The One with Phoebe's Wedding

The One with Phoebe's Wedding

Monica is driving Phoebe insane as she plans Phoebe's wedding. At the rehearsal dinner, Phoebe gets really upset with Monica and fires her. The next day, Phoebe is going through hell doing Monica's job. Chandler and Ross find out that they are not included in the wedding and when one of Mike's groomsmen can't make it, Mike lets Phoebe decide who should take the role. Phoebe passes the decision to bridesmaid Rachel however Mike makes his dog, Chappy, the missing groomsman. Joey is playing Phoebe's dad during the ceremony, and he takes it too seriously. There is a giant blizzard which threatens the event, but Phoebe and Mike decide to get married still when the blizzard stops. Phoebe gives Monica her job back. Chappy can't walk on the snow, so Ross carries him. The minister can't make it, so Joey volunteers to marry Phoebe and Mike and Chandler then plays Phoebe's father. Written by Anonymous

  • Duration: 22 min | 30 min | 32 min (extended DVD edition)
  • IMDb: 8.9



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HD The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss

The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss


The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.6
22 min | 22 min | 30 min | 30 min (extended DVD edition)

Monica, Chandler and Phoebe find out that they can hear through the walls in their hotel rooms. Monica and Chandler cover the wall where they can hear Joey and Rachel kissing, and Phoebe covers the wall where Charlie and Ross are kissing. Both couples put their relationships on hold while they wait to talk to the other before proceeding. On the plane home, Ross tells Joey about him and Charlie, but Joey doesn't tell Ross about him and Rachel. Monica decides to get rid of her poofy hair by getting corn rows. Back in New York, Ross walks in on Rachel and Joey kissing. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One Where Ross Is Fine

The One Where Ross Is Fine


The One Where Ross Is Fine - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.8
22 min | 30 min | 22 min | 26 min (extended DVD edition)

Ross deals with finding out about Rachel and Joey's relationship almost as well as when he found out about Monica and Chandler. Ross invites Rachel and Joey to a dinner party with him and Charlie. At dinner, Ross gets drunk quickly and embarrasses himself. Rachel and Charlie go home which leaves Joey taking care of Ross. In the morning, Joey and Ross talk and Ross says he will get used to Joey and Rachel. Frank Jr. and his kids come to town and he asks Phoebe to have one of them, but he is not willing to give up any of them. Chandler and Monica visit friends of Phoebe's who adopted a son but Chandler accidentally reveals to their son that he was adopted after which he tells Frank Jr.'s kids that Phoebe gave birth to them which they also did not know. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One with Ross's Tan

The One with Ross's Tan


The One with Ross's Tan - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.8
22 min | 30 min | 26 min (extended DVD edition)

Joey and Rachel consider themselves ready for lovemaking, but their hands strangely refuse to deliver normal service: she keeps slapping him, he is unable to undo her bra, a standard model, which he normally can handle with only one hand. Ross is envious of Monica's tan, so he goes to the studio to get sprayed himself, but messes up the simple instructions so he ends up dark on the front and lily-white on the back. Meanwhile Phoebe and Monica are annoyed by their old friend Amanda Buffamonteezi and her fake British accent, so they decide to ignore her calls, without telling Chandler... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One with the Cake

The One with the Cake


The One with the Cake - EPS 04

IMDb: 8.4
30 min | 22 min | 23 min (extended DVD edition)

On Emma's first birthday, Rachel won't let the party start until Emma gets up. Then the cake ends up looking like part of the male anatomy so Rachel and Ross go to New Jersey to get a new cake. When Ross and Rachel get back, the others are playing with Emma's toys. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits

The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits


The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.3
22 min | 22 min | 30 min | 28 min (extended DVD edition)

Monica and Chandler let Joey write a letter of recommendation for adoption, but they find out that he sent the letter written in crayon. The adoption agency thinks a kid wrote it. Rachel's sister, Amy, visits again, and moves in with Joey and Rachel. Phoebe keeps ruining Mike's chances of proposing. While watching Emma, Amy gets Emma's ears pierced. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One with Ross' Grant

The One with Ross' Grant


The One with Ross' Grant - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.3
30 min | 22 min | 27 min (extended DVD edition)

Monica and Rachel fight over who gets Phoebe's ugly painting. Joey gets mad at Chandler for lying about watching his audition tape. Ross can get a big grant, but Charlie's ex-boyfriend is in charge of it. He bribes Ross for the grant if he gets Charlie back. Charlie breaks up with Ross to get back together with her ex-boyfriend. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One with the Home Study

The One with the Home Study


The One with the Home Study - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.4
30 min | 22 min | 25 min (extended DVD edition)

Ross refuses to allow Rachel to pass on her irrational fear of playground swings to their daughter since her hair got caught in one and, 'far worse,' had to be cut off unevenly. He takes them both to the park where he has to face his fear of spiders in exchange for getting get Rachel to try a swing it after seeing Emma enjoy it. Monica thoroughly clears away everything that might scare off Laura, the social worker from the adoption agency, but Joey, who promised to turn up in case she's impressed by a TV 'celebrity', once dated Laura and never called back as he always falsely promises... Meanwhile After trying on Monica's veil, Phoebe changes her mind about having donating her wedding day budget to the New York Children's Fundand so drags groom Mike along to seduce the foundation's clerk she supposes is gay to convince him into refunding, then feels guilty again... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One with the Late Thanksgiving

The One with the Late Thanksgiving


The One with the Late Thanksgiving - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.9
22 min | 30 min | 23 min (extended DVD edition)

Monica wasn't even volunteering to cook her annual Thankgiving feast this year, but accepted to please Phoebe, helped only by Chandler, whose culinary talent doesn't reach further then washing cranberries; they have a fit when everybody is nearly an hour late. Phoebe entered Emma for a Tristate baby beauty contest; Rachel was dead against in principle, but changed her mind as radically when hearing first prize is $1,000, and when dad Ross finds out that's not different. Ross got three prime tickets for the New York Rangers, and promised Chandler not to go as they would be late for Monica's dinner, but sneaked off with Joey anyway. Monica and Chandler are so mad they lock everybody out, just peeking in with the chain bolted, and Joey's head gets stuck. Suddenly an unexpected phone-call changes Monica's mood completely... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One with the Birth Mother

The One with the Birth Mother


The One with the Birth Mother - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.6
22 min | 22 min | 30 min | 26 min (extended DVD edition)

After Rachel confirms Joey is more mature in relationships, Phoebe presents him to another friend as date, Sarah, who fails alas to respect his primordial rule by touching food in his plate. Ross wants fashion advice for his date, so Rachel and Phoebe take him shopping, but after he left the choosing to professional buyer Rachel he accidentally ends up wearing her stuff, despite Joey's 'jealous' warning. Monica let the gang get her hopes up when Chandler and she fly to on adoption agency in Ohio. The pregnant mother, Erica, likes them- but only because their files got mixed up with a doctor and a female minister; Monica throws everything at playing the reverend part, but Chandler tells the truth, so Erica calls it off; Monica's pressing on only makes it worse, but Chandler explains privately... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One Where Chandler Gets Caught

The One Where Chandler Gets Caught


The One Where Chandler Gets Caught - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.1
22 min | 22 min | 30 min

Chandler and Monica have decided they want to raise their offspring in a suburb house, and even find a perfect one in Westchester. Rachel and Phoebe see Chandler enter the house with his realtor Nancy, and think he's cheating with her on Monica. After that misunderstanding is cleared, the other Friends are shocked the couple wants to leave Manhattan, and everybody starts reminiscing about living in New York as a gang, till Nancy calls about their bid on the house... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One Where the Stripper Cries

The One Where the Stripper Cries


The One Where the Stripper Cries - EPS 11

IMDb: 9.0
22 min | 30 min | 30 min (extended DVD edition)

Phoebe's bachelorette party has no strippers, and Phoebe wanted one. So Rachel and Monica find a stripper, but he has to be at least 50 years old. Joey appears on Pyramid. Chandler and Ross go to a college reunion, and they recall what they did in 1987. Chandler tells Ross that he kissed Rachel at a party and Ross gets upset with Chandler because that was the night he kissed Rachel for the first time. It turns out that Ross didn't kiss Rachel that night, that he really kissed Monica. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One with Phoebe's Wedding

The One with Phoebe's Wedding


The One with Phoebe's Wedding - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.9
22 min | 30 min | 32 min (extended DVD edition)

Monica is driving Phoebe insane as she plans Phoebe's wedding. At the rehearsal dinner, Phoebe gets really upset with Monica and fires her. The next day, Phoebe is going through hell doing Monica's job. Chandler and Ross find out that they are not included in the wedding and when one of Mike's groomsmen can't make it, Mike lets Phoebe decide who should take the role. Phoebe passes the decision to bridesmaid Rachel however Mike makes his dog, Chappy, the missing groomsman. Joey is playing Phoebe's dad during the ceremony, and he takes it too seriously. There is a giant blizzard which threatens the event, but Phoebe and Mike decide to get married still when the blizzard stops. Phoebe gives Monica her job back. Chappy can't walk on the snow, so Ross carries him. The minister can't make it, so Joey volunteers to marry Phoebe and Mike and Chandler then plays Phoebe's father. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One Where Joey Speaks French

The One Where Joey Speaks French


The One Where Joey Speaks French - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.6
22 min | 30 min | 22 min | 25 min (extended DVD edition)

Ross accompanies Rachel to Long Island after her father has a heart attack. Rachel wants to have sex with Ross, but he rejects her and they make a promise never to sleep together again. Erica comes to town, and Monica and Chandler find out that the baby's father might be a shovel killer. Phoebe, back from her honeymoon helps Joey prepare for an audition by teaching him how to speak French. Joey does not progress well, even on the first line, and Phoebe says he will never learn French, and runs out on their lessons. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One with Princess Consuela

The One with Princess Consuela


The One with Princess Consuela - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.7
22 min | 30 min | 24 min (extended DVD edition)

When Phoebe goes to get her name changed she realizes she can change it to anything she wants, so she changes it to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock. When Mike suggests he changes his name to Crap Bag, Phoebe gets his point and changes her name to Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan. Chandler finds out that Monica never changed her last name. Monica and Chandler take Joey to their house to convince him it is a good move he tries to find anything wrong with the house so they wouldn't buy it. Rachel goes to a job interview at a restaurant but her current boss is sitting right beyond her. She does not get the new job and loses her job at Ralph Lauren. When cleaning out her office, she bumps into Mark who takes her for dinner to discuss a job offer for her. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One Where Estelle Dies

The One Where Estelle Dies


The One Where Estelle Dies - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.6
22 min | 22 min | 30 min | 24 min (extended DVD edition)

[Continuing from the previous episode...] After getting back from a dinner with Mark, Rachel tells everyone that she got a job offer in Paris. Ross tries to get Ralph Lauren to hire Rachel back, and it works, but she still wants to go to Paris because they boosted her salary. Ross goes back to Ralph Lauren to get Rachel a raise. He succeeds, but she still wants to go to Paris, so Ross tells Ralph Lauren that she does not want to come back to work. Joey, upset that everything is changing, finds out in a weird way that his agent has died. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The One with Rachel's Going Away Party

The One with Rachel's Going Away Party


The One with Rachel's Going Away Party - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.9
22 min | 30 min | 24 min (extended DVD edition)

As Rachel prepares to move to Paris, Monica throws a going-away party for her. Rachel privately talks to everyone during the party except for Ross. Ross gets upset, and tells her that he at least deserves a goodbye because of their history. Rachel goes over his apartment, and tells him the reason she did not say goodbye was because it was too hard. That he was more important to her than the others. Then they share a romantic kiss. Meanwhile, Joey and Chandler are putting packing around their head, and hitting each other. Chandler finds handcuffs in the guest room, and assumes they are Monica's, Phoebe's, or Rachel's. They turn out to be Monica and Ross's grandma's handcuffs. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Last One: Part 1

The Last One: Part 1


The Last One: Part 1 - EPS 17

IMDb: 9.5
22 min | 22 min

Erica has gone into labor three weeks early and Chandler has a hard time getting along with the situation when Monica leaves them alone in the delivery room. Meanwhile, Ross and Rachel sleep together and Ross realizes that he still loves Rachel and wants to be with her. Erica delivers, but there is one big surprise - there are twin babies, one boy and one girl. After Erica delivers the second baby, Monica and Chandler decide to name the girl, Erica, and the boy, Jack. Ross chases Rachel to the airport with the help of Phoebe but they end up going to the wrong airport. Joey buys Monica and Chandler a duck Jr. and chick Jr. as a going away gift. Monica finishes the packing.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Last One: Part 2

The Last One: Part 2


The Last One: Part 2 - EPS 18

IMDb: 9.7
22 min | 22 min

Ross and Phoebe race to the other airport, afraid they are not going to make it in time to catch Rachel. Phoebe calls Rachel, and tells her there is something wrong with the left phalange which creeps out the rest of the passengers so everyone gets off. Ross and Phoebe get to the correct airport but Rachel has just boarded again. Phoebe screams as loud as she can, and Rachel comes back out. Ross tells Rachel he loves her, but she gets on the plane anyway. Meanwhile, Chick Jr and Duck Jr are stuck inside the foosball table, and Monica volunteers to break the table. When Ross gets back to his apartment, he finds a message that Rachel had left him. She says that she is trying to get off the plane. Ross listening to this, does not know that Rachel is standing beyond him and they finally get back together. Monica and Chandler pack the final things in their apartment, and leave their keys, along with the rest of the gang who produce keys. Monica and Chandler, their twins, Joey, Phoebe , ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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