Season 14

Season 15

Season 16

Season 17

Season 18

The Doctor's Daughter

The Doctor's Daughter

The TARDIS as seen before seems to display a mind of Its own and whisks the Doctor, Donna and the Time Lords former companion Martha Jones to the planet Messaline, a world where a savage war is being fought between humans and a race of fish like creatures called the Hath. In the ensuring confusion of their arrival, Martha is abducted by the Hath. Rescuing Martha becomes the Doctor and Donna's main priority as well as attempting to put a stop to the ugly war that has consumed the planet. But that would have been complicated enough had it not been for the fact that the Doctor had suddenly been made a father again. Written by Robert McElwaine

  • Duration: 45 min (50 episodes)
  • IMDb: 7.8



All Episodes - S04

Parent Show

HD Voyage of the Damned

Voyage of the Damned


Voyage of the Damned - EPS 00

IMDb: 7.7
71 min | 70 min (1 Episode)

The Doctor finds his TARDIS colliding with a spaceship based on the RMS Titanic during a Christmas party. With the help of a waitress named Astrid, the Doctor must take on the race called the Hosts as the lives of the Titanic crew and those on Earth are in danger. Written by Anonymous

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD Partners in Crime

Partners in Crime


Partners in Crime - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.8
48 min

Independently of one another, the Doctor and Donna Noble are investigating Adipose Industries who claim to have created a revolutionary diet pill. The head of Adipose, Miss Foster, runs a pretty tight ship and they have been quite successful. Donna visits several people who have taken the pills and as advertised, the pills seem to be working. Except of course for the person that virtually vanishes, excerpt for a strange little creature in the bathroom sink. The Doctor and Donna join up eventually and come to the realization that there is definitely something alien behind what is going on. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD The Fires of Pompeii

The Fires of Pompeii


The Fires of Pompeii - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.1
45 min (50 episodes)

The Doctor and Donna land in the marketplace in Pompeii in 79 A.D., the day before the big eruption and the destruction of the city. The Doctor's destination was actually Rome but he soon realizes his mistake...but not before a market vendor sells the TARDIS to a local businessman, a seller of marble whose daughter may be able to predict the future. Donna sees an opportunity to warn everyone and evacuate the city but the Doctor flatly refuses. When the Doctor learns that those with the ability to see future are slowly turning to stone, he quickly comes to the conclusion that alien beings are operating inside the volcano - and that he has a far greater decision to make than that put to him by Donna. Written by garykmcd

Watch Episode
HD Planet of the Ood

Planet of the Ood


Planet of the Ood - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.1
48 min | 45 min (50 episodes)

Donna is terrified at her first off-world trip where she and the Doctor encounter the Ood. It's the year 4126 and they seem to have arrived at factory where the Ood are prepared for sale to anyone willing to pay the price. The Ood from all appearances are a subservient race and are fitted with a communications device. Some of them however seem to be going rabid with their eyes turning a bright red. The company has been selling the Ood for some 200 years now and while it all seems benign on the surface, there is something far more sinister at work here. Written by garykmcd

Watch Episode
HD The Sontaran Stratagem

The Sontaran Stratagem


The Sontaran Stratagem - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.6
45 min | 45 min (50 episodes)

The Doctor gets a call from onetime traveling companion Martha Jones with a request that he return to Earth immediately. She and the military have taken over the ATMOS plant and she needs his help after 52 people around the world all died simultaneously. All had the ATMOS anti-pollution device fitted on their cars so the military has raided the factory believing it to be controlled by aliens. The Doctor learns that the Sontarans are planning to take over the Earth. They take Martha prisoner and she is cloned. Donna meanwhile misses her family and decides to pay them a visit. Written by garykmcd

Watch Episode
HD The Poison Sky

The Poison Sky


The Poison Sky - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.7
45 min (50 episodes)

The Sontarans launch the attack with their poison gas slowly encircling the Earth. They've also taken the TARDIS to its headquarters but don't realize that Donna is inside. The Doctor realizes that the Sontarans have cloned Martha. He knows that fighting the Sontarans is of little use as they never surrender and are prepared to fight until they win. He decides to try and burn the poison gas that now encircles the Earth and with the help of the Sontarans teleportation system, send them a little surprise as well. At the end of it all, both Martha and Donna have to decide if they want to stay with the Doctor. Written by garykmcd

Watch Episode
HD The Doctor's Daughter

The Doctor's Daughter


The Doctor's Daughter - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.8
45 min (50 episodes)

The TARDIS as seen before seems to display a mind of Its own and whisks the Doctor, Donna and the Time Lords former companion Martha Jones to the planet Messaline, a world where a savage war is being fought between humans and a race of fish like creatures called the Hath. In the ensuring confusion of their arrival, Martha is abducted by the Hath. Rescuing Martha becomes the Doctor and Donna's main priority as well as attempting to put a stop to the ugly war that has consumed the planet. But that would have been complicated enough had it not been for the fact that the Doctor had suddenly been made a father again. Written by Robert McElwaine

Watch Episode
HD The Unicorn and the Wasp

The Unicorn and the Wasp


The Unicorn and the Wasp - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.8
45 min | 45 min (50 episodes)

The Doctor and Donna arrive at an English country estate in the 1920s and meet none other than the renowned murder mystery writer Agatha Christie. The Doctor also realizes the importance of the date - it's the day when Christie famously disappeared for 10 days creating headlines across the country and around the world. History records that she reappeared 10 days later claiming to have no memory of where she has been or what she has done. They no sooner arrive than there is a murder, which Donna can't help but find it amusing since the victim is Professor Peach who was killed in the library with a lead pipe. In true Agatha Christie's fashion, the solution to the murder and Agatha's disappearance is found in a false identity and events that occurred long ago. Written by garykmcd

Watch Episode
HD Silence in the Library

Silence in the Library


Silence in the Library - EPS 08

IMDb: 9.3
43 min | 45 min (50 episodes)

The Doctor and Donna join a group of archaeologists at a 51st century library. What caused the library to become abandoned? What are the Nodes? And what links the library to one little girl? All they have is one warning - count the shadows. Written by Anonymous

Watch Episode
HD Forest of the Dead

Forest of the Dead


Forest of the Dead - EPS 09

IMDb: 9.5
45 min (50 episodes)

Donna finds herself in a world where she is happily married and has two children. She has virtually no memory of what may have happened to her in the Library or anything prior to that in the real world. When she does get a glimpse in her mind of her past life, it is quickly shut down. In the Library itself, the Doctor and Professor River Song try to find out what happened not only to Donna but to the over 4000 people the computer says were saved when the library was shut down 100 years ago. The solution to it all lies in understanding what the computer has been telling them all along. Written by garykmcd

Watch Episode
HD Midnight



Midnight - EPS 10

IMDb: 9.0
45 min (50 episodes)

The Doctor and Donna are taking a bit of a break from their adventures and spending a bit of time on the planet Midnight. While Donna opts to spend a bit of time in the spa, the Doctor goes off on an all-day bus tour to the Sapphire Waterfall. Part way through the four hour journey to get there, the vehicle stops for no apparent reason. When they hear noise coming from outside the vehicle, panic begins to set in. When one of the passengers is taken over by the being, the passengers paranoia and fear know no bounds and the focus of their solution is to eliminate the Doctor. Written by garykmcd

Watch Episode
HD Turn Left

Turn Left


Turn Left - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.9
49 min | 45 min (50 episodes)

Donna and the Doctor are having fun at a carnival on a distant planet when she is lured to a tent with the promise of having her fortune told. She inexplicably finds herself in an alternate time line, one where she's never met the Doctor and joined him on their many adventures. In fact, the Doctor has died in the Thames flooding as he was unable to regenerate himself. As a result, all of the events on Earth that they experienced together and the threats they averted now come to pass including the death of several well known people who were connected to the Doctor in one way or another. Rose, who has managed to travel from her parallel universe but doesn't reveal her true identity, assists Donna in setting everything right. Written by garykmcd

Watch Episode
HD The Stolen Earth

The Stolen Earth


The Stolen Earth - EPS 12

IMDb: 9.1
45 min | 45 min (50 episodes)

The universe is beginning to crumble, and the Earth is pulled out of its orbit around the Sun and finds itself grouped with 26 other planets in a far off location. What is to be called the Doctor's private army - Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Captain Jack Harkness along with Ianto Jones and Gwen Cooper, Sarah Jane Smith and former Prime Minister Harriet Jones - band together to fight their unknown enemy. When the enemy is revealed to be the Daleks, everyone expects the worst, particularly when their leader is revealed to be someone from the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith's distant past. A wounded Doctor may be forced to regenerate. Written by garykmcd

Watch Episode
HD Journey's End

Journey's End


Journey's End - EPS 13

IMDb: 9.2
63 min

The Doctor and his companions prepare to do battle with Davros and the Daleks who are out to destroy everything and everyone in the universe other than themselves. All seems lost when the Daleks apparently destroy the TARDIS but it's not that simple as an empowered Donna - and a new version of the Doctor - take control and face the Dalek menace head on. For one of the Doctor's companions however, there will be a heavy price to pay. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.7
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race called Time Lords whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in his/her ship the TARDIS (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time he/she regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of William Hartnell in 1966).

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.7
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race called Time Lords whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in his/her ship the TARDIS (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time he/she regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of William Hartnell in 1966).

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.7
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race called Time Lords whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in his/her ship the TARDIS (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time he/she regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of William Hartnell in 1966).

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.7
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race called Time Lords whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in his/her ship the TARDIS (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time he/she regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of William Hartnell in 1966).

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.7
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race called Time Lords whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in his/her ship the TARDIS (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time he/she regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of William Hartnell in 1966).

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 25

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 26

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 27

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 28

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 29

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 30

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 31

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 32

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 33

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 34

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 35

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 36

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 37

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 38

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 39

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 40

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 41

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 42

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 43

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 44

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 45

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 46

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 47

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 48

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 49

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 50

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 51

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 52

IMDb: 8.4
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 53

IMDb: 8.7
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in his/her ship the TARDIS (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time he/she regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966).

Country: UK , Canada
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