Season 14

Season 15

Season 16

Season 17

Season 18

Flesh and Stone

Flesh and Stone

The Doctor, Amy, Dr. Song and the remaining soldiers manage to escape from the crashed ship and into the forest. The Angels attempt to create a rift in time and space much as the Doctor had found in Amy's room when they first met. Amy meanwhile is counting down from 10 minutes and the Doctor has determined that an Angel has taken over her mind. Written by garykmcd

  • Duration: 43 min
  • IMDb: 8.6



All Episodes - S05

Parent Show

HD The Eleventh Hour

The Eleventh Hour


The Eleventh Hour - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.8
65 min

Having Just regenerated the Doctor arrives in a small English village where he meets a seven year old Scottish girl called Amelia Pond. Fascinated and puzzled by the mysterious and bizarre stranger who claims to be a time traveler. Amelia finds her self caught up in a adventure involving an escaped alien convict and the Atraxi who are in pursuit of it. And if the Doctor doesn't act soon the world will end in twenty minutes...but that won't happen for another twelves years! Written by Robert McElwaine

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD The Beast Below

The Beast Below


The Beast Below - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

The Doctor and Amy travel to a future time where all of the residents actually live in a orbiting spacecraft, Starship UK. The Doctor soon realizes that while the spaceship is moving through space, it isn't powered in the conventional sense. Amy meanwhile is given the opportunity to learn the truth but chooses to have her memory erased. The Doctor is faced with unacceptable options and it's Amy who makes the final decision on what to do. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD Victory of the Daleks

Victory of the Daleks


Victory of the Daleks - EPS 03

IMDb: 6.9
42 min

The Doctor and Amy travel back in time at the request of Prime Minister Winston Churchill who needs the doctor's help. It's the early years of World War II and London is under constant aerial attack from Nazi Germany. Churchill is proud of his new weapon and wants to show it off but the Doctor is shocked when he realizes that it's actually a Dalek. There are three of them and Dr. Bracewell claims to be the sole inventor. It's not all that simple however and the Doctor uncovers a plot to re-create the Dalek race. He races to stop them before they can escape and once again become the scourge of the universe. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD The Time of Angels

The Time of Angels


The Time of Angels - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

The Doctor once again comes across River Song who is on a mysterious mission to locate the last of the Weeping Angels. The Angels have a unique way of hiding - they appear to be solid and immovable when anyone is looking at them. Only when they are alone are they able to move or attack. Amy finds the relationship between the Doctor and River to be quite interesting, particularly when she learns that at some point in the distant future, they are to be married! The Doctor thinks dealing with the last of the Angels should be a relatively easy task but realizes they are in trouble when they find they are replicating and that there is now an army of them. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD Flesh and Stone

Flesh and Stone


Flesh and Stone - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

The Doctor, Amy, Dr. Song and the remaining soldiers manage to escape from the crashed ship and into the forest. The Angels attempt to create a rift in time and space much as the Doctor had found in Amy's room when they first met. Amy meanwhile is counting down from 10 minutes and the Doctor has determined that an Angel has taken over her mind. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD The Vampires of Venice

The Vampires of Venice


The Vampires of Venice - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.2
49 min

Amy's fiancé Rory is having his stag night just before their wedding and none other than the Doctor who pops through the cake. He's soon aboard the Tardis where they travel to 16th century Venice where the Doctor is intrigued by Lady Rosanna Calvieri who runs a prestigious school for girls. Guido is Venetian who is now trying to get his daughter Isabella out of there when they all realize the school is a nest of vampires. The Doctor thinks they're made it too easy for them to learn about their vampirism and thinks they are hiding something far more sinister. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD Amy's Choice

Amy's Choice


Amy's Choice - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

It is five years after Amy and Rory have married and reside in the quaint, sleepy little village of Leadworth. Amy is now heavily pregnant with their first child and all seems to be going well for the couple. But the peace is soon shattered as grinding sounds of the TARDIS signal the return of the Doctor who has decided to pay them a visit. But as is always the case, trouble soon follows when the Time Lord makes an appearance. The trio collapse and awaken to find themselves once more within the confines of the TARDIS with the lights out and the system disabled and they are drifting perilously close to a cold star. The plot thickens when a mysterious, mischievous stranger who appoints him self the moniker of the Dream Lord makes his presence known. Have the trio awoken in reality or have they slipped in to a dream like state in Leadworth? Only the Dream Lord knows the truth and he's not giving very little away as that would be all too easy. Written by Robert McElwaine

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD The Hungry Earth

The Hungry Earth


The Hungry Earth - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

The Doctor tries to get everyone to Rio, but nothing quite goes as planned. They arrive in a small Welsh village where the Doctor immediately senses that the ground isn't quite right. There is a drilling rig nearby that has reached a depth of 21 kilometers when odd things begin to happen. A local village man has disappeared and soon after Amy is swallowed into the ground. The Doctor realizes that the drilling has disturbed an ancient reptilian race that has lived deep underground for thousands upon thousands of years and who are determined to protect themselves against the 'apes' who live on the surface. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD Cold Blood

Cold Blood


Cold Blood - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.6
46 min

The Doctor and Nasreen Chaudry go deep underground and find an ancient society that has been disturbed by the drilling. They are gassed and taken prisoner just as Amy manages to free herself. The military commander of the underground reptilians, Restac, is convinced that the apes' - their term for humans - are an invading force. Calmer heads prevail and the Doctor manages to negotiate a truce pending the transfer of prisoners which he, and some of the more pacifist members of the reptilians, hopes will lead to a lasting peace. The only problem is that Alaya, the reptile prisoner has been killed and Restac is ready to go to war. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD Vincent and the Doctor

Vincent and the Doctor


Vincent and the Doctor - EPS 10

IMDb: 9.3
47 min

Visiting a museum, the Doctor and Amy are especially excited with the gallery for Vincent van Gogh. Many of van Gogh pieces are displayed, including The Church at Auvers (1890). However there is something irregular discovered on the painting - a small alien image within a window pane. The Doctor quickly takes Amy back to 1890 where they locate the troubled artist that upsets the locals, cannot pay his bills, and is able to see an invisible monster that no one else is able to see. Written by racliff

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD The Lodger

The Lodger


The Lodger - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

No sooner does the TARDIS land on Earth that it leaves again - but without the Doctor who had just stepped outside. The Doctor soon finds himself at the home of Craig Owens, who has been advertising for a lodger. There's clearly something odd in the house with people being lured to the upstairs room, but never reappearing. The Doctor is having a good time of it and is having a bit of fun; he proves to be a rather good football player. Craig the landlord is very much in love with Sophie but can't quite bring himself to tell her. The Doctor tries to help them out. But then there's always the problem of that upstairs room. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD The Pandorica Opens

The Pandorica Opens


The Pandorica Opens - EPS 12

IMDb: 9.1
49 min

When an unknown Van Gogh painting is found in a house in France in World War II, it's pretty obvious who it's meant for. It's left to Prime Minister Winston Churchill to try and contact the Doctor and does so in a round about way via an imprisoned Dr. River Song. The work is called Pandorica Opens, the Pandorica being a mythical enclosure for the most dangerous thing in the universe. The Doctor soon finds themselves in Roman Britain where at Stonehenge they discover the fabled Pandorica. Rory, who was supposed to have been erased from time and never existed, is now a Roman soldier but Amy doesn't recognize him. River travels to the future in the TARDIS and discovers something important in Amy's room. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD The Big Bang

The Big Bang


The Big Bang - EPS 13

IMDb: 9.2

The Daleks, Cybermen and others have imprisoned in the Pandorica the most dangerous creature in the universe - the Doctor, who they say will in the future destroy the universe. Moving to 1996, a preteen Amy Pond visits a museum with her Aunt and opens the Pandorica, only to find the adult version of herself inside. Traveling back and forth in time, the Doctor tries to make sense of it all and find River Song, who is also missing. He realizes that there is only one explanation for a starless universe. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.7
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race called Time Lords whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in his/her ship the TARDIS (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time he/she regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of William Hartnell in 1966).

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 20

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 25

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 26

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 27

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 28

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 29

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 30

IMDb: 8.7
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in his/her ship the TARDIS (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time he/she regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966).

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 31

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 32

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 33

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 34

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 35

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 36

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 37

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 38

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 39

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 40

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 41

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 42

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 43

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 44

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 45

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 46

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
Watch Episode
HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 47

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 48

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 49

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who - EPS 50

IMDb: 8.6
45 min | 45 min (48 episodes) | 50 min (3 episodes) | 71 min (2 Episodes) | 8,460 min (Entire series)

The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966). Written by Chris Wright

Country: UK , Canada
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