail leads to the Escalante's devoted attorney and friend, Carl Galaz. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Dispo Day

Dispo Day


Dispo Day - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

A drugs transport to incineration is attacked by a well-armed gang, but a woman shouting for help for her baby rather distracts Horatio and Speed, whose gun is jammed, but a bullet-proof vest saves his life. Only SWAT sergeant Hollis is killed, but as ballistics later establishes from a distant spot. Horatio finds the woman isn't the baby's mother, she was hired by a drugs gang. CSI is suspected of tipping them off, especially after Calleigh tests positive for cocaine, but Horatio traces that to a nearby spot suitable for the sniper. The fiends even left one of their own, badly wounded Lester Cassidy, behind to die in Paul Tomassi's workshop after consulting suspended MD Guillermo Santoyo. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Double Cap

Double Cap


Double Cap - EPS 19

IMDb: 6.8
60 min

Gloria Tynan was shot with a home-made silencer while sunbathing by a luxury hotel pool. The gun was used in a Philadelphia bank robbery. The team soon eliminates hotel staff as suspects, then realizes Gloria was an alias, part of an elaborate witness protection program. Horatio refuses to let the FBI take over and finds relevant links between the Philly cast, partially now in Mimia, and several recent crimes. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Grave Young Men

Grave Young Men


Grave Young Men - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Ex-con Pete Wilton begs Horatio to use the skill that got him arrested to find his missing son Jeff. The knave is found to be a habitual marijuana user and fired over 200 bullets on the yard tree with mates Nick Gordon and Jared Hatch, calling themselves 4.20 boys. Pete forfeits his parole to cover for Jeff, but Horatio and Delko soon discover sinister indications in the boys' lockers, which turn out sadly prophetic, yet prevent an ultimate tragedy. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spring Break

Spring Break


Spring Break - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

It's Spring break, and South Beach swarms with students looking for fun without minding the rules much. After a wild pool party, two students waking up totally drunk find a girl's corpse with a broken neck: Tiffany Heitzenrader (19, fake ID Rachel Moon), who was raped posthumously; her friend Carson Mackie, CEO of a sex video production firm with a rape record, is the obvious suspect but confesses only to the necrophilia. Trey Hanson (19, registered drug user) is found in swim-shorts on the bottom of a hotel pool, not drowned but covered in bruises from bad beatings, most from previous dates, the last may have predated and caused his fatal aneurysm; three mates say his THC level resulted from a dare who could inhale longest, then they dove from the roof with him during the party. Next Amy Gorman escapes an attempted rape; she has bite marks which may be identifiable, and there may well be an accidental private video recording as it happened on the beach where a memory-stick is found, ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Tinder Box

Tinder Box


Tinder Box - EPS 22

IMDb: 7.2
43 min

While Delko and Speed visit dodgy Quentin Haid's nightclub, DJ Scorpius's pyrotechnics start a raging fire which burns it down in no time, with many casualties. Eric's new girlfriend Connie Wilkes dies from inhaled heat, later the missing barman is found under rubble, but fatally killed with a broken bottle. Haid actually used most waitresses as call-girls and lies about his earnings. Haig ordered bouncer Danny Maxwell to keep the exits locked, but passed fire marshal Ronnie Jameson's routine safety muster. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Freaks and Tweaks

Freaks and Tweaks


Freaks and Tweaks - EPS 23

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

The body of a drug addict is found in a barn. Horatio, Eric, and Tim investigate the scene and nearly died when the place explodes. The case becomes personal to Horatio when one of the suspects claim to know Raymond Caine, his brother. Calleigh is working with Det. John Hagen on the case of a man shot dead to the heart in his car. The man turns out to be Alex's friend. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
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HD Body Count

Body Count


Body Count - EPS 24

IMDb: 7.5
54 min

Three prisoners break out of prison. One of them is a child molester, previously caught by the CSI team, who is looking for his new victim as the detectives race against time to stop him. Another is out to get revenge against the people who got him convicted, one of whom is detective Calleigh Duquesne. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
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